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  • Oscar

    Farewell 2.6 Event Notice!

    By Oscar

    Hello fellow Aincrad dudes! It's your boy Oscar here with an update. I'm sure you guys are wondering why we haven't done away with the Quarantine Bonus. It's been going for months now. Well, here's some good news about that: The Current SP Bonus Event will remain active until the launch of 3.0~~~ Since the Labyrinth Guardian has been slain, we have decided to make this bonus period permanent until 3.0 is here. The update itself is progressing smoothly so rest assured that when the Raid
    • 1 comment
  • Kataware

    3.1.2 Patch Notes

    By Kataware

    EXP Rewards: Standard EXP rewards for thread progression changed from (5 EXP * Player's Tier) for every 30 words to (Word Count / 10) * (Player's Uncapped Tier) * (Group Factor). Group factor table: Group Size EXP (Group) Factor 1 player 100% (1x) 2 players 70% (0.7x)
  • Kataware

    [2.6.4] Patch Notes

    By Kataware

    Crafting/Shop Changes: Crafting in a player's shop thread is now considered an out-of-character interaction. Systems & Development Comments: One of the main reasons why crafting required a 100 word requirement was because the «Merchants and Shops» sub-forum is considered an in-character sub-forum. Now that crafting is an out-of-character interaction, there is no longer a 100 word requirement while crafting. However, any in-character interaction (e.g. interacting with another


Hello fellow Aincrad Residents, back around again to approach a new form of 'raid' content. These will take the shape of NIGHTMARE. Now you may wondering what that is, allow me to explain. NIGHTMARE are old floor bosses repurposed to create very hard content for players to really feel in danger. This is an answer to a lot of the community not wanting real difficulty in standard content, but inversely a desire for actual danger by some. Instead of global changes that effect all players, by creati


Raidou in Patch Notes

[] Guild Rework, Scents Adjustment, Shift Acquisition Rework, Tierless Clarification, Shift Refund Procedure and Housing Ownership Clarification

Oh boy, here comes another big boy hot out of the presses. Staff has been hard at work on some big doozies and I'm here bringing it out full swing. Without further of due: Guild Rework: The main focus of this change is to make the system a more active part of the game and allow players who are not intending to make a 'non combat capable' character able to interact or benefit further from the system. Maybe its a book club, or a small conglomerate of farmers? This will allow narrative o


Raidou in Patch Notes

[] Platinum Shop

A smaller release today in the form of a new shop, working both as a way to remove exclusivity on past items that still see some use today as well as adding a much needed col sink into the system. Some items have been reworked to better fit the system and keep balance in check, it will be assumed at any existing items matching these will likely see similar errata. Platinum is purchased using the store at an exchange rate, 1m col per platinum and sold back to the store for 950k col per plati


Raidou in Patch Notes

Stealth Rework (

Hello Fellow Aincradians, Your textbook wackjob back around again to introduce something we've been working on for a bit now. Up until this point, Stealth has felt like a lot of mechanical legwork and a huge amount of SP to use for something that was less reliable and functionally equal to charge. This felt a little obtuse and our goals were to make stealth more readily usable. So we've attacked this problem on a few different fronts: New Standard Post Actions: Now anyone and everyone 'ca


Raidou in Patch Notes

Various QoL improvements & Additional Content (

Back around for another round, we'd like to inform you all of recent patches released in one dedicated place! Without too much time lets get down to business: Field Bosses: Inanos, The Aether Wurm [F26 Field Boss] T4 Danger noodle, with the atom bomb teeth Drops: Iridescent Tooth (T4/Reusable/Consumable) | Usable as free action once per combat after you apply a stack of Envenom. This item consumes all of your stacks of Envenom on the target dealing unmitigated damage equal to th


Raidou in Patch Notes

Community Poll: Fallen/Holy Rebalance Analysis

Oh boy, here we go with addressing the elephant in the room. Given the state these enhancements are in, we have noticed there's a tendency to gravitate to them exclusively. This is due to the fact that Fallen and/or Holy are considerably overtuned in comparison to other options. We’d like to encourage build diversity and instead of making the call and changing something that very well be essential to existing builds, we’d like to understand and accept what the community believes we should do to


