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New and important features added to Sword Art Online.

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Hello fellow Aincrad Residents, back around again to approach a new form of 'raid' content. These will take the shape of NIGHTMARE. Now you may wondering what that is, allow me to explain. NIGHTMARE are old floor bosses repurposed to create very hard content for players to really feel in danger. This is an answer to a lot of the community not wanting real difficulty in standard content, but inversely a desire for actual danger by some. Instead of global changes that effect all players, by creati


Raidou in Patch Notes

[] Guild Rework, Scents Adjustment, Shift Acquisition Rework, Tierless Clarification, Shift Refund Procedure and Housing Ownership Clarification

Oh boy, here comes another big boy hot out of the presses. Staff has been hard at work on some big doozies and I'm here bringing it out full swing. Without further of due: Guild Rework: The main focus of this change is to make the system a more active part of the game and allow players who are not intending to make a 'non combat capable' character able to interact or benefit further from the system. Maybe its a book club, or a small conglomerate of farmers? This will allow narrative o


Raidou in Patch Notes

[] Platinum Shop

A smaller release today in the form of a new shop, working both as a way to remove exclusivity on past items that still see some use today as well as adding a much needed col sink into the system. Some items have been reworked to better fit the system and keep balance in check, it will be assumed at any existing items matching these will likely see similar errata. Platinum is purchased using the store at an exchange rate, 1m col per platinum and sold back to the store for 950k col per plati


Raidou in Patch Notes

Stealth Rework (

Hello Fellow Aincradians, Your textbook wackjob back around again to introduce something we've been working on for a bit now. Up until this point, Stealth has felt like a lot of mechanical legwork and a huge amount of SP to use for something that was less reliable and functionally equal to charge. This felt a little obtuse and our goals were to make stealth more readily usable. So we've attacked this problem on a few different fronts: New Standard Post Actions: Now anyone and everyone 'ca


Raidou in Patch Notes

Various QoL improvements & Additional Content (

Back around for another round, we'd like to inform you all of recent patches released in one dedicated place! Without too much time lets get down to business: Field Bosses: Inanos, The Aether Wurm [F26 Field Boss] T4 Danger noodle, with the atom bomb teeth Drops: Iridescent Tooth (T4/Reusable/Consumable) | Usable as free action once per combat after you apply a stack of Envenom. This item consumes all of your stacks of Envenom on the target dealing unmitigated damage equal to th


Raidou in Patch Notes

New Mechanic Systems Release/Reworks (

Hello All, Its that time again for some QoL improvements. This time we are releasing something new and adjusting existing mechanics to link them in consistency. First off the frying pan.... Some keywords have been made for the sake of clarity: [True Level] = Player's Level + Player's Paragon Level (at the start of the thread) [True Tier] = [True Level] / 10, Rounded Up These should look familiar to you, given these are the same numbers used to calculate experience earned at the end

Armor Skill Rework (

Overview: Hello Incarcerated Citizen's of Aincrad, Time to address one of the elephants in the room: Armor Skills. There has been noticed a small amount of confusion but a drastic amount of inconsistency across the board in regards to these passives. It has lead to a 'meta' in the shape of light armor and it discourages variety. This patch aims to rectify this. Original Skills: Originally our Armor skills looked like this: Change Reasoning: Now first lets look at


Raidou in Patch Notes

Support (Leadership) / NT QoL Update (

Overview: Given the state that support archetypes are currently in (we know, staff as a whole is trying to find a good way to approach the problem) we've discovered that most supports have little to use their post actions on. We'd like to address that by looking to one of their only non-heal based post actions (action economy is everything, and we want players to spend it in a meaningful way.) Likewise, we'd also like to address the difficulty of obtaining equipment. As it sits we feel


Raidou in Patch Notes

Appraiser Q.O.L (

We’ve heard the outcries! It seems the community has some issues with Appraisers, being the most difficult and least rewarding profession we have available. Staff would like to change that. As such we have come up with the following alterations to try and turn this profession into a more rewarding experience. #1 - Fusions Appraisers are now able to fuse unidentified items just like any other profession. Appraisers can only fuse unidentified items of the same item type using the followi


Raidou in Patch Notes

Custom Skills (

Custom Skills: Thats right! We’re trying this again. So how are they different this time? They cannot be used in Raid Bosses They cannot be used in any Site Wide events When submitted, they enter a waiting list for when they will be evaluated (1 every 30 days). At which time, the one that is currently being evaluated will be reached by a member of staff to create a discord ticket. This area is to discuss and help balance the skill to an acceptable leve


Raidou in Patch Notes

3.1.2 Patch Notes

EXP Rewards: Standard EXP rewards for thread progression changed from (5 EXP * Player's Tier) for every 30 words to (Word Count / 10) * (Player's Uncapped Tier) * (Group Factor). Group factor table: Group Size EXP (Group) Factor 1 player 100% (1x) 2 players 70% (0.7x)


Kataware in Patch Notes

3.1.1 Patch Notes

Heyo! This patch isn't quite as big as the rest, but we've got interesting things lined up regardless- Custom Skills mostly! With this update, Custom Skills are being put back into play but with some rules to them to keep the process much more clear cut and easy to follow. So let's get down into the nitty gritty of things! Custom Skills So, first things first. The big stuff, every single CS that existed prior to 3.1.1 needs to be resubmitted for approval in order to be usable again. Th


ChaseR in Patch Notes

3.1 Patch Notes

Yo yo yo! It's time for the next patch, and a small break from updates with it. I'll go more in depth once I'm done listing all the changes below, but please do check the bottom of the blog if you don't care about the numbers too much. To get back on track though, this update brings the new combat system playtested two weeks prior, alongside QoL changes in the form of adjusting Dungeons' difficulty, fixing EXP acquisition rates and lowering the amounts of EXP needed to level up, revamping the Pa


