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[PP-F10] A Frog in the Dark <<Feeding the Enemy>>

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Tsu nodded when Eatos told her that it was okay to speak that much, as she enjoyed listening. "Thank you for listening Eatos, ribbit. The government told us to keep the experiments under the lid, but they kinda sent us out into society like frogs, so people would eventually find out, ribbit. But if you find that sickening, it gets worse. After I turned 12, the government ran some experiments on me, and my tongue doubled in size, ribbit. Another experiment involved my blood, and it turned out that according to my blood test, I'm 14 percent frog, ribbit. I ended up gettimg frog habits, and my school days got even rougher. I still have nightmares over the day the bullies tied my tongue around a flagpole, rrrrrribbit." Tsu went on as another fly started to buzz around her. Tsu caught it with her tongue immediately, and this time ate it. Eatos asked if Tsu hated the government for doing this to her family, and Tsu nodded her head. "I hate them with a burning passion, ribbit. They threatened to put me to death if I didn't follow through with the experiments, joking that "The little froggy is gonna croak.", ribbit. Everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of freak. Sometimes I want to kill myself and just hope to be reborn into a normal person, rrrrrrribbit." Tsu said as she put her head down a little bit.

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Eatos was little a little surprised at what she was hearing. Part of her had assumed Tsu used the frog as a coping style, but to hear she was biologically related to frogs, was, well, not what she honestly expected to hear at any point in her life. She knew there was nothing she could do to ‘help’ Tsu, after all, this wasn’t one with an easy solution.

“Those people, lack maturity” she said in response to the bullies being, well, assholes “I do get what you mean though, being on your own against people who don’t understand” Eatos sorta knew what the other girl experienced, solitude. It hurt, a lot. When people were like that, with things out of your control, or things already done.

Hearing the last part, Eatos gently rested her hand on the other girls shoulder “Trust me Tsu, normal isn’t what it’s chopped up to be. I was normal, then…I wasn’t. And I learnt a lot…” Eatos didn’t want to tell her the reason, the event, that changed her. It was her burden. Her sin. “Trust me, seeing the world in a differnet way, being unique…Its far better than being one of the sheep of society…”

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Tsu couldn't help but feel a bit like a drama queen, making everything sound worse than it was. But Tsu wasn't even exaggerating much, it was more like what she was saying was an understatement. Eatos told her that she knew what Tsu meant, being against people who didn't understand, and Tsu nodded her head, before looking at Eatos with a small smile. "Yeah, they never gave me a smooth time, ribbit. I remember one time in my biology class, even the teacher asked if I was comfortable dissecting frogs, ribbit. Then one of the kids in the class called dibs on dissecting me. That was the only time I found the teasing funny, rrrrrribbit." Tsu said as she went through her memories of school. Eatos told her that being normal wasn't as good as it sounds, and that it was better to be unique rather than be a sheep. Tsu pulled out a potion from her inventory and handed it to Eatos. "So then would you like to try being a frog like me for a day, ribbit? Only one sip and your tongue will be just as long as mine for the day. You'll know what to do after you take it, rrrrrribbit." Tsu said as she stuck her tongue all the way out to show Eatos how long her tongue was, with it being about 35 centimeters long.

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In a way, the classroom situation was somewhat humorous and Eatos had to not smirk, or laugh, even though part of her wanted to. The teachers worry about working on a frog was oddly amusing for her, but her face remained passive. Even if she claimed to find humour in it, Eatos was still going to be careful about how she reacted. Tsu might have a sore spot for it.

Eatos frowned at the potion she was given, and its effect. If she was entirely honest, she had no interest in it. The idea of having a tongue that long was extremely off-putting, and the girls mind tried to find a way to reject the idea without being rude.

