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  1. Past hour
  2. PH 3: Revenge of the Swift Swift Action // Main Action // Passives -> +6BH +8HB +1 EN, Vamp D // | CD Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 119/200 | EN 13/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 35 | ACC: 3 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 | BLI 8/-5 (2/2) Jomei | HP: 134/200 | EN: 16/43 | DMG: 10 11 | MIT: 18 0 | ACC: 0 | HLY 4 | PHASE | F-SPIRIT | EVA: 3 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 20 | BLI: 8/-5 | CON (4/5) | Shatter (-20) (3/3) | RAGE 2/-5 (1/3) | COUNTER 25%
  3. Today
  4. Smack Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 127/200 | EN 13/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 35 | ACC:3 4 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 | BLI 8/-5 (1/2) | STUN Jomei | HP: 120/200 | EN: 15/43 | DMG: 10 11 | MIT: 18 0 | ACC: 0 | HLY 4 | PHASE | F-SPIRIT | EVA: 3 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 20 | BLI: 8/-5 | CON (3/5) |Shatter (-20) (2/3) | RAGE 2/-5 (2/3) | COUNTER 25% Recovery. 240860 | CD 2 | +14 (6 + 8) HP. +1 EN. Swift Action: Forgotten King's Authority (-5 EN) Stun cleared. Main Action: Rest +10 EN.
  5. PH 2: Electric Boogaloo Swift Action // Take it Slow | No Swift Action taken Main Action // Passives -> +6BH +8HB +1 EN, Vamp D // 240858 | CD 2 Tech A // 240859 | BD 6 | 8x11=88(-35) = 53 | STUN Applied | -12 EN | - 2 DMG from FL.AURA Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 113/200 | EN 7/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 35 | ACC:3 4 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 | BLI 8/-5 (1/2) | STUN Jomei | HP: 120/200 | EN: 15/43 | DMG: 10 11 | MIT: 18 0 | ACC: 0 | HLY 4 | PHASE | F-SPIRIT | EVA: 3 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 20 | BLI: 8/-5 | C
  6. Smack Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 166/200 | EN 7/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 35 | ACC:3 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 | BLI 8/-5 (1/2) Recovery. 240857 | CD 8 | +24 HP (6 + 8 +10). +2 EN. Upkeep. -8 Blight damage. Swift Action: Healing Crystal (-2 EN) 15% HP (30) recovered. Main Action: Healing Potion (-2 EN) 15% HP (30) recovered.
  7. cardinal's timers ticked down in her head. she walked circles around kiyabu, eyeing him cautiously, keeping an arm's length distance. not once did her gaze leave his figure as he dropped to the ground to pick up his weapon. it wasn't that she had decided to give the man a fighting chance, but she did imply the fight would be clean. it was her fault they started out dirty. night was too familiar with playing underhandedly. the next move she pulled, she figured, might read all the same. just as her opponent's sights began to lift from his scooped dagger, night rushed in with a second s
  8. On his side of the arena, Kiyabu stood with his back straight, his dark, wiry hair catching the faint glow of sunlight as he adjusted his grip on the dagger in his hand. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the expanse of the arena. Mentally cataloging the terrain and his opponent, a figure somewhat more adept at combat than himself. Stood across from him, her greatsword resting casually on her shoulder. Kiyabu’s breath was steady, his heart pounding faintly in his chest as he waited for the signal to begin. He knew the odds were against him. He was out geared, Out Skilled and perhaps even
  9. PH Swift Action // Rage Crystal | +1 Base DMG, -5 MIT Main Action // Passives -> +6BH +8HB +1 EN, +20VAMPD Vamp D // 240854 | CD 12 Tech-C // 240855 | BD 9 | Phase, Holy, Blight Proc. | 8 x 10(+1+1+4) = 128(-18) = 110 | -12 EN | Counter Placed Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 90/200 | EN 9/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 35 | ACC:3 4 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 | BLI 8/-5 (0/2) Jomei | HP: 108/200 | EN: 26/43 | DMG: 10 11 | MIT: 18 0 | ACC: 2 3 | HLY 4 | PHASE | F-SPIRIT | EVA: 3 0 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 20 | BLI: 8/-5
  10. smack Acanthus | Lvl 66 | HP: 200/200 | EN 9/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:40 | ACC:3 4 | AA | EVA: 0 | BRN-IM | FL.AURA: 2 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 10 | REC: 1 | LD:3 Jomei | HP: 74/200 | EN: 37/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:33 | ACC:2 3 | HLY 4 | PHASE | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 0 | BH:6 | HB: 8 | VAMP-D: 20 | BLI: 8/-5 | SHELL (2/3) | PHERO (1/3) | QC (1/3) | Shatter (-20) (1/3) (does it refresh and stack or just add a stack? ngl Shatter makes smooth brain hurt) Recovery. 240852 | CD 7 | +2 EN. Swift Action: Focus (-2 EN) +1 ACC. Main Action: TECH-D -> Jomei (-12 EN) 240853 | BD 5 + 5 | Hit
  11. they shook hands. she gave him a taut smile. as they turned towards their positions, night watched the man carefully from the corner of her eye. she wasn't one for flair or showmanship, noting the appeal to the audience that kiyabu had pulled off. minako's words played in her head, as each step across the stage tugged her towards her starting anchor. that she left the crowd quiet, tense and wanting? it was a state that wouldn't do for the event. night thought hard about her opening move, just as she did her about-turn on the spot, facing her opponent in a neutral stance. "Today's cla
  12. No sooner had Telrenya finished healing than Yue Hua was on her again, her sword at the ready. So that answered part of her question. Telrenya had a second wind. Those healing items came cheap though; would there be a third? Yue Hua was not sure she could still pull through if there was. Her offense grew more aggressive, pressuring her opponent as much as she could for as long as her sword held the light of the weaker single-target art. She internally pulled apart her now-obsolete strategy and built another, and Telrenya's thin blade, racing to block one of Yue Hua's attacks, rattled unde
