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  • Birthday December 24

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    The Tarot

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  1. "huh? pulled what?" night paused, trying to think. immediately, she was distracted by the tell from lilith, scurrying back onto her feet with a prepared counter, the demoness lunging forth with a flurry of strikes. the player threw herself forward, shoulder leaning into her blade, holding out against the attack as she could in that awkward grip. "bunny out of a hat? ...cat out the bag?" then she rolled out the way again on instinct, allowing lilith's momentum to push herself into a nearby wall. night struck her blade out against the ground, leveraging its weight to carry her self upwards,
  2. with a shudder, what persistent shadow that once fell over the room gave way to an ambient, monotone grey, lilith at the heart of it all, falling apart into pieces. night let out a sigh she hadn't noticed she'd been holding in. not that she didn't have faith in nari – it was more likely they were rushing into things to notice the best way of navigating around their combatant, or the fight. finally able to put away her weapon, she set a hand to her side, gesturing to the already dissipating corpse of their enemy. "see? never say never... or something like that." what minute peace the
  3. NIGHT

    Euled's Journal

  4. night breathed, slow, watching nari chase after lilith and watching the vampiress back off on instinct. was it all in the weapon? given how many times she'd changed her own, she figured she knew better by now. so the constant foiled attempts, night thought, were either an equipment mismatch or... "--stop." she, too, chose to dive in once nari had swung to her fill. a scythe wasn't the best weapon for reach, but it did have more than most, to the detriment of its curvature. straight edges weren't the best due to the need for accuracy, but perhaps that was the exact type of precision t
  5. "Is it not perma-death in there?" night blinked, pausing partway through in consuming one of her dumplings. "i don't think so," she returned, briefly puzzled. "when we was there, i'm pretty sure we were still aware of the threat of death looming over us. whatever gave you that impression?" she took a bite anyway thereafter, giving herself space to think. "if there was a place with that sort of safety lock, we should've all heard about it by now, shouldn't we?" she kept quiet during koga's dish, only chuckling as he revealed his regret, finishing the bite she kept on hand. given his t
  6. <<dha:7>> | floor07. # NIGHT | Lv. 146 >> P. 113, Lv. 33 | status: n/a |
  7. r10 artisan | x12 daily crafting attempts | cd tool rhinestone. | TIER 4 TRINKET | AMBITION [desc.]: chipped jewels fashioned into small polished representatives of themselves. [27/08/23] | +9 [02/09/23] | +14 [03/09/23] | +12 [04/09/23] | +10 [14/04/24] | +9
  8. "huh? wingmanning--?!" another jest from night; she'd dropped her guard in receiving lilith then, as she focused on the dancing of the boss' health bar within her periphery. up and down again. night couldn't quite help but figure they were both forgetting something crucial regarding the death of the vampire. just as the beast was shoved in her direction, night swiveled around lilith's open maw curving into a sharp bite, and cut a gash into its side. a classic move to avoid being front-and-center food for the enemy. she slid away, allowing their target to spin around and face them in
  9. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Howl (10) Mod(s)/Addon(s)/Shift(s) Being Dropped: Focused Howl (5) SP Incurred Towards Limit: 10SP SP Refunded: 10SP Cost: 10,000col
  10. she figured the room would've changed the next time she entered it. when night was filtered into that golden hall, however, all that differed from the image in her memory was that it was living, breathing, through the particle effects of the game conveying an illusion of life. still, beyond its little light tricks, the room was completely sterile. silent, night shuffled up to the statue holding up the horn of battle and took it from its hands. then, she reviewed her inventory, and contemplated on the other items, now unretrievable, amidst her surroundings. step by step, she traced the per
  11. r10 artisan | x12 daily crafting attempts | cd tool [from here.] Hearing Aid. | TIER 1 TRINKET | ACC III [desc.]: A well designed piece tailor fitted to Nymoria's ear, it's dark blue surface twinkles with glittered pink stars. [ids.]: 214317-4
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