Raidou in Community Feedback Skill Refund/Item Re-evaluation Grace Period

As a result of our recent changes within the New Mechanic Systems Release/Rework Patch, up until August 31, 2024 GMT all players will enjoy the following benefits: 1. Refunding Weapon Skills and their respective mods/addons will not incur a col cost or count toward your normal 50 SP per month limit. This is to allow players to make a swap to one of the new weapon types if they choose to. These refunds are undergone in the same skill refund evaluation process otherwise. 2. A player


Raidou in Current Events

New Mechanic Systems Release/Reworks (

Hello All, Its that time again for some QoL improvements. This time we are releasing something new and adjusting existing mechanics to link them in consistency. First off the frying pan.... Some keywords have been made for the sake of clarity: [True Level] = Player's Level + Player's Paragon Level (at the start of the thread) [True Tier] = [True Level] / 10, Rounded Up These should look familiar to you, given these are the same numbers used to calculate experience earned at the end


Raidou in Patch Notes

Armor Skill Rework (

Overview: Hello Incarcerated Citizen's of Aincrad, Time to address one of the elephants in the room: Armor Skills. There has been noticed a small amount of confusion but a drastic amount of inconsistency across the board in regards to these passives. It has lead to a 'meta' in the shape of light armor and it discourages variety. This patch aims to rectify this. Original Skills: Originally our Armor skills looked like this: Change Reasoning: Now first lets look at


Raidou in Patch Notes

Support (Leadership) / NT QoL Update (

Overview: Given the state that support archetypes are currently in (we know, staff as a whole is trying to find a good way to approach the problem) we've discovered that most supports have little to use their post actions on. We'd like to address that by looking to one of their only non-heal based post actions (action economy is everything, and we want players to spend it in a meaningful way.) Likewise, we'd also like to address the difficulty of obtaining equipment. As it sits we feel


Raidou in Patch Notes

Floor 27 Boss Fight (Post Completion)

Now that all is said and done, we'd like to plug the community and see how the material was received. This is an attempt to cater future content to the desires of the community. Below is the outline of the design process behind Wushen and the Ronbaru Roundtable companion event. Wushen: Too big to hurt, he was supposed to embody the idea of facing a titanic monster that easily dwarfed the players involved. Based around the Wuxing cycle, he was the embodiment of a Boss that had access to In


Raidou in Community Feedback

Appraiser Q.O.L (

We’ve heard the outcries! It seems the community has some issues with Appraisers, being the most difficult and least rewarding profession we have available. Staff would like to change that. As such we have come up with the following alterations to try and turn this profession into a more rewarding experience. #1 - Fusions Appraisers are now able to fuse unidentified items just like any other profession. Appraisers can only fuse unidentified items of the same item type using the followi


Raidou in Patch Notes

Floor 26 Boss Fight Rewards

For those of you involved in the floor 26 boss raid and received a <<Fate's Armament>> from Gabrandr's defeat, there has a number of questions regarding these items. Staff is making this announcement as an aim to rectify this. Anyone who possessed this item and participated in the companion event "Defying Destiny" is eligible to submit the vanity weapon to their evals. The item will become a T4 Demonic Quality Weapon, type being whatever the player so chooses and the name and descrip


Raidou in 3.1

Custom Skills (

Custom Skills: Thats right! We’re trying this again. So how are they different this time? They cannot be used in Raid Bosses They cannot be used in any Site Wide events When submitted, they enter a waiting list for when they will be evaluated (1 every 30 days). At which time, the one that is currently being evaluated will be reached by a member of staff to create a discord ticket. This area is to discuss and help balance the skill to an acceptable leve


Raidou in Patch Notes

3.1.2 Patch Notes

EXP Rewards: Standard EXP rewards for thread progression changed from (5 EXP * Player's Tier) for every 30 words to (Word Count / 10) * (Player's Uncapped Tier) * (Group Factor). Group factor table: Group Size EXP (Group) Factor 1 player 100% (1x) 2 players 70% (0.7x)


