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About Wulfrin

  • Birthday 01/12/1998

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    Solo Player

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  1. ph * * * START OF COMBAT F.Bandit E dies but does not meet loot minimums
  2. ph * * * Cooldowns: Concentration (3/5) HP: Full Energy: Full Full EN Recovery Posts (2/2)
  3. ph * * * Cooldowns: Concentration (2/5) HP: Full Energy: 54+1=55 Full EN Recovery Posts (1/2)
  4. ph * * * END OF COMBAT Enemies did not meet loot minimums
  5. These bandits must not be very smart, or at least overconfident in their abilities to keep prisoners in check. As Wulfrin gently pushed on his cell door, it opened with relative ease. Quickly he looked both ways down the cell block. Apparently guards weren't very regular either. Keeping as low as he could Wulfrin made his way to Kagamine's cell. Carefully he opened the door and ushered for Kagamine to follow. "Keep quiet and stay behind me," Wulfrin ordered as the two started down the hall. "If a fight breaks out stay out of sight. I'm not in the mood to watch anyone die today." "Oka
  6. "What happened," Wulfrin groaned as he blinked back to consciousness. His Night Vision mod quickly kicked in causing his vision to immediately adjust to the near complete darkness of his surroundings. He was in a prison cell. There was a small chamber pot and a roughly crafted bed suspended by angled chains to the wall to his right. A quick glance to his HP and Energy gauges and he let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead nor seriously injured. He did feel slightly lighter. Wulfrin did a thorough pat down of himself and shuddered at what he found. He was left without his sword or armor. H
  7. Having wrapped up lunch and his deeper analysis of the ransom note a while back, Wulfrin finally noticed that the marker was finally updating directly on his map rather than just on the edge. It wasn't long before he entered the clearing. In the distance he could see Fort Faultwarren looming in the distance above the canopy. Cautiously, Wulfrin stepped out into the opening in the canopy. at the same moment Solaris took to the sky, no doubt enjoying the chance to properly stretch his wings. At the edge of the clearing Wulfrin scanned for any signs of an ambush. Content that none was present, Wu
  8. Something was starting to seem off to Wulfrin. The path was way off from any already mapped trails. Wulfrin had often found himself having to take small game trails, or even having to cut through brush himself. After what felt like a handful of hours, backed up by the brief peek Wulfrin took at the clock in his vision. It was about lunch time, and Wulfrin had planned to have already farmed at least a handful of mobs at this point, but alas that was not the case. Wulfrin scrolled through his inventory to find the small bundle Ciela had packed for him before he left. It's durability was nearing
  9. Oddly enough the instructions were vague at best. There wasn't any real meaningful landmarks mentioned let alone a clear path laid out. Never the less, Wulfrin forged ahead into the mist covered forest. Solaris fluttered close by as the canopy in the forest's bounds was too thick for the duo to use their usual tactics. The two had been in close quarters combats before, but not with this level of low visibility. It was obvious Solaris wasn't too thrilled to be confined. The phoenix was fluttering around erratically trying not to ignite the entirety of the forest with its fire trail. As it stood
  10. "You're an adventurer right?" The NPC asked as she stifled through tears. "I could really use your assistance." "What seems to be the problem?" Wulfrin asked taking note of a piece of parchment clenched in her fist. "Well," She composed her self before continuing. "Flora has been plagued by crime at the hands of the Faultwarren Bandits from the nearby Fort Faultwarren. Until now it was simple raids, but this last time they took a prisoner. My son, Kagamine." "I'm terribly sorry to hear that," Wulfrin spoke with a solemn tone. "Did they leave anything like a ransom note or the li
  11. The earthquake caught Wulfrin off guard. The tower however was more jarring. In all his many trips to this location, he had either not noticed it or more likely it was triggered by Miryu's odd player data. Wulfrin was even more caught off guard by the announcement that their quest logs had updated. By his count none of them should have met the requirements yet, so it was either bugged out or a new update had just retroactively progressed them in the quest. Neither option was farfetched, a fully automated system capable of editing and updating itself to maintain balance for the game is fully ca
  12. "All right," Wulfrin spoke aloud as he exited a small boutique. "Got the meals Ciela made, handful of potions and crystals, and my gear's all in order. I think we're good to go." An affirmative squawk came from the skies above as the phoenix circled above. Solaris preferred to keep moving as much as possible when not at home. The regal and sometimes quite ill tempered phoenix only really seemed to be content in the flames of Wulfrin's forge, but of course they weren't there at the moment. The duo began making their way towards the edge of town when Solaris let loose an alerting call that
  13. Captured The forest canopy was a welcome sight to Wulfrin. He and Solaris had slipped away from Wulfrin's girlfriend, no she was his fiancé now. After all the two players had already completed the quest to plan the wedding, but now all Wulfrin want ed was some alone time. It had been a while since he had gone on a solo trip outside of the confines of floor twenty-two. When was the last time? Wulfrin couldn't recall exactly, but he was pretty sure the last adventure was when he went and faced off with The Gemini, but it could have very well been when he went off to find Solaris, his phoeni
  14. "There isn't really a trick," Wulfrin chimed in at the question left out in the open. "This is the one quest that is a grueling slog. Well the fishing part of part 3 is rough, but not near as bad as this one. Unfortunately you're up to the whims of RNGeesus and there is only so much you can do to sway the odds into your favor." Wulfrin was all to familiar with the struggle Adelyte was facing. He had been through the quest already, and in a way he didn't miss it. Unfortunately everyone danced with Cardinal's random number generator on a daily in some shape or form. The crafters use it to f
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