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About Katoka

  • Title
    The Cerulean Storm
  • Birthday 09/15/1989

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Firm Anima

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  1. It had been... far to long. Kat dreaded coming home at times. Anxiety gripped her stomach and twisted it into shapes that were far too complex. She had taken to going on long quests or staying away for as long as possible, only come home when she couldn't find an excuse to be away. She would cry in the shower as quiet as possible, making sure to show as little emotion as she could when they were around one another. It was easier to pretend than it was to confront. It always had been. She remembered doing something similar back in the real world. Putting on a mask and going through the mot
  2. The sound of sizzling flesh began to rise from the horse Katoka rode upon. Hunks of meat began to slide off and drip to the ground as if they were made of candle wax. Wrinkling her nose, Kat looked over at her companions. She felt a sigh of relief escape her as she saw Freyd seemingly returning to normal, though she felt her skin prickle at the sound of his fear. She rarely knew him to be scared whatsoever, and this unsettled her greatly. The samurai realized that she was slowly sinking from her high position. Looking down in a panic she watched as the rest of her mount sank into the grou
  3. "Other than the height and weight differences between the two, and their clothing choices, I don't really have much else on how the looked unfortunately." she shrugged as she stood up. "I guess we're headed to the first floor then." Katoka helped Freyd clean up the tea and tea cups from their talk before the two set out for the teleport gate on the second floor. It would take them a bit to get there, however she was certain they could make the time pass quickly. "What do you think they were up to? Do you think they're trying to kill people on purpose? Or maybe it was just a prank gone wro
  4. Sweat was forming on Katoka's brow. The fight was not particularly strenuous in any way to her, it was Freyd that was causing her to worry. It was not surprising that with their borrowed power they were tearing through the mobs as quickly as they spawned in, but she still felt the hairs on the back her neck stand up each time a new one appeared. Her friend was ruthless, seemingly consumed by the thirst for battle. "We need to end this as soon as possible." she muttered to herself. Her attention was pulled to the final monstrosity. Kat had been waiting for another to appear after Freyd had
  5. "An end to who now?" the samurai arched a brow at the name, wondering where she had heard it before. Her hands felt slightly clammy as Freyd spoke, her anxiety doing its best to grab hold of her and not let go. She wiped her hands on her legs and shook her head, "No, I didn't hear any names used unfortunately, only them arguing in a panic before leaving as quickly as possible." Her eyes drifted to the jar of crystals and rested there for a moment, "Whatever these things are, I really don't like the fact that players are going out of their way to try and hurt people. It's... wrong. Co
  6. A long sigh escaped from Katoka's lips as she sat down opposite of Freyd. She rarely could keep her feelings hidden from him, which was ironic considering he rarely displayed his outwardly. Forcing a grin that didn't reach her eyes she shook her head, "That's a story for another time. For now I feel like this is a more pressing matter." Despite her being a captain for their guild she still saw herself as the Whisper's subordinate. He was much more active than she was and he was several steps ahead of her in strength. Her hand rested reflexively on the hilt of her katana in an attempt to c
  7. The storm that raged around them all had kicked up enough snow that it was difficult to see, thankfully their opponent was large enough that it didn't matter much. Katoka did her best to find her footing on the next attack, though she still managed to slip here and there, as the all too familiar sound of her sword art charging was barely perceivable through the loud wind. She cursed under her breath as she planted her foot and swung her blade, feeling her stance was off as the attack barely managed to connect. "Remind me to not fight this damn monster ever again!" The creaking groan of ic
  8. The urgency of Freyd's invitation to his and Elora's home was something that cause Katoka to think that maybe her trip through the Fire Forest just last week had been something a bit more pressing. While the message he had sent had simply invited her over to talk over tea, deep down she knew that the items she had left with him had spurred a much more visceral reaction than she had thought. The blonde had spent the morning tidying up around her home, mostly busy work to keep her anxiety in check. She kissed Sam goodbye, only exchanging a few words before she finally left. Her relationship
  9. The samurai wished she could it was a pleasure to pick up any goods from her close friend, sadly that would be a lie. Freyd Edges was in desperate need of a makeover, and some tidying, and hell Freyd could probably burn it down and rebuild faster than the time it would take to fix the place up. However there was also something still welcoming about it. Katoka wasn't sure if it was because she was so close to the Whisper, or if she had just gotten used to the "organized chaos" that he referred to, but she still felt a smile touch her face when she managed to find the weapon he had left behind f
  10. Now wrapped in her warm and fuzzy cloak, Katoka let out a content sigh of relief. "You're the best Mina. Someone needs to wife you already." The trek to the frozen monster's lair brought back many memories to the samurai as she walked. She munched on the pastries that Ciela had given them as they trudged through the snow. She recalled the conversations she had with Freyd when they traversed the same path. They had both changed considerably since then, despite the short amount of time that had passed. Upon reaching the designated 'boss' area, Absolute Zero's hulking form was a large a
  11. It was not very often that Katoka slipped into the "shop" that Freyd ran. No matter how many times she saw it she wasn't used to the tents and tables that were cobbled together. Glancing around she didn't notice her friend around and nodded, sure that he was more than likely at home with Elora. "Good." she thought. With a soft sigh she stepped up to a semi empty area and open her inventory, scrolling through and selecting as many items as she could before spawning them all at once with a clang. She promptly summoned a sheet of paper and writing utensil and began to leave a note. "Fre
  12. She didn't remain on the ground long. Katoka knew that if she waited too long there would have been more things that emerged from the darkness. She knew that she wasn't ready to face them on her own just yet. With trembling knees she rose and stumbled her way back to the path she had previously been on. Her eyes were red, puffy and hollow, her nose running and her arm left a trail of blood behind her. She was broken, but she was not dead. Her hand gripped the hilt of her weapon fiercely, her teeth clenched and she shut her eyes tight. A growl rumbled from her own throat not unlick the wol
  13. The wolf wasted no time. It loped forward, its jaws wide and snarling, only to be met with the glowing edge of her blade. The sword connecting with its open mouth once again and coming to a stop. Katoka yelled, her voice loud and filled with hate and pain and fear, her weak left arm struggling to hold the large creature in the air. Sparks flew from the blade and with one final shove the edge cut through the crustal reinforced jaw of the mob and cut clean through once again from head to tail. Kat continued to scream, her frustration having reached its peak long ago. She slashed and cut and
  14. With pixelated blood dripping from her right arm, the samurai stood with her sword in her non-dominant hand, it's tip wavering ever so slightly as she attempted to keep her composure. If it wasn't for her battle healing skill she was certain she would have been in real trouble. Though she did manage to keep a few better quality healing potions on her after her near death experience on the sky docks for floor 26, she wasn't sure if she would have been in the right from of mind to remember to knock them back. The final wolf in front of her began to circle around her cautiously, never taking
  15. A sharp and excruciating pain jolted Kat from her stupor. She cried out and looked around wildly, her mind barely able to process anything that was going on. She had just finished destroying the last wolf's growths and now she was on the ground, her arm inside the jaws of another-- no, the third wolf, the one she had cut from jaw to ass previously. She must have blacked out from the pain, only just now coming to as she was being shaken around like a ragdoll. "Let me go you son of a bitch!" she shouted, her voice shrill and counted in panic. She managed to bawl up her fist and strike it o
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