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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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    Solo Player
  • Position
    Cruel Angel

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    Floor Creation Team

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  1. "Nice to meet you, Miyukii!" Ariel replied warmly. "It sounds like we share a similar lineage. It’s always interesting to see how these values carry through different families." Kimba, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, rose gracefully and padded over to Ariel’s side, her eyes shining with curiosity and anticipation. The lioness's presence added a layer of warmth and welcome to the setting, her calm tone contrasting with the playful energy she was about to unleash. Ariel glanced down at Kimba and then back at Miyukii, revealing an almost childish glint in her eyes as if she and her fami
  2. Welcome Newbie, swing by the dojo! I'll whip you up in shape in no time!
  3. Ariel observed the girl in front of her, noting the respectful bow. She appreciated the formality and the clear desire for learning that Miyukii displayed. Ariel stood up, her posture still relaxed yet commanding, and began to walk slowly around the newcomer, her eyes sharp and assessing. "So, you want to join our dojo and follow the way of the katana." Ariel said, her voice calm but with a friendly undertone. She paused in front of Miyukii, who remained standing and respectful. Ariel appreciated the aspiring discipline but also felt the need to lighten the atmosphere a bit. She took a de
  4. Tugging at the collar of her kimono-like uniform in hopes of a slight breeze to cool her down before resuming her training, beads of sweat trickled down the nape of her neck, accentuated by her simple yet effective ponytail. The sweat was the only sign that she had been working hard to sharpen her skills for some time. Otherwise, her stance and grip were firm, and her breathing remained controlled, betraying no signs of exhaustion. As she heard someone approaching and engaging in conversation, Ariel, with her mirror-like silver eyes reflecting a sharp curiosity, raised an eyebrow but didn
  5. For a while now, Ariel had asked her students to spread posters around the main settlements of each floor as most of her preparations to open the martial arts school had been finished. If she wouldn't actively participate in clearing floors (outside of the floor boss fights), she would at least continue with her dream to open her own school. The first step to achieving that was to start one here, in Aincrad. To reach Ariel's martial arts school, the first task was to leave behind the confines of «Coral», the main settlement on the 22nd floor. A sign bearing a crowned lion's head pointed t
  6. As Ariel trudged alongside her companion, the dense foliage of the forest seemed to stretch endlessly before them. Despite the lush greenery and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, there was an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of their particular circumstances. Pushing through the undergrowth, Ariel kept her eyes peeled for any signs of their friends. Every rustle of leaves, every broken branch, could be a clue leading them closer to their goal. That is why, while Hirru was taking point she would follow up behind, keeping watching behind and on their flank with h
  7. filling... +4 EN Rec. ID: 221276 | CD: 1 | +0 EN Charge Available ! Concentrate CD: 0/5 Post Action: ST-II ID: 221277 BD: 6 (4 +5 -3, Hit!) | CD: 7 | [x23] (29 +4) =759 -160 MIT =599 DMG > ≪Mimic≫ Dead! -(22) EN [H: 0] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 63/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3 [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 79/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | Hype 2/3 CD 1/3 // PTA CD 0/3 [H:
  8. Ariel deftly sidestepped the mimic's sluggish tentacle strikes, a trace of disgust momentarily showing on her otherwise focused expression. Her strikes were wearing down their foe and her latest evasive maneuver seemed to aggravate it more. With a swift pivot, Ariel brought her katana to bear once more, her gaze locked onto the creature before her. She could the weakness in its form, its desperation, and she knew that now was the time to strike. With a soft trained shout, she launched herself forward, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. With a swift flick of her wrist
  9. Ariel's grip tightened on her katana as she narrowed her eyes at the elusive mimic. With a swift exhale, she channelled her focus, letting go of any lingering frustration from her missed attack. "We have little choice, Hirru!" Ariel replied, her voice firm and resolute. "I'm counting on you to continue keeping me covered." Her gaze remained fixed on the mimic, ready to press the advantage and keep up the pressure. She knew that time was of an important factor, and she was determined to emerge victorious, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. As Ariel lunged forward once more,
  10. Panting, the blonde readied herself once more, bracing for another dire onslaught from their foe. Several contingency plans ran through her mind, but for the moment, they were still holding up. However, a quick glance at her companion's energy bar confirmed to her that he was burning through it at a fast pace, all for her sake. She closed her eyes and envisioned one of the items in her inventory as Hirru once more dealt with the aftermath of her blunder. The pristine, high-quality gray cape with various crossed-off guild icons was engulfed in a golden shine for a brief moment. Then, it tu
  11. Ariel's immediate response seemed to have the desired effect of distracting the new enemy, but the mimic's transformation sent a cold chill crawling up her spine. Its grotesque appearance, a twisted amalgamation of wood and metal, filled her with slight disgust. The mimic's tentacled form was a sight to behold, its appendages writhing and lashing out with sinister intent. As the barbed tentacle flew towards her, she instinctively braced herself, ready to defend against the impending strike. With swift reflexes, she extended her katana in an attempt to cut down the approaching appendage. Howeve
  12. Ariel's hand instinctively gripped the hilt of her katana as she surveyed the area, her keen eyes scanning for any potential threats. The thumping noise had startled her, but her focus remained sharp. She quickly assessed the surroundings, ensuring there were no additional assailants descending upon them. Seeing Hirru on the ground, with the fallen treasure chest on top, Ariel's mind switched into combat mode. She took a step back, creating some distance between herself and the mimic, preparing for an engagement. Her searching skill remained active, providing her with insights into the mi
  13. Ariel let out a soft chuckle between her lips as she watched the two, listening to their banter... "I could eat." she added sheepishly as she looked to take the best route behind them, hopefully with the same amount of success at avoiding the metalic devices at their feet. Now that she knew how the contraptions looked, it was only a matter of letting the «Search» skill register them and pinpoint their locations within her field of view, at her command. A process that only took a few seconds to execute. She made sure to take a mental note, to stay vigilent in the near future for such things.
  14. The blonde would listen to the rest of the discussion with the now recovering dragon. It seemed like this was indeed the quest location, a conclusion she came to after noticing the ease with which the mother dragon trusted them with the task of recovering her offsprings. Well already talking to a mythical being like her was pretty off of Ariel's 'normality occurrences scale', which have been warped throughout the years spent in this 'game'. A quick nod of approval towards Randal, who offered their help. Details on what they had to do, were provided in relative depths so that the blonde he
  15. Mina snuffed out the remaining of the bears' HP bars moments before extinguishing her blade, in a manner not different than how the blonde quenches her own blade. The color of their blaze a different tone but similarly lethal, by the looks of it. The trio emerged victorious from their battle against the pair of albino bears. Ariel nods at the fellow swordswoman's words and replied: "I'm not sure where he wandered off to... Let me take a look." she let her words trail as she pulled out the map, he slipped off and left the party during the fight. Making his tracking a lot more difficult.
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