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[PP-3F-NK]<<Feeding the Enemy>> To Catch A Fox [Magda and Lawfer]

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There was something about a small quaint village that just spoke to her on a level that some of the larger settlements just couldn’t. Delilah Village was no exception. The large village had an old country vibe to it and it was one of the few places that Magda had taken a liking to and visited frequently. The red-haired giantess was clad in her white platinum armor from shoulder to foot. Lines of crimson ran along the armor’s trim which marked her affiliation with the guild in addition to the cloak that was draped across her back. She moved about rather carefree as she made her way from one side of the village to the other.


In truth she hadn’t gotten to explore this place as thoroughly as she might have liked and now that she had the opportunity to remedy that she didn’t plan to waste it. Anytime she passed a NPC she’d offer them a broad grin and a hearty wave. There didn’t seem to be a lot of reaction as they continued about their daily routines. That fact alone caused a slight falter in her grin. Maybe it would have been best if she’d invited an actual person along with her. She nearly snorted as she cast that thought aside and her joyous mood was renewed. She didn’t have time to lumber around with the tides of loneliness pressing in on her. She needed to make most of this time and simply enjoy the sights.


That’s what she wanted to do anyway but there was one NPC that seemed to be a little different than the others. An elderly looking woman clad in colorful scarves and a vibrant purple dress sat in a chair not too far down the road. Rather than keeping her focus on something else like the other NPCs her eyes seemed to follow the red-haired giantess everywhere she went. While this was a little disturbing it did prompt Magda in taking a slight detour that would carry her closer to the old woman.


Edited by Magda
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“Another beautiful day!” the golden haired spearman stated as he looked back and forth throughout Delilah village. This floor had made a distinct imprint in his heart since the beginning of the game. Between the beautiful elven women or the vast amount of lower level players he had felt at home. There had been plenty of floors that he could be in and make camp, but there was nothing like this village. Slinging his spear from his shoulder, the man spun his custom crafted spear thrice. “As much fun as this is…” he driveled off as his eyes caught glance at a sight.

Changing his direction, he slid his spears strap over his shoulder once more as he made way towards the crimson haired vixen. “Well hello there beautiful!” He commented as he walked towards the woman. Having met her previously, the dragoon could only smile and nod his head, as he pulled back his cloak. “Anything I could help you out with?”he asked as a smile crept across his face.

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It didn't take long before Magda come to a complete stop only a few feet away from the Old Gypsy. She definitely has respect for anyone who could pull off some lavish colors. She didn't have the nerve to wear anything of the sort; not that she didn't want to though. The Old Gypsy had a weathered look to her much like her grandmother did. It was enough to make her mind start that initial drift into reminiscence but the Old Gypsy's soft voice drew Magda from a time before she was trapped here. "Why dear you look to be traveling alone? These are dangerous times for that." The Old Gypsy offered a warm smile as if she commented on the weather or some other topic that was common place.

Magda's crimson brows drew closer together as she felt a little off guard at the comment. She failed to recover in time to laugh it off like she normally would have since the Old Gypsy felt the need to go on. "You know, there is an old trick to getting the local monsters to follow you. If you feed them the right treat, why they'll be the most loyal of allies.” This was a strange conversation indeed and not something she expected from some random grandmother NPC. She had a sneaking suspicion that this must be some form of quest and her patience paid off when the prompt appeared before her. She squinted her eyes as she read the information there and realized that this was a method of gaining a type of pet, or familiar as the description described them. "Is this how Mack go this bear," she murmured softly as she pondered out loud. 

She reached out to accept the quest but her finger hovered over the button when her attention was diverted elsewhere. A familiar voice called out in greeting and at first she expected to see Grave come sauntering over to her. Her crimson-eyed gaze shifted and when her eyes fell on Lawfer there was a hint of hesitation but also one of recognition. The beautiful comment reminded her of Grave's flirtatious nature but instead she was surprised to see another familiar face. Someone she hadn't seen since her trek into a dungeon with Opal. That is if her memory served her. A warm smile spread across her lips with a hint of a smirk forming. "Why I didn't know she was your type," Magda said exasperated and motioned towards the Old Gypsy. "I do hate to break this to you but she is an NPC. Then again..," her voice trailed off. A single finger was placed against her chin and her expression turned thoughtful. In as calm a tone as she could muster without the risk of descending into a fit of laughter she went on to say, "She won't turn you down at least!"

She obviously knew that Lawfer was likely referring to her but she did enjoy a good tease every no and then. “Now as for someone needing help,” she said as a devilish grin spread across her lips. “It just so happens this beautiful lady right here has offered me a quest. That is if you’d be so inclined to tear your attention away from this beautiful lady and offer your assistance.” While she waited for his response to all of that she reached out and tapped the accept button to start the quest.

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