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[SP/F1 ]<<The First Few Lessons are Free>> (Zuel)

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It was mere moments after Akihiko Kayaba had announce that they would not be able to log out of this death game. “Stuck in the game huh?” Zuel said to himself as he smirked lightly to the thought. He took no time as he look through the beginners guide to get a hint on where he should start. He looked through the various quest options before deciding on which route would be the best to take to gain some knowledge of how the game worked. Looking to avoid quest that were combat based, Zuel was searching for quest that would be a bit safer for a starting player with little to no risk for him. “This should be good enough.” He decided as he head to the shop of Zackariah. He would bring up the map and study it for a short time before navigating his way to the shop. Along the way he saw countless children that were frighten and scared at the situation. He managed to reach his destination bringing up the map once more to confirm that this was the shop. Zuel open the door as the bell alerted the NPC Zackariah that he had entered. 

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As he entered the shop he would looking around before noticing an old man standing behind a counter fiddling with some flasks. The old man gave him a pleasant smile as Zuel approached him, placing his flasks down. Zuel inspected him from a bit noticing things that discerned him as a NPC and not a PC"I have come to gather materials for you." His voice was deep and Zackariah's programming could tell the age of Zuel. The old man would lean forward to Zuel "Straight to business I see. I rarely see someone of your age coming into my shop. But I guess you are all young to me." He would chuckles lightly before pulling out a withered plant. "Well it is a bit out of the way for an old man like myself but if you insist I would be happy to reward you if you are able to bring me 5 of these verdant plants." Zuel would pull out his map and mark the area where the plant reside before look back to Zackariah giving him a nod. Leaving the store, Zuel would gather some supplies and begin to head for the wild woods area.

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As Zuel would wander to the edge of the town he would study the maps of the floor to get a better understanding of it layout. He reached the gate and travel through following the path that would lead him to the woods but also give him his best chance of avoid any combat. He would remember for a second that he was inside a game and was impressed how real it felt and took in a lot of the amazing sights as he traveled. Finally he would make it to the edge of the forest, taking another look at the map to see the location of the verdant plants. The area was vast and there was a good chance he wouldn't encounter one in ever area of the forest. Zuel ventured in a little deeper carefully navigating the area so that he wouldn't get lost and finally reaching an area where the plant could possible be. He scanned the  area quickly and noticing something that resembled the plant peaking behind a tree just up ahead. Growing under the tree was one of the verdant plants he needed for Zackariah. He carefully extracted it to not damage the plant and place it into his pouch. 

ID# 101902 

 Loot: 17

1/5 Materials Found

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Pleased with finding a material so quickly Zuel quickly began to search the same area again for more of the plant. After searching for a short time enemies started gathering in the area in packs. Wanting to avoid fighting Zuel would carefully navigate around the enemies field of vision carefully making his way to a safer area. However after searching this new area for some time it was clear there was no plants here. Having to choose to venturer deeper into the forest if he was going to obtain more of that plants Zuel had to wait out the enemies paths and try again when they had pathed away. He had determined that enough time had passed for him to venture back into the forest to continue his search for the plants keeping his keen eye out for the plant and enemies as well.

 ID# 101903

 Loot: 5

1/5 Materials Found

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Zuel finally returned to the area he had been before to continue his search. It was clear the area had been ransacked by the enemies and the plants where most likely destroyed by the enemies presences. Unfortunately Zuel would have to venture else where if he wanted to obtain more of the verdant plant. With no option he would go deeper into the forest unsure of what would await him there. He decided to take a small break setting up camp for a little bit to rethink his strategy and come up with a plan to best avoid enemies while moving further in. 

 ID# 101904

 Loot: 12

1/5 Materials Found

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Deciding it was time to head back out to continue looking for the plants he gathered his things. He explored deeper into the forest seeing a darker atmosphere than before. It was clear this area was potentially a bit more dangerous to stay to long in but most likely was the best place to have the plant. It was a bit harder to see but Zuel knew where to look and began to search under the bigger trees in the area in hopes of having better odds of finding another plant. To his surprise he spotted one resting under a tree where a glimmer of light was able to hit it through the leaves of the trees above. Zuel would carefully extract it before heading back to a safer area of the forest.

 ID# 101905

Loot: 20

2/5 Materials Found

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Seeing as his last location had yielded such great results Zuel decided to head back into the same darker area. After searching around for a short time he managed to spot another one under a tree. Zuel began to peek out to obtain when a huge boar enemy had come out of the forest. It was definitely an enemy to powerful for him to handle so he had to wait him out. After some time had passed the boar had left the area and Zuel had determined it would be safe for him to come out and get the plant. Still being cautious he extracted yet another plant and thought it would probably be best to leave the area so not to meet that boar again. Zuel headed back to his camp where he began to make on the map where he had been and which areas yielded the best results vs the risk of running into tough enemies before deciding where to head next.

