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About KnightessCiela

  • Birthday 09/15/1998

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    Solo Player

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  1. Ciela stepped just inside the entrance of the cave just to spite Wulfrin's warning. She's nothing if not extremely stubborn. She waited for the all clear sign, as she did she read her book that she's been working on for a while. As Wulfrin gave the all clear Ciela stepped further in, motioning for Etherial to follow. She followed the wall and yelled out to Wulfrin, using that to find him in the cave. As she and Etherial finally caught up with Wulfrin, she went further and yelled for Koko. After a moment she could've sworn she saw a child, but as she approached she realized that it was ju
  2. As the Funky Monkey fell, Ciela let out a soft sigh of relief. She relaxed slightly and returned her sword and shield to her back. "Well that's one of the extra tech arts unlocked, many more to go." She let out an exasperated sigh. After Star and Wulfrin shook Sewallus' hand, she followed suit. "Thank you for your company Sewallus." Ciela watched as Sewallus left the trio and headed into the forest. Ciela smiled at Wulfrin's ramblings. "I'd be down for lunch. Whether we go to a shop or I make it at Wulfrin's house. I'm impartial to what we do honestly." Ciela fiddled with her menus for a
  3. Ciela had managed to stay behind Zamek, knowing it would be unwise to have the older gentleman all the way at the back of the troupe. She was a slight bit frustrated by how slow he moved, but she kept it to herself. She kicked the sand off of her sandals and as she did she noticed something sparkling at her feet. She bent down to pick it up and dusted it off. She found a brooch that was shaped like a heart and showed Wulfrin. "Look what I found!" She handed it off to him and let him look at it. She was giddy and after Wulfrin finished looking at it she pinned it to the bandana on her head
  4. Ciela definitely felt the cold sting of Absolute Zero's chilly bite back. She thought to herself that this must be what enemies feel like when they hit her and take damage. She decided to take Mina's advice and took a few steps away from Absolute Zero. "You are absolutely right, that is damage I absolutely can't mitigate. I'm going to take a step back." She really didn't want to just there while her companions do all the work, she also didn't want to exit combat as she didn't know how that would go. She knew she really didn't have a choice in either since she and Wulfrin are attempting to
  5. Ciela smiled at Etherial, "Teamwork does make the dreamwork, although we are in a relationship so the charisma does come quite naturally in that regard." She then smiled at Wulfrin. A woman approached the trio panicking. She was scrambling and trying to find her child. Wulfrin attempted to calm Choshi but to no avail. Ciela knew when it comes to a woman worrying for her child, it's very hard to calm them down. Wulfrin was attempting to keep her talking to maybe attempt to call her down, where she then admitted through tears, "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that th
  6. Ciela let out a giggle at the exchange about Bob being in a church that was going on between Wulfrin and Freyd. She loved watching the two of them bounce off of each other in conversation. When Wulfrin would tell her the stories about when him and Freyd went on their adventures she'd listen with intent. Ciela watched as Bob paid no heed to her and Wulfrin, but focused his attacks on Freyd. She didn't mind, she knew his attacks would HURT even with her armor and everything. Ciela still would attempt to do some damage to the time king, thinking to herself that she's not gonna waste he
  7. "Absolutely not. I've been on the beach with pants. It's not a fun time. Shorts are more ideal for this trek, at least in my opinion. I don't mind the feeling of sand against my skin, I don't wanna have to dig sand out of my pants later." She knew exactly how this would go if she wore pants, every little crease and crevice would have sand in it. She was NOT about to deal with that. It was awful enough that they had to do an escort quest in the desert, she wasn't about to deal with the awful feeling of sand in the pants. The heat was bouncing off the sand and as the sun went higher in the
  8. Ciela watched as Zamek moved very slowly. This was an escort quest. The bane of her existence. She let Wulfrin take the lead and she held the rear. Ciela looked around, paying attention to small details. She was on edge due to the heat. It was making her quite cranky. She materialized some snacks and handed them out per usual. Inside the tin was cut up cucumber and watermelon. "Here, have some snacks that are pretty hydrating. I also made sure to bring lots of water." The trek seemed to go so much slower than their previous quests. Although she attributed that to the way that
  9. Ciela relaxed up against the rock wall and let the water from the waterfall massage her back. Ciela had almost what was like war flashbacks to the waterfall on Floor 2 when her and Wulfrin had to sit under the waterfall and get absolutely blasted by it. This waterfall had by far less power behind it and was more like the waterfall equivalent of the gentle crashing of waves on the ocean shore. She appreciated the relaxation. Ciela hadn't been sleeping in as she usually did since Wulfrin was taking her out early in the morning right after he'd get back from the forge. Which meant she would wake
  10. The two ate their lunches without any interruption. Ciela relaxed for a moment, enjoying the sounds of the river and the waterfall next to them. It was so loud she could barely hear herself think. "After lunch I believe I'm gonna sit under the waterfall and enjoy the rush of water against my skin. Would you like to sit with me Perlita, or would you like to chase some of the fishies?" Ciela watched as Perlita eyed the little fish in the water and was given her answer. Ciela put her basket and blanket back into her inventory and changed into a bathing suit. She had changed into a black str
  11. As per usual she stored her lunch basket complete with their meals and any snacks they may need along the way. Most of the time she'd over prepped snacks but they would snuggle up on the couch and snack before falling asleep. Wulfrin mentioned Fortazela, Ciela didn't like heading down to Fortazela. Not because of the sand. But Ciela absolutely hated the heat. Pretty funny considering her main extra source of damage is fire. She grew up in the south and has learned to absolutely despise the heat because of it. "I'm so grateful my hair can't frizz in a game." She ran her fingers through he
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