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About Raidou

  • Title
    Red Wanderer
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Guild Name
    Firm Anima

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  1. "And here I was going to charge you a fortune, guess I'll swing pro bono." Raidou jests with the most straight face and a gentle gesture toward the back of the bar with an extended finger. "I can't really say the same. Although you do have a bit of a 'teacher' aura." The wanderer gestures down to the yoga pants, with a sense of acknowledgement. "I wish I was half as brave as you back then. Truth was, I was very withdrawn. Used books as a way to divorce myself from the world. I can admire that bravery." But his focus locked to his cup, as with that remark his heartstrings stung just the slighte
  2. The soft crunch of snow underfoot, a pleasant conversation had finally come to a close. With it, a few small bottles of caramel apple cider for a future gift. A ping on his HUD draws his attention. The footfalls stop and with a whisk of his hand from right to left sees the familiar menu opened. The tiny flashing blue icon denoting a message received and with a tap of his index it expands into a much larger window. Eyes scan the contents of the message, it seems as though Eruda was starting to get a little stir crazy. Understandable given they were always on the move up until now, and perhaps R
  3. Of course, make sure to join the community on discord for a bigger view of who is floating around https://discord.gg/p2zsGGJ
  4. NPC Compendium based on Floor: Floor 1 Marv Ol' Pete Floor 2 Anna, little girl who likes getting lost like Koko does (literally head canon'd name based on old Let there be Light) Floor 4 Alexander, tough bartender type with a sweetspot for his wife and frequent fliers (Lessa's head child, yet borrowed a few times for proofing) Margaret, Alexander's sweet-heart who can break that gruff man and wrap him around her finger Floor 6 Teoi Floor 18 Gyrard Floor 21 Nemo, the quest NPC for Nature's Treasure to which Raidou formed a Druidic style understandin
  5. Hello All, Its that time again for some QoL improvements. This time we are releasing something new and adjusting existing mechanics to link them in consistency. First off the frying pan.... Some keywords have been made for the sake of clarity: [True Level] = Player's Level + Player's Paragon Level (at the start of the thread) [True Tier] = [True Level] / 10, Rounded Up These should look familiar to you, given these are the same numbers used to calculate experience earned at the end of a thread. These values do not change regardless of what conditions a system may imply and are st
  6. Custom Skill: ► Ill Omen in Red Cost: 10 SP Passive Restriction: Parry must be owned and equipped, usable only if the player is wearing only cloth armor Effect: Players with this skill ignore imposed mitigation enhancement caps on armor skills, the armor still must follow normal mitigation enhancement slot caps (I.E. Cloth Armor cannot have more then one on a single piece). All missed attacks against the player are now flavored as a "Parry" given you choose to stand your ground and make the opponent miss. Description: A good swordsman knows that a sword can be as effective a
  7. Overview: Hello Incarcerated Citizen's of Aincrad, Time to address one of the elephants in the room: Armor Skills. There has been noticed a small amount of confusion but a drastic amount of inconsistency across the board in regards to these passives. It has lead to a 'meta' in the shape of light armor and it discourages variety. This patch aims to rectify this. Original Skills: Originally our Armor skills looked like this: Change Reasoning: Now first lets look at the worst offender in overtuning, Light Armor by comparing the other two skills: Cloth Armor | Can
  8. Overview: Given the state that support archetypes are currently in (we know, staff as a whole is trying to find a good way to approach the problem) we've discovered that most supports have little to use their post actions on. We'd like to address that by looking to one of their only non-heal based post actions (action economy is everything, and we want players to spend it in a meaningful way.) Likewise, we'd also like to address the difficulty of obtaining equipment. As it sits we feel as though our current avenues for gearing and preparing a 'frontline ready' character is a little t
  9. "Vague threats with little proven backing, in stark colors on a stranger..." Raidou remarks taking in the sunshine that bled through the window pane, gesturing a bright morning toward an afternoon. Everclear skies peaked past, not a cloud in view. His attention peeled to Bahr, finding a curiosity in the near lack of recollection on his demeanor. Perhaps the man was forgetful, or perhaps something had disjointed his memory. "That I do, and what I understand the Tarot share the same sentiment." He'd nurse a kettle to refresh his cup. "That's why we are allies. You do remember?" Placing
  10. Now that all is said and done, we'd like to plug the community and see how the material was received. This is an attempt to cater future content to the desires of the community. Below is the outline of the design process behind Wushen and the Ronbaru Roundtable companion event. Wushen: Too big to hurt, he was supposed to embody the idea of facing a titanic monster that easily dwarfed the players involved. Based around the Wuxing cycle, he was the embodiment of a Boss that had access to Incarcerate/Trickster builds and was really DoT heavy. Phase 1: Does low damage, attacks ava
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