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  1. In the heart of the woods, where the sunlight couldn't permeated the canopy, darkness reigned. A dense layer of fog hung over the damp foliage, the scent of wet leaves thick and rotten. The air also held a strange chill, far cooler than one might expect, even in the shadows. Silence, as heavy as the fog, hovered in the forest. No birds chirped, no squirrels chittered, and no rustle of underbrush betrayed the location of other woodland creatures. For a Floor with such warmth and beauty, this transition into eerie cold was unmistakable. Something lurked here, and whatever it was, it wasn't wholl
  2. Total Word Count: 24,974 Event Rewards | Choose one (1) of the following items: Dagan Crystal-A | Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with Envenom Offensive. (This effect cannot override the Envenom Offensive enhancement cap. Consumed on use.) Dagan Crystal-B | (Tierless/Consumable - Instant (during healing effect)/Re-usable) | Once per thread, as a free action: Add an additional +5% to any post action healing effect. This value exceeds normal maximum HP, and will become temporary HP. This effect is applied before Life Mending is calculated and benef
  3. In the moment, Hugh looked a bit like a spooked horse. His nostrils flared, and his eyes rolled wildly, unable to settle on any one thing for too long. As the accusations landed like blows from a fist, he soundlessly opened and closed his mouth. Finally, when there came a lull in the questioning, he inserted himself back in. "Destin had no place here," the man snapped, jabbing a finger in the bearded NPC's direction. "That's why he was invited. Nothing happened in Ronbaru, so he had nothing to contribute. All he'd do is blow smoke. He's old, and half the time, no one knows what he's talki
  4. Epilogue All around the cavern, the crystals gleamed. Blue, green, white, red, and yellow, a kaleidoscope of color. Only now, the hues seemed softer. Rather than clashing against each other, a violent battle for attention, they blended into a harmonious blanket of color. In the center of space, a scroll lay amid the still settling dust. As the first curious Player approached it, a feminine voice suddenly filled the air. “If you’re reading this, then Wushen has been freed. I suppose it is too much to hope that you’ve succeeded in ending its life, as we were barely able to contain it.
  5. Epilogue All around the cavern, the crystals gleamed. Blue, green, white, red, and yellow, a kaleidoscope of color. Only now, the hues seemed softer. Rather than clashing against each other, a violent battle for attention, they blended into a harmonious blanket of color. In the center of space, a scroll lay amid the still settling dust. As the first curious Player approached it, a feminine voice suddenly filled the air. “If you’re reading this, then Wushen has been freed. I suppose it is too much to hope that you’ve succeeded in ending its life, as we were barely able to contain it.
  6. Epilogue All around the cavern, the crystals gleamed. Blue, green, white, red, and yellow, a kaleidoscope of color. Only now, the hues seemed softer. Rather than clashing against each other, a violent battle for attention, they blended into a harmonious blanket of color. In the center of space, a scroll lay amid the still settling dust. As the first curious Player approached it, a feminine voice suddenly filled the air. “If you’re reading this, then Wushen has been freed. I suppose it is too much to hope that you’ve succeeded in ending its life, as we were barely able to contain it.
  7. The beast languished under the magnificent blows, as streams of color in all different warmth's screamed across this wary battlefield. Sprays of color ebbed and flowed like streams of river, like cries of a watchful mountain. Like candle light and that of the stars. Despite troubled breath and burning lungs. Desire pressed on. Hope pressed on. The same troubling peel of voices extrude the chamber in a reverberating spiel. The vary meeting of a roundtable having conquered its deep seeded corruption. A select few phrases echoed on past the myraid that seemed more focused. "a house
  8. The beast languished under the magnificent blows, as streams of color in all different warmth's screamed across this wary battlefield. Sprays of color ebbed and flowed like streams of river, like cries of a watchful mountain. Like candle light and that of the stars. Despite troubled breath and burning lungs. Desire pressed on. Hope pressed on. The same troubling peel of voices extrude the chamber in a reverberating spiel. The vary meeting of a roundtable having conquered its deep seeded corruption. A select few phrases echoed on past the myraid that seemed more focused. "a house
  9. The beast languished under the magnificent blows, as streams of color in all different warmth's screamed across this wary battlefield. Sprays of color ebbed and flowed like streams of river, like cries of a watchful mountain. Like candle light and that of the stars. Despite troubled breath and burning lungs. Desire pressed on. Hope pressed on. The same troubling peel of voices extrude the chamber in a reverberating spiel. The vary meeting of a roundtable having conquered its deep seeded corruption. A select few phrases echoed on past the myraid that seemed more focused. "a house
  10. To have come so far, yet feel as if they had gained nothing was the essence of futility. Wushen loomed overhead, immenent, impending in its quest to return All to Nothing. Those who fought against fate did so for naught, and would soon join the baleful chorus of those who had given in. This sudden wave of defiance… mattered little. The Elemental Warlord balked at their best efforts, now fully intent on bringing its wrath to bear… though, perhaps with less fervor than before. To feel the freedom that came with the disunity of the people and be so close to victory and have it suddenly taken aw
  11. To have come so far, yet feel as if they had gained nothing was the essence of futility. Wushen loomed overhead, immenent, impending in its quest to return All to Nothing. Those who fought against fate did so for naught, and would soon join the baleful chorus of those who had given in. This sudden wave of defiance… mattered little. [8:20 PM] The Elemental Warlord balked at their best efforts, now fully intent on bringing its wrath to bear… though, perhaps with less fervor than before. To feel the freedom that came with the disunity of the people and be so close to victory and have it sudde
  12. To have come so far, yet feel as if they had gained nothing was the essence of futility. Wushen loomed overhead, immenent, impending in its quest to return All to Nothing. Those who fought against fate did so for naught, and would soon join the baleful chorus of those who had given in. This sudden wave of defiance… mattered little. [8:20 PM] The Elemental Warlord balked at their best efforts, now fully intent on bringing its wrath to bear… though, perhaps with less fervor than before. To feel the freedom that came with the disunity of the people and be so close to victory and have it sudde
  13. The eyes of the mighty Wushen darkened as lids scaly lids cascaded over them. The voices of the divided chaos, that fueled his power generation after generation, had ceased. Its neck twisted and writhed with excruciating pain as its scales tightened and compressed, causing the dragon’s size to decrease every so slightly. The focus points on its body, each one that represented a different element of the land, seemed to pulse at a slower rate. Even the elemental visages of Wushen himself that sprouted from either side flickered, the images almost seemed to try and hold themselves together and no
  14. The eyes of the mighty Wushen darkened as lids scaly lids cascaded over them. The voices of the divided chaos, that fueled his power generation after generation, had ceased. Its neck twisted and writhed with excruciating pain as its scales tightened and compressed, causing the dragon’s size to decrease every so slightly. The focus points on its body, each one that represented a different element of the land, seemed to pulse at a slower rate. Even the elemental visages of Wushen himself that sprouted from either side flickered, the images almost seemed to try and hold themselves together and no
  15. The eyes of the mighty Wushen darkened as lids scaly lids cascaded over them. The voices of the divided chaos, that fueled his power generation after generation, had ceased. Its neck twisted and writhed with excruciating pain as its scales tightened and compressed, causing the dragon’s size to decrease every so slightly. The focus points on its body, each one that represented a different element of the land, seemed to pulse at a slower rate. Even the elemental visages of Wushen himself that sprouted from either side flickered, the images almost seemed to try and hold themselves together and no
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