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[2.6.4] Patch Notes



Crafting/Shop Changes:

  • Crafting in a player's shop thread is now considered an out-of-character interaction.
  • Systems & Development Comments: One of the main reasons why crafting required a 100 word requirement was because the «Merchants and Shops» sub-forum is considered an in-character sub-forum. Now that crafting is an out-of-character interaction, there is no longer a 100 word requirement while crafting. However, any in-character interaction (e.g. interacting with another player; filling out a custom order) would still require the 100 word requirement.

Housing Changes:

  • New Room: Guest Room:
    • Player Limit: 1
    • Buff Name: Decor: «Name of Amenity»
    • Buff Effect: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.
  • New Amenity: Spooky Amenities:
    • Effect: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 5% (rounded down).
  • Systems & Development Comments: The Spooky Amenities is given to everyone who participated and bought into the Halloween event. We apologize for not having released this earlier like we thought we did.

Enhancement Clarification:

  • Upon further review, «Keen», «Savvy», «Light Momentum», and «Heavy Momentum» all stack with each other over multiple procs. For example, the more you miss with «Light Momentum» and «Heavy Momentum», you gain more accuracy and damage.

Quest Changes:

  • [F-xx] Training Your Friend:
    • Can now be taken as a party of two (was previously a solo quest).
  • [F-01] Let There Be Light:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP.
  • [F-03] Worn out Welcome:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP.
  • [F-04] Absolute Zero:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 4 SP.
    • Zero Degree Icicle enhancements changed from Freeze / Accuracy / Accuracy to Freeze / Accuracy.
    • Zero Degree Icicle no longer melts after one thread (i.e. it is now a permanent item).
  • [F-05] Butcher of the Stands:
    • Can now be taken as a solo party (previously required a party of at least two players).
  • [F-09] Bandit Camp:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP.
  • [F-09] The Iron Guardian:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP.
  • [F-10] Wail of the Banshee:
    • Reduced page/post requirement from 2 full pages/41 posts to 1 full page/21 posts.
  • [F-15] Bane of Blood:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 3 SP to 4 SP.
  • [F-16] The Swashbuckling Buccaneer:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-17] «Herculean Labor» The Nemean Lion:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 3 SP to 5 SP.
  • [F-18] Just for the Halibut:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-19] Keep Calm and Ki'Raion:
    • Quest Clear SP reward during Daytime increased from 2 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-21] Betrayal of the King:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP.
    • Quest Clear Demonic weapon reward changed from Fallen Damage / Paralyze / Damage / Damage to Fallen Damage /  Paralyze / Accuracy / Accuracy.
  • [F-21] The Hidden Village:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 5 SP.
  • [F-22] King of Lakes:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-22] Witch of the West:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-23] Ugzeke the Mighty:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 3 SP.
  • [F-24] Incognito Assassination:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP.
  • [F-24] Raging Rhino:
    • Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP.
  • New Questline: Scents of the Wild:
    • This new questline is comprised of six quests spanning across several floor. Each quest rewards statue that provides its own unique buffs when activated. However, only one statue can be active at a time and you can only activate the statues when you have obtained them all. More information can be found at the questline.
  • Systems & Development Comments: In order to not cheat anyone out of some of the SP reward increases, we're allowing everyone who's finished these quests before this patch to simply update their journals with the respective SP amounts.


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