ChaseR in Patch Notes

3.0.2 Patch Notes

Hiya. Just hitting you all with patch 3.0.2, the main highlight of which is a new SA system that's being tested. You can find it in this thread, as an event. In order to sign up for it, you just need to run your threads with the new combat found on it, and make sure to have marked your thread with [PT] at the very start. Any threads done during the playtest will provide quest progress and the standard thread reward, so please make the most of it and give us your feedback when the event is over i


ChaseR in Patch Notes

[Community] Regarding Unique Skills/Custom Skills

Hey! Staff is currently looking to update 3.0 systems. From previous discussions, this has meant ideas like working on Sword Arts to remove cooldowns. Today, we'd like to gauge interest on another aspect of the game that 3.0 has brought about: Unique Skills (US) and Custom Skills (CS). The way to obtain a Unique Skill is simple: at the time of writing, Level 31 characters may submit a thread every week to roll for a US. There are 10 US available to players at the moment, meaning that once t


NIGHT in Community

[3.0.1] Patch Notes

Systems & Development Comments: ah jeeves here we go Crafting/Shop Changes: Item Fusion for consumables is now available. This includes the fusion of Demonic consumables. The cost of materials sold in General Merchant has now been increased from 300col to 700col. System & Development Comments: There was a concern over the value of player-obtained materials since the price of materials in the General Merchant was considered cheap. The price has been raised, alt


NIGHT in Patch Notes

Incognito Questline Hotfix

Incognito Antics Removed, Quest Line is now a Two-Part Series Failure Condition Removed from Incognito Analysis Incognito Analysis SP Reward increased to from 3 SP to  5 SP Incognito Assassination SP Reward increased from 5 SP to 7 SP Disguise Quest Condition Removed (Incognito Analysis) Disguise condition replaced with “Intercept.” After failing to trail Uso-Tsuki with Stealth, one can elect to fight Hogo-sha. Upon his defeat, he drops a coded



[Hotfix] Crafting Cooldown Standardization and "Tierless" Classification

Just a quick update rolling off the line right now. First and foremost, we're going to be standardizing crafting cooldown. In lieu of waiting a full 24 hours between crafts, the cooldown on a crafting day will reset at 12:00am local time for all users. The Player Support Team already recognizes this; I'm merely making this the new standard. Finally, for the meat of the update. Tierless item classifications. If you craft an item that does not scale with material tier, you will generate a "Ti



[2.6.4] Patch Notes

Crafting/Shop Changes: Crafting in a player's shop thread is now considered an out-of-character interaction. Systems & Development Comments: One of the main reasons why crafting required a 100 word requirement was because the «Merchants and Shops» sub-forum is considered an in-character sub-forum. Now that crafting is an out-of-character interaction, there is no longer a 100 word requirement while crafting. However, any in-character interaction (e.g. interacting with another



[2.6.3] Patch Notes

Mechanic Changes: Stealth: Players must roll to maintain Stealth at the beginning of their turn. If a player wishes to attack out of stealth they must roll to maintain stealth and attack in the same roll (declaring both in the purpose). If they failed to maintain stealth, they are considered detected and would lose any appropriate bonuses before their action is processed. Simplified Passive Stealth Detection rules (whenever the stealth roll falls below the passi



[2.6.2] Patch Notes

Mechanic Changes: New mechanic: Passive Stealth Detection: Follows the general rules of stealth detection except it is performed at the start of combat, the turn a player enters stealth, and on the opposition's turns. The passive stealth detection rating is (10 + stealth detection bonuses) and is performed against the enemy's stealth rolls. In the case of a tie, the stealthed player wins. Does not count as an action. Unless declared othe



Patch Notes: [2.6.1] Hotfix Update

Floor Changes: In the aftermath of the recent Event Bosses, the corruption that had wracked Floor 13 was halted and life has started to adjust in response. As such, Floor 13 has new quests and has been revamped. Look for its Floor Description in this thread. A quest has also been added to the Floor.  Parry (Clarification): Under the current wording, Parry's effect lasts until the user is hit with a successful attack. The energy is spent when the Parry skill is used and the coo



Patch Notes: [2.6] Bosses, Skills & Enhancements Update

<<Bosses, Skills & Enhancements Update>> SAO-RPG Patch 2.6 Teleport Crystals (Clarification): Teleport Crystals take a post action to use, at which point they immediately teleport the player [out of combat] to the specified area/settlement, in the same turn. The previous ruling, in which the player did not teleport away until the start of their next turn is incorrect. Our apologies for any confusion regarding this mechanic! General Rule Changes: Labyr



[Announcements] Minor Housing update

Selling Rooms! We have had downgrading plot for a while now, but now we have added selling rooms! The issue came up that a player could downgrade their plots, but the rooms wouldn't be refunded at all. It has now been decided that you can sell rooms for 75% of their original cost. This means that each non-upgraded room can be sold for 7,500 col since it cost its normally 10,000. A Upgraded room would return 26,250 col as that is 75% of 35,000.  Selling Entire House When selling an en



Hotfix Update!

<<The following mechanics have been changed!>>   <<Nature's Treasures>> Searching:  LD rolls of 11-14 give 1 material.  LD rolls of 15+ give 2 materials.  Gatherer skill is added to this roll as well. Fishing:  Monsters and bosses never spawn.  Fishing receives no bonus materials.  CD 12s require a LD of 15+ (modifiers allowed) to fish up a treasure chest.  If 1-14, players receive 4 materials. Treasure Chests:  LD of 1-3 does not result in a mimic



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