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About Freyd

  • Title
    The Whisper in Shadows

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Firm Anima

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  1. Raising a solitary finger to his lips, a smile perched upon mouth and eyes alike, Freyd acknowledged her arrival with an added nod. "Always glad to help," whispered the Whisper. "Things have been good. Surprisingly good," he added with emphasis. Renown for his persistently stern glare, it was unusual to see Freyd so seemingly relaxed and genuinely... happy? Life was riding high, lately, and he was determined to enjoy the wave while it lasted. "We haven't had many opportunities to get to know each other, and with another raid on the horizon it seemed like a good idea. Besides, I
  2. Beckon the Void Description: Each creature casts its semblance onto the world; a penumbral portal granting back door access to their soul for those who know how to access it. With the strongest resolve, and affinity to the amorphous void, one can draw upon such powers to reach within and turn any darkness found inside out, literally. Enhancing the shadow manipulation effects of the Shades of the Gemini custom skill, wielding this sword art temporarily transforms a target's own shadow into a tangible threat, turning it upon
  3. It was that time again. Flocks of winged monkey-folk blotted out the skies overhead as Freyd made his way silently to the outskirts of the Forest of Memories. Firm Anima's guild hall was located within the woods and occasionally required someone to clear out the pesky neighbours. Most prominent among them was the Witch of the West - not quite the green-skinned hag of Oz, but equally noxious in her manner. Her airborne servants were even worse, tossing about their waste like it was some sort of confetti. The woods literally stank when their numbers reached a certain critical mass, then cul
  4. Even as the last of The Blight's guardians fell, Freyd felt its hunger seeping through the vile infection tainting his Wrath. The mount stumbled, losing its footing and sinking to its knees. Meanwhile, a sea of sickening black resembling used motor oil mixed with Metamucil and black printer's ink rose to lap at them from below. Screeching in protest, his cries hoarse and alien, it was its very similarity to a keening banshee's wail that somehow pierced the Whisper's addled, murderous haze. Samael's Pride made that same sound when it devoured, unleashing the infinite, consuming hunger of ob
  5. Fighting off the boss while listening to his friend's brief, Freyd found himself smiling and chuckling at the prospect. The cursed serpent, with its multitude of extra limbs and eyes, somewhat resembled a disturbing-looking centipede, as if those things weren't creepy enough already at this size. "Yeah. Okay. That seems fair." A flare of familiar and restorative green signaled his companion's latest support effort. There were few healers of Hirru's calibre, even on the frontlines, and he respected the man's dedication to his chosen arts. Momentarily mesmerized by the glow, the serpen
  6. Grunting an acknowledgement, Freyd didn't appear to buy the prank theory either. His machine-like mind was already dissecting the evidence provided by Katoka and pairing it like sets of misshapen puzzle pieces in his head. Did anything fit with what he'd previously gleaned about the Spire? "My greatest concerns about the curse of the Sundered Spire, or other similar digital - let's call them plagues or viruses - that they might somehow one day manage to infect a player. That could spell all of our doom. We already don't have the numbers to field consistent raid parties. The frontline
  7. Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall
  8. Vestigial awareness of self lingered still in the ravenous form of the Faceless Lord of War as he brutally carved a path from one foe to the next, his companions legitimately worried by his cold, calculating and unrelenting progress across the battlefield. Freyd was no longer himself; perhaps not even any longer in control of his own actions as he propelled himself from one monstrosity to the next. The others wisely steered clear and away from his direct line of sight, the edges of his cowl serving as fortunate blinders to keep him focused on the foolish enemies that kept spawning before him
  9. Freyd might have been found clinging to the ceiling after the pan clattered loudly against the cast iron stove. 'The Beast', as he called it, had proven difficult and expensive to obtain let along haul to the edge of the Fields of Crossing to become part of Witherwind Rest. Though he jumped, his boots managed to remain on the ground. The hamster in his brain, meanwhile, was already running flat out to keep ahead of pending cardiac arrest, hoping to piece together what happened before it lost the race. "Do you mean kids - ?", Wut? You could practically feel, let alone hear, the need
  10. Almost? Halfway?! Freyd knew that Mina meant to be motivating them, but he was struggling to feel it in the midst of dodging lethal antlers and mossy hair extensions that were hellbent on gutting his innards. "Maybe we can catch a lucky break and motivate this thing towards a hastier demise?" Angry braying broke his concentration as the Whisper contorted himself unnaturally to dodge the guardian's latest charging strikes. "How does this thing even move this fast? It's like Bambi's mom's ex drank ninja turtle mutagen and went on a bender after finding out it still had feelings for her,
  11. His hand found hers as they worked, though he wasn't sure how it had gotten there. Instinct, perhaps? His had never been inclined towards empathy. Thanks to her, now they could. It only seemed right to repay her in kind. A degree of personal pain had been evident as she spoke, cloaked beneath the same styled veneer she applied over most of her statements. It had long since become familiar. There was always another layer, though she had finally begun to peel them away of her own accord. "Thank you for that." Superficially, his words replied to her veneer, but his eyes conveyed truth. Th
  12. Quick action by his compatriot provided resurgence only for Freyd to catch another glancing blow, this time from the abomination's tail. "Gah! How the heck to Raidou and Eruda stand around doing this all day? Trading blows over a contest of attrition isn't usually my thing." The Whisper narrowly snared a section of said snek and punched hard rapping it against the solid stone walls. Every bit helped lower the beast's failing health, but it was still hovering a third of its total. "We've nearly got it down to yellow," was the best he could muster by way of optimism. They'd win in t
  13. "Lun'Rael?" Freyd often forgot that others didn't indulge... no... gorge themselves on Aincrad's lore to the same extent that he did. "Uh... dark elf queen from floor twenty-three. It's all background info to the floor raid, and before my own active time on the front lines, but..." Freyd's features twisted as he struggled to convey all the raw data in a more concise manner. "Suffice it to say that she seems to have been the source of the Sundered Spire's red crystal curse. Raidou and I led a large contingent of the guild against her, once we'd confirmed it and found her hiding place, and
  14. What little tension remained in him bled away at the touch of her hand taking his. Freyd's innards fluttered in a manner to which he was only slowly allowing himself to consider familiar. It felt good, and he gladly followed. "No, no," he insisted, dismissing her offer to change their intended menu. "I want to try this 'box tie' thing you keep mentioning, even if it prompted our earlier... distraction." A rumbling chuckle resounded in his chest carrying uncharacteristically open sincerity. His honest emotions so rarely shone that it felt odd to witness their blatant expression. Flushin
  15. “I had really hope that Firm Anima had put an end to Lun’Rael’s foul curse,” Freyd muttered, having listened in stillness and silence to the fullness of Katoka’s story. Like a sponge, he’d soaked in every detail, building a memory model in the bag of conniving cats - or maybe mongooses - that passed for the ever-spinning wheel of a Whisper’s mind. But it was the other half at play, not the goofy agent of chaos constantly flirting casually with doom, but his colder, calculating self that was the truly terrifying part of the guild’s head of O&I. Tempered by the influence of his friends,
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