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  1. A massive armored form burst through the wall, immediately to their right, before Larbrook or Ren could utter a response to Kyot0. The answer made itself self-evident as the hulking form of Kantaras burst through the masonry and flattened Larbrook against the opposite wall face, the barbarian's axe skittering across the flagstone flooring as he crumpled under the assault. "Larbrook!" Ren flung himself forward, raising his shield just in time to spare the NPC a potentially lethal blow as their assailant brought down its oversized bastard sword. Pushed to his knees by the sheer weight an
  2. A modest smile crossed the man's face, as if appreciating the sincerity of Kyot0's reply. Yes, it was a common one, but that alone gave him hope. "A lot of people say that, which is actually a good thing, when you think about it. Isn't it inspiring that so many people are willing to work towards a common goal? Outside, people and society were often described as being selfish and obsessed with gain. Here, I see people seeking to gain power for the benefit of others. It's why I setup my shop and offer to help anyone I can: to make them stronger. If I can do that, even in some small wa
  3. "Wait... what?" Confused and still a little dazed, Ren struggled to believe what Larbrook just declared. Had he really closed his eyes? True, he really wasn't accustomed to this kind of violence, but these were just mobs. It wasn't like they were attacking actual people. "My shop?" Kyoto's question had pierced the cloudy haze in his mind and lured him successfully back to the present. "Uh... I guess? I go where I'm needed, though there hasn't been much demand for adventuring of late." Looking a bit sheepish, he scratched at the mop of shock white hair on his head with a gauntleted fis
  4. "Uh..." Ren seemed to hesitate for a moment, never having actually had to make decisions for others in the middle of combat. "Oh, hell..." Stepping forward, the slender white-haired knight slammed his tower shield hard into the minotaur's flank. Already distracted by Kyoto's attack, it swung high and wide, glancing off the top of the shield and giving Ren the opening he'd hoped to create. Shifting his stance, his protective slab turned away while Durendal struck true, straight into the mob's chest. It looked surprised, for an instant, before its entire body collapsed into a pile of gl
  5. Larbrook held up a large, meaty, mitt-like fist implying they should halt. Ren nearly ran into it, face-planting into his own shield instead. "Oof!" He blinked a few times before peeking over the gigantic metal slab he somehow held aloft before him. Game mechanics were always great when it came to endorsing the ridiculous. There was no way, in real life, that he could ever hope to heft such a massive hunk of steel. In here, as long as he equipped it, the system let him spin it around like it was a frisbee. "Looks like you get the nimble one," Larbrook muttered, chuckling inexpli
  6. Larbrook ignored their banter, clearly disinterested by the vaguaries of player trades and commerce. 'Big axe for smashing,' was much more up his alley. "Tailors are good. You should be able to drum up some solid business. Few other players have been actively tending their shops lately. Do you specialize in any particular style or garment?" Good natured and jovial, by nature, Ren was genuinely interested in the man's work. "Can you tell us anything about our targets, Larbrook? It might help to know what we're facing." "Big. Hairy. Smelly. Strong. Don't let them hit you
  7. The white-haired smith smiled as he passed the polished and packaged pieces over to their new owner, neatly tucked and wrapped in protective burlap as added proof of the craftsman's pride at having satisfied yet another order. "Ah, yes. Freyd," he replied, smiling with weary eyes weathered with fatigue. The shop kept him busy. "He sends a surprising amount of work my way, and I'm grateful for it. That's exactly why The Knight Shift was founded in the first place. Please pass on my thanks and be sure to send others my way, if you find anyone in need. We live to serve." The last words
  8. Name: Leichtwetter Crafting ID: 223159 Roll: CD 12+1=13 Item Type: Light Armor Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Mitigation 2, Recovery 1 Description: A white leather coat with red trims on the sleeves that go up to the collar. It has an steel plate on the right shoulder. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=680460 Name: Schwarzfeder Crafting ID: 213145 Roll: CD 11+1=12 Item Type: Weapon (Straight Sword) Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Bleed 2, Paralyze 1 Description: A light weight
  9. Crafting rolls: R7 Blacksmith (9 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) ID 223156 | CD 7+1=8 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP) ID 223157 | CD 9+1=10 | T2 Rare Armor (LA) (+8 EXP) ID 223158 | CD 5+1=6 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP) ID 223159 | CD 12+1=13 | T2 Perfect Armor (LA) (+11 EXP) ID 223160 | CD 5+1=6 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP) ID 223161 | CD 6+1=7 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP) ID 223162 | CD 5+1=6 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP)
  10. "Ah." Picking up the order slip, Ren peered pensively for a moment before nodding his understanding. "Simple but effective. We have lots of that." Snaring a hammer hanging between a pair of nearby hooks, while wiping his other hand on the cleanest part of a soot-stained leather apron, the smith nabbed a steel ingot from the ether and set it into position. Working the bellows to temperature, Ebbon would watch as he slowly pulled at the glowing, semi-molten metal and tugged it into shape, folding and striking repeatedly like it was some sort of exceptionally rigid taffy. Within an hour - rem
  11. Name: Ronin's Edge Crafting ID: 222014 Roll: CD 11+1=12 Item Type: Weapon (Katana) Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: DMG II, ACC 1 Description: A simple yet deadly katana made for a wandering warrior. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=679767
  12. Crafting rolls: R7 Blacksmith (9 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) ID 222013 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 5 | Salvage (+5 EXP) - lose mat ID 222014 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 7 | T1 Perfect Weapon (Katana) (+11 EXP) ID 222015 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 5 | T1 Uncommon Weapon (Katana) (+6 EXP) ID 222016 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 19 | Salvage (+5 EXP) - keep mat ID 222017 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 19 | T1 Perfect Weapon (Katana) (+11 EXP) ID 222018 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 8 | T1 Perfect Weapon (Katana) (+11 E
  13. "Ah, Wulfrin, wasn't it? Outgrown the gear we provided so quickly?" Ren gave a hearty laugh, belying his slender size. Most would consider him to scrawny to serve as a blacksmith, but he certainly made up for in zeal what he might have been lacking in size. "I had to whip up a few extra pieces to have the right components for your order. Fortune smiled, thankfully, and so we find ourselves done quicker than expected. I trust that these will meet your needs. Please return when you reach your next tier! It's always a pleasure to have repeat business." Pushing a pair of articles acro
  14. Item #1 Item #2 Material costs were paid to banker during crafting of component items.
  15. Crafting rolls: R7 Blacksmith (9 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) ID 219727 | CD 6+1=7 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP) ID 219728 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 20 | Salvage - keep mat (+5 EXP) ID 219729 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 3 | Salvage - lose mat (+5 EXP) ID 219730 | CD 9+1=10 | T2 Rare Armor (LA) (+8 EXP) ID 219731 | CD 8+1=9 | T2 Rare Armor (LA) (+8 EXP) ID 219732 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 5 | Salvage - lose mat (+5 EXP) ID 219733 | CD 5+1=6 | T2 Uncommon Armor (LA) (+6 EXP
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