“I would, but I’ve got a meeting with a guild later today” she said slowly “Stryder and me are looking at bridging across with one of the stronger guilds, and no offense, not sure Stryder, or the other guild, would look kindly upon it. You know what politics are like, appearances must be perfect and all that”

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Tsu watched more of the frogs swim by in the pond as Eatos told her that she couldn't really take the potion because she was going to have a meeting later on, and showing up with a frog tongue would be less than desirable. Tsu nodded her head, understanding the situation of having to look good for a meeting. "Don't worry, I get it, ribbit. Hardly anyone I offer it to ever takes it. It's more of a joke if anything, ribbit.Tsu said, putting the potion back in her inventory and waving her hand in dismissal. Tsu leaned forward a little bit more and watched more of the frogs swim around in the pond. The ambience and overall silence of the place save for the splish and splashes of water made by the frogs, it just made Tsu feel calm and relaxed. Looking back up at Eatos, Tsu tried to think of anything else they could do or talk about. "So, how long do you plan on being this guild, ribbit? I already noticed that players like Fae have sorted fallen off the map. Just wondering if you're going to be here for a long time, ribbit.Tsu asked, hoping for a long time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The girl was pleased the Tsu took her reply rather well, in part, she had prepared for the girl to be offended. Some people were like that, taking personal opinions so serious that refusal was parallel to offense. They were people that were difficult to communicate with, and near impossible to barter with. Eatos smiled at Tsu watching the potion go away, and mentally, let out a sigh of relief. While it was true there was a meeting coming, it wasn’t today, probably. Stryder was useless at keeping her informed despite her insistence of letting her deal with the talking. He was a child when it came to business, she was an expert.

Ironically, the guild came up once again and the girl smirked. She clicked her fingers, Angel’s ears perking up before barking softly as she scratched the dog behind its ears “Well, given I’m one of the co-founders, until everyone moves on, or we escape this game” she said honestly “Stryder and I were part of a guild before this, but it…well, just stopped. The people there helped me, well, live. So I want to give others the option, make friends, level up, just live while being trapped in this game” Eatos leaned back and closed her eyes “I plan to protect people Tsu, and even if Stryder takes those who care for combat and move on, I’ll stay here. I’ve made enough mistakes in my life…” her voice shook a little, sadness lightly kissing her words “No one in this guild dies, ever…”

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Tsu was far from offended when Eatos told her that she was busy, but it was better not to really mention those kind of things out loud. Most people Tsu knew had been always cautious and careful, trying not to offend her. It more offended Tsu when people acted like that, but she rarely showed it. Eatos answered Tsu's question by saying that she would stay in the guild until everyone moved on or if they escaped the game. "That's really sweet, ribbit. But if Stryder moves on, I'm more likely to stay with you. Combat isn't really my strong suit, ribbit. I want to heal and make sure no one in this guild dies either. I'm gaining levels fast, and soon I can be more of help for this guild, rrrrrrribbit. But for now..." Tsu said, before opening her inventory and pulling out the McFroppy's bags, handing one to Eatos. "I can always be the guild cook, so I hope you enjoy, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrribbit."

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Stryder moving on. It wasn't an idea the girl had, if she was honest, put much thought into. After all, he had been the one to first suggest it, even if she saw it coming a mile away. He was reckless, needlessly so in her honest opinion. And he loved this world, so fighting was just part of him now. She knew he was aiming for the front lines, but people like her? Well, it couldn't be more different. She was scared of the front lines, and so, protecting those who didn't want to go there was her role. Through healing, or being an ear to listen with.

"Stryders' always been like this, since we first met. Reckless, so focused on combat. I can just tell he wants to help at the front lines, and part of me fears he'll leave for it" She said softly "But that's just who he is, someone who hates the real world so much he can only live trapped in here. But he sees people like me, who hate it here, and so, he's stuck" Eatos looked up at Tsu with an apologetic smile on her face "S-sorry, i just get lost in my own head sometimes". 

The girl took the bag, and opened it up taking a poke inside. She'd always been a fan of this food, but often, well, it meant going outside. "Thanks for the food, i do appreciate it"

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