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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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    Solo Player
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    Cruel Angel

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    Floor Creation Team

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  1. She almost didn't make it, or as other would say.. she was fashionably late. Most of the task force was already here, so she simply walked around, waved at the few that recognized her and move on before any small talk could happened. She would have the notes gathered until now, about the following fight, in front of her in digital format. Her finger would slide to the side, from top to bottom then stopping at the latest party groupings that she'd be updated on. With her other hand she opened another window with her inventory and rummaged though the goodies bag that Zandra gave her at the
  2. Ariel listened intently as Freyd recounted the events of the scouting mission, her silver eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of the stench of death that had filled the chamber. The description of bodies, torn apart and left intact by the system, was unsettling, and her mind wandered back to the floor 25 labyrinth boss, where something similar had occurred. At the mention of Gebrandr, her lips tightened, and a flicker of irritation passed through her usually calm demeanor. She winced slightly, remembering how her advice had been ignored during the situation with the regent. She had wan
  3. Ariel sat by the water, her line cast, but her attention flickered between the calm surface and the little lioness, Kimba, who had now taken it upon herself to test Hanzoku's resolve. Ariel couldn't help but smile softly at the scene. Kimba’s playful nature was a constant source of amusement, but this time it seemed like even the small feline couldn’t break Hanzoku’s trance. With a flick of her wrist, Ariel felt a tug on her fishing line. She braced herself, reeling it in with a smooth, practiced motion. The fish fought briefly, but soon enough, Ariel pulled it from the water—a sizeable c
  4. Ariel moved gracefully through the crowd, her elegant attire catching the eyes of a few passersby. She wore a deep blue furisode made of fine silk, the flowing sleeves adorned with intricate embroidery of cranes and cherry blossoms. The gold and silver obi at her waist, tied in a flawless knot, was a reflection of her meticulous craftsmanship. As a skilled tailor, she had designed and created the entire outfit herself for this formal occasion, ensuring every detail was perfect. Her blonde hair was neatly pinned up, a jade hairpin adding a final, personal touch to the ensemble. The soft click o
  5. With a quick glance at Han, who seemed deeply immersed in his meditation, Ariel signaled to Kimba, who had been lazily lounging nearby. The little lioness perked up at her command, her ears twitching with curiosity. Ariel had trained Kimba well, and the familiar knew exactly what to do. Kimba darted off into the bushes, her agile form disappearing into the undergrowth. Moments later, there was a sudden rustling sound, followed by a low growl. The bushes near Han rustled violently as Kimba emerged, pouncing playfully in front of him, her claws extended just enough to rake across the ground
  6. Ariel continued to fish quietly, her silver eyes glancing occasionally at Han as he sank deeper into his meditation. She could see the change in him—a subtle but noticeable shift in his posture as his breathing became more even and his muscles relaxed. It was a significant step, one that spoke to his growing ability to find calm in the chaos of their world. As Ariel felt a sudden, strong tug on her fishing line, she instinctively braced herself. With a practiced hand, she began to reel in whatever had taken the bait, expecting a larger-than-average fish. However, as the line came closer,
  7. Ariel watched Han's reaction with a mix of understanding and empathy. His instinctive movement and subsequent apology highlighted the depth of his struggle with relaxation, a challenge that was all too common for those in his position. The sight of his flushed cheeks and his quick adjustment of posture gave her insight into his mindset—one that remained guarded and on edge despite the apparent safety of their surroundings. Instead of responding verbally, Ariel chose a more subtle approach. She offered Han a reassuring smile, one meant to convey encouragement without breaking his focus fur
  8. Ariel observed Han carefully as he settled onto the rock, preparing himself. His initial hesitation didn’t go unnoticed, and she could tell that this was not his comfort zone. But that was precisely the point of this exercise. She needed to see how he handled himself when he was pushed into unfamiliar territory. With a soft sigh, Ariel turned her attention to the fishing rod in her hands, a peaceful activity she started enjoying only after being stuck in this death game. She cast the line into the water, watching the ripples spread out and listening to the quiet sounds of nature. For a mo
  9. Ariel watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and admiration. Han's unexpected leap through the bush had been a clever move, and his quick reflexes had earned him a small victory over the ever-playful Kimba. The little lioness wriggled in his arms, her dignity slightly bruised, but her eyes still sparkling with the thrill of the game. Ariel couldn't help but smile as Han released Kimba, who scampered back to her spot, flicking her tail in playful defiance. As Han bowed and suggested continuing with a best two out of three, Ariel considered his suggestion thoughtfully. The determin
  10. Ariel observed Dracul with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Despite his occasional condescension, she knew he took his training seriously. She saw the gleam of determination in his eyes and knew he wouldn’t let Julius down. Ariel adjusted her fishing rod and turned her attention to Kimba. The lioness had a natural grace and strength, but Ariel hoped to refine her abilities further. Today’s training would involve teaching Kimba a skill related to agility—something that could be useful in both combat and everyday tasks. “Alright, Kimba, let’s get started too!” Ariel said, her voic
  11. The tranquil setting of Shirajishi-ryū Valley was a serene escape from the relentless battles of the frontlines. Ariel, comfortably seated on the grass beside the fishing pond, cast her line with practiced ease. The gentle rustle of leaves and the soft lapping of the water provided a calming backdrop. She had invited Dracul to join her for a unique training session. The quest to train their familiars was an excellent opportunity to spend some time away from the usual grind and see how well their partners would adapt to new skills. Ariel was focused on her fishing, but her attention was sp
  12. Ariel couldn’t help but laugh softly at Hanzoku’s comment, appreciating his approach to the challenge. "It’s about how you handle yourself when things get unpredictable." she replied, her smile widening as he unequipped his armor and prepared for the trial. As Hanzoku made his first move, throwing himself at Kimba, Ariel watched with keen interest. He wasn’t hesitating or overthinking, just acting on instinct. That was a good start. But Kimba, with her feline agility, was quicker. It would take more than overpowering her. The lioness flicked her tail with what could only be described as a
  13. Ariel watched as Hanzoku introduced himself, noticing the slight blush that colored his cheeks when he realized his earlier oversight. His earnestness and the confidence in his voice as he recounted his past titles brought a smile to her face. When he relaxed and grinned, she could see the humor and resolve behind his words. As Hanzoku finished speaking, Ariel's eyes sparkled with both amusement and respect. "Kingslayer, Destroyer’s End—those are quite the titles. I’m sure you’ll earn another one here in Aincrad, but for now, 'Han-dono' works just fine." Kimba, sensing the shift in t
  14. Ariel listened intently as Hanzoku spoke, her expression softening as he shared his story. His initial joke drew a small smile from her, a flicker of amusement in her eyes as she recognized his attempt to lighten the mood. However, as he continued, revealing his determination to grow stronger despite past experiences, her demeanour shifted to one of quiet respect. She crossed her arms, leaning slightly against the training dummy as she considered his words. The humor he had shown at the start was something she appreciated—it hinted at a resilience, a willingness to keep going despite the darkn
  15. Ariel paused her training, the rhythmic sound of her strikes ceasing as she became aware of someone approaching. She maintained her stance, focused, until the last swing was executed. Only then did she acknowledge the newcomer, turning to face him with the practiced calm of a seasoned warrior. Her silver eyes, reflecting a keen curiosity, took in the man before her—older, clearly experienced, and marked by the road he had traveled to reach this place. Ariel offered a nod of acknowledgment, her expression neutral but not unwelcoming. She drove the wooden sword into the ground beside the du
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