Kataware in Patch Notes

PST Address: 3.0 Conversion Compensation, Acquisition of Extra Skills tied to Quests

Hey Aincradians. NIGHT as PST GM here. Need an address today on two fronts. 1. 3.0 Conversion Compensation This is a change that affects a minority of our players. Also, to clarify, while this compensation was discussed and approved internally with staff, this is a move I am choosing to make as PST GM. At the start of 3.0, the Paragon Rewards table used to look as such: Lv. 25 | Gleaming Scale (3), Equipment Change Ticket (1), Free SP Reset (1) Lv. 50 | Custom Sword Art/Ski


NIGHT in Announcements

[2021] Halloween Celebration!

Hey fellow players! From now until the 30th of November, the site will be under effects of the Halloween Event that may be found [here]! Here's a quick rundown of what bonuses you players stand to gain from: Golden Gingko Scatter All threads closed within the event period will gain the following benefits: +15% EXP +30% col +50% materials Furthermore, for each loot-minimum monster slain that has a loot roll of natural CD9+, rewards gained from that loot ro


NIGHT in 3.1

3.1.1 Patch Notes

Heyo! This patch isn't quite as big as the rest, but we've got interesting things lined up regardless- Custom Skills mostly! With this update, Custom Skills are being put back into play but with some rules to them to keep the process much more clear cut and easy to follow. So let's get down into the nitty gritty of things! Custom Skills So, first things first. The big stuff, every single CS that existed prior to 3.1.1 needs to be resubmitted for approval in order to be usable again. Th


ChaseR in Patch Notes

3.1 Patch Notes

Yo yo yo! It's time for the next patch, and a small break from updates with it. I'll go more in depth once I'm done listing all the changes below, but please do check the bottom of the blog if you don't care about the numbers too much. To get back on track though, this update brings the new combat system playtested two weeks prior, alongside QoL changes in the form of adjusting Dungeons' difficulty, fixing EXP acquisition rates and lowering the amounts of EXP needed to level up, revamping the Pa


ChaseR in Patch Notes

PT Event Feedback

Heyo everyone. Seeing as the playtest event is over, it's time to gather feedback. As you can see above, there's a poll on whichever system you prefer and would like to say. Please note that whichever system is decided to be overall the more desired of the two will stick around, in place of the other. That means if the playtest is found to be better overall, we'll be intergrating it into the site officially. We want to hear your opinions on the event, the combat and any crtisisms/improvements yo


ChaseR in Logistical Feedback

3.0.2 Patch Notes

Hiya. Just hitting you all with patch 3.0.2, the main highlight of which is a new SA system that's being tested. You can find it in this thread, as an event. In order to sign up for it, you just need to run your threads with the new combat found on it, and make sure to have marked your thread with [PT] at the very start. Any threads done during the playtest will provide quest progress and the standard thread reward, so please make the most of it and give us your feedback when the event is over i


ChaseR in Patch Notes

Staff Rewards

The topic of providing staff mechanical rewards (of any kind) for their efforts has generally been a taboo topic because of multiple reasons including skepticism from dubious intentions and a longstanding belief that staff work should be enough of a reward on its own.  However, a larger goal of staff and its individuals for the past couple of years has been to re-establish trust in staff in hopes of fostering a healthier environment. We’d like to bring it the topic to the table once more and cle

[Community] Regarding Unique Skills/Custom Skills

Hey! Staff is currently looking to update 3.0 systems. From previous discussions, this has meant ideas like working on Sword Arts to remove cooldowns. Today, we'd like to gauge interest on another aspect of the game that 3.0 has brought about: Unique Skills (US) and Custom Skills (CS). The way to obtain a Unique Skill is simple: at the time of writing, Level 31 characters may submit a thread every week to roll for a US. There are 10 US available to players at the moment, meaning that once t


NIGHT in Community

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