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[OP-F4] Return

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"Cold." was all that was said as a girl stepped onto the snowy grounds that was floor 4's most prominent feature, aside from the many shops that laid residence in the snow-filled winterland, one of those shops being owned by this not really mysterious player. It had been weeks, no, months since she had actually set foot on this floor, the place chock-full of memories for her. Of course, some of the contents of these memories weren't as nice as she would like to have remembered, but there would be no point in dwelling on past events. In fact, she'd much rather wonder about the future that would lay ahead for her. As the female player took to walking slowly throughout the safe zone, every footstep making a small imprint of the frosty ground below before being covered up by the perpetual snow that tormented the region, she began to wonder about lives and well-being of those she knew. Perhaps they are still doing exactly as they were months before or perhaps they took on another job. Maybe even they may have passed from this virtual world and from the real world. No, morbid thoughts wouldn't do her any good. There was the chance they may be on this floor, at this very moment. That could be a certain outcome. This was the mentality she had as she trudge on forward. The thoughts of the brown-haired girl with hazel eyes that glazed over as she became lost in thought.

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Although he found it annoyingly cold, Helios could never stop travelling to the fourth floor. The white scenery was quite incredible, if you asked him. The boy exhaled, watching his breath quickly become visible. "God, it's cold out here." he said before pulling his grey scarf above his mouth. This time, his reason for teleporting to Floor 4 was for a vacation. You'd think he'd want to go to a warm floor, like Floor 2 or something, but for some reason he traveled to the coldest floor unlocked so far. He was ready to take a break from all the grinding that had been done in the past few days. The noirette spent most of his time thinking about the day he would escape from the game and arrive back in the real world. Every once in a while he'd think about shooting one of his friends that he hadn't talked to in a while a message, but he didn't bother. His eyes searched the crowd of players that stood before him, looking for somebody that he might know, but he didn't see anybody. That doesn't mean there isn't someone I know on this floor. he decided, reaching his hands into his pockets and turning in the opposite direction.

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Klick was on the 4th floor because he loved snow. He also has not been up here for a while and was thinking about doing a quest sooner then later. After all that desert traveling though, he had to get use to this extreme weather first and what better way then to have some fun. It was always snowing, and thus it was always fun. Ping flew around attempting to dodge all the snowflakes while Klick found a nice pile of snow to jump into. Then he got a brilliant idea, he was going to build a snow player. He grabbed a ball and then started rolling it. It went from the size of his hand to about 2 feet in height and he was still rolling it. Then he stopped when he noticed a girl walking aimlessly through floor. He knew it could not be good and thus he had to help. He he rolled his snowball and started walking next to her. Ping followed behind eventually landing on his shoulder.

"Hello, can.. help me... please?"

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