  13. Their dance continued until her partner found an opening. No, she forced an opening. Air was pushed out of Telrenya's lungs and she stumbled backwards. She looked up. There was no stopping the force shooting after her--all she could do was tense her muscles to brace for the impact. A gasp escaped her. Her entire midsection tingled while the green color steadily drained from her health bar. Telrenya looked down at the bright red band of injury that stretched fully across her waist. Yue Hua may have well sliced her in half just then. Her hand rested over the pixelated wound and her chest he
  14. Oh, she was-- Yue Hua felt some of her embarrassment melt away at Telrenya's smile. Her heart was steady. Her eyes were on her opponent. Calm down. There was, what, one chance left before the effects of her potion faded? And Telrenya hadn't brought out any of her token purchases yet. With the compounded pressure of both, and her earlier mistake, Yue Hua didn't trust herself to rush back in. Instead, she let Telrenya come to her. Their swords clashed; Yue Hua parried with her blade, evaded where her sword hand was not in the position to react, making sure to turn herself around s
  15. "Shit!" the man hissed as Acanthus' blade plunged into his hip. The numbness, in place of searing hot pain, began to set in as sidestepped from his opponent. Teeth bore in a grimace, he would swing wildly at Acanthus in desperate retaliation. The length of his blade passing over her head, barely scathing the top of the shield. Now frustrated at his repeated failure to break Acanthus' defenses, he would reach out with his free hand to grip the side of the woman's shield. Yanking and pushing, he attempted to catch her off guard and pry the barrier out of her hands. Even that proved less than fru
  16. Link to 2/9 appraisals Items Kept: Heavy Coat | Light Armor | 236444d | Antifreeze | Evasion | Recovery A coat made of heavy animal hide. What it lacks in mitigation, it makes up in cold resistance and flexibility. Cedar Pauldrons | Light Armor | 236451d | Life Mending | Mitigation | Recovery Shoulder Guards made from the tall trees of Glyndbourne. It possesses unique healing properties.
  17. Yesterday
  18. The barbarians that spawned in behind Nymoria had the physiques of ogres and unfittingly impressive tattoos. She acted quickly, wisely unleashing a stun on the two and retreating to a safer distance. Morningstar noticed them shortly after the last of his group finished dematerializing. He gave them a wide-eyed acknowledgement and rushed Nymoria's side. "Wow. They grew." Using their immobility to his advantage, Morningstar attacked. He started with the left Spirit Barbarian. He charged up a sword art and briefly stuck his blade into the mob's gut. Then, using the momentum he had built up f
  19. KINDLING | Approved. Total EXP: 44,400 Total SP: 160 Current Level: 33 Paragon Level: 0 Notes: Items pre-date IDs. The follow IDs will be added to these items: Hand of the Mountain | 240837 Mercury's Curiosity | 240838 Upgrading items from T2 -> T4. 4,000 col and 5 materials added to your account as per your journal logs.
  20. Current Level: 33 Current SP: 112 Link to SP Tracking: [link] Item Upgrades:
  21. 20,000 col slid across the table in a small sack. “I'm interested in the weapon. It has a unique design—I'm guessing another player helped create it. Go through your list of appraisers and blacksmiths, ask them what they know. I've interacted with a few of the master blacksmiths, so if they hear me asking about Jomei's weapon right before the match, they might tip him off. And I'll pay more for anything else you come up with, so don't be afraid to investigate anything else. Aliases, titles, quests completed—even his bank account. Anything can be useful.” A few days later, she got her doss
  22. Two down. She signed hastily towards Nemo as the first pair of the snapdragons disappeared beneath her sabre’s strike. She managed, if only barely, to catch one of the others that had evaded her earlier, but as she brought her blade around to connect with the third of the pack, she instead found its claws raking into her side and driving her back and away. ’Careful now! They’re feisty!’ Nemo called out when Nymoria’s eyes happened across him. The man was making sure that she could hear and see his movements, so as to not miss any detail of their conversation – a detailed note that Nymoria
  23. Quick as a flash, Oscar lifted his foot as he weapon arched toward the ground and trapped the blade beneath his boot. He'd struck a nerve - he could tell by how quickly Lessa was gnawing through his health bar. "You know, I've never been more attracted to you than I am right now. You're a fuckin' monster, Lessa." He grinned and twisted his foot as he dragged his leg back. He wrenched the weapon from her grip and hooked his foot under it. Flicking the toe of his boot up, the weapon sailed into Oscar's waiting hand. With an exaggerated motion, he made a big to-do about examining the weapon. Then
  24. The dash into the creatures had been less than successful in Nymoria’s opinion. Her sabre had slashed through the group, cutting a few of them and yet causing no major break in their defences. Nemo had stepped to the side, just within sight of Nymoria, where she would be able to continue communicating with him once she had a lull in the fight. A lull which she was not immediately given. The snapdragons countered her assault almost immediately, and she found herself parrying weak strikes as three of the four closed in on her. It was a single breath before the jaws clamped down that she rea
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