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Patch Notes

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Hello fellow Aincrad Residents, back around again to approach a new form of 'raid' content. These will take the shape of NIGHTMARE. Now you may wondering what that is, allow me to explain. NIGHTMARE are old floor bosses repurposed to create very hard content for players to really feel in danger. This is an answer to a lot of the community not wanting real difficulty in standard content, but inversely a desire for actual danger by some. Instead of global changes that effect all players, by creating these special raids for the minority we can have the best of both worlds!



  1. CS/CSA cannot be used
  2. Party Limit: 6
  3. Completion Rewards are awarded (EA.)
  4. Raid Consumable Restrictions
  5. They are ran by a member of staff
  6. Only one can be active at any given time
  7. Posting Deadlines are 7 days but rounds can be completed sooner then this. If there is frequently a single player holding up the deadline, there is a possibility this deadline will be shortened by the staff member hosting the NIGHTMARE

Should be pretty standard fare for anyone who has participated in a floor boss raid before, however these have been designed to 'kill you fairly'. The mechanics involved will have a very real chance to result in the death of a character, so keep this in mind when choosing to participate in one. Without further ado, the first of many old foes ready to take your life: <<Covam, Furnace of Stylahm>>


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