ID# 101906

 Loot: 20

3/5 Materials

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It started to get darker outside and it would be dangerous to roam around the forest at night so Zuel decided to head back to the open area of the first floor to wait out the night. On his way out trying to see if he could maybe get lucky and find another plant with no luck. After making it out he would set up camp on the outskirts of the forest. He had found an abandoned camp nearby and decided to stay there for the night. He spent most of the night reading the beginners guide to learn what he could to gain any sort of edge. He would rest up until it was morning so that he could venture back into the forest to obtain the 2 remaining plants. 

ID# 101909

 Loot: 5

3/5 Materials

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Zuel thought it would be a good idea to search the areas that he had already had knowledge of first as it would be a safer option if he could find the remaining two plants. After returning to the location where he found his first plant he noticed the plant had re spawned. However upon examining the plant it had be almost completely destroyed by passing monster before Zuel had arrived however it was still useful enough to be used for his quest. For the first quest in the game this was surprising long and tedious however he was gaining some decent Intel about the world of Aincrad.

ID# 101911

  Loot: 14

4/5 Materials

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Like before Zuel decided to venture deeper into the woods in the area he had some luck in before. Once again he had spotted the plant that had re spawned in the area how ever it was damage but still usable. "It looks like that giants boar came back over night." He would say to himself as his decision to leave the forest was the right choice. Now after finding all 5 of the verdant plants he navigated his way out of the forest and went back on the road to lead himself back to the town of beginnings. Now a bit more familiar with the layout of the town he headed for the shop where Zackariah was waiting for him. Zuel handed the materials over to Zackariah as the old man smiles. "Very well done my young friend. Now I will ask that you help me use these plants to create a healing potion." Zuel would nod not wanting to miss the chance to learn how to create a useful item. 

ID# 101912

 Loot: 14

5/5 Materials

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Zuel would examine the ingredients set out on the table before Zachariah and himself and watch carefully as Zachariah would begin to put each ingredient into a flask, carefully measuring the ingredients before placing them before Zuel. Zachariah would nod and look to him. "Alright, now if you want to create a healing potion you must carefully mix the ingredients together being cautious of not damaging the ingredients in the process." Would let out a reassuring smiles. "We have plenty of ingredients to work with, so don't expect to get it perfect on the first try." Zuel would nod taking hold of the flasks and begin to carefully pore them together. he would watch to make sure he didn't over mix them. It was clear he wasn't used to something like this but he had read about it in the beginners guide so he had some idea how to do it. After a few seconds the potions began to glow a bright red until it subsided to a normal red. Zachariah's eyes would light up and widen at the events. "Very good Zuel! I am impressed not many beginners are able to craft a healing potion on their first try." Zuel would hand the potion to Zachariah to inspect. "Yes this will do very nicely. I would ask one more favor from you my new friend. Please take this potion along with these other supplies to the local blacksmith named  Lyle Tealeaf. I am sure he will be able to reward you for your trouble." Would nod taking the sack given to him by Zachariah before giving him a short wave as he set off to find the blacksmith.


ID# 101965

 Craft: 4

Good Quality Success!

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After leaving the old man's shop Zuel began to head east to the blacksmiths. Now having a better sense of the town of the beginnings, Zuel makes his way to the blacksmiths. Zuel enters looking around seeing a wide variety of armor and weapons. Hammering away at a sword on an anvil was the NPC named Lyle Taeleaf that he had to give the materials too. He approached the NPC as he caught his attention as Lyle gave him a wide smile. "Ah welcome welcome! How can I help you sir? Need some new armor? Weapons? Or maybe you need some repairs done?!" Zuel waved off his requests as he reached his hand out holding the sack containing the potion he had been given to deliver. Lyle would take the sack inspecting its contents. "Ho ho! I have been waiting for these!" He would place them on a shelf before returning to Zuel. "I appreciate you getting these to me but would it be to much if I asked you for a favor now that I have you here?" Zuel would nod knowing this would be a chain quest and possible would be a good chance to get into combat as well.

Quest Complete! 


  1. Questers will be rewarded the following items
    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

  2. 2 Additional Skill Points


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Not wanting to start the next chain quest right away Zuel thought it would be better to get a better understanding of the combat system in this game using the beginners guide. He would travel around the town of beginnings while reading up on what each stats represented, some of the weaker enemies patterns as well as how equipment effected combat stats as well. After reading up on skills and mods he noticed that he hadn't used any of his skill points yet to enhance his character. "This might be a good place to start before heading into combat." He began looking through the possible skills he could take with his 5 skill points.  Since he was a straight sword user he went through his skill list noticing that he didn't have quite enough energy at his level to make use of any of them yet. Zuel would look around as he saw other player forming parties to give them better odds at completing quest as well as surviving in battle. Zuel began to wonder if it would be a good idea to look for other players that would party with him.

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After some time Zuel started to feel the sensation of hunger. Although he was inside a game he still felt hungry. The Nerve Gear was really advance technology to allow him to feel so many different senses while inside the game. Zuel began to wonder what would happen to his body out side of Aincrad if enough time passed. He deduced that the trapped players would have to taken to the hospital and put on life support in order to survive not physically eating or drinking anything. At any rate eating in the game may subside the sensation of hunger for the time being. Going to a local merchant he would buy a cheap piece of bread from him as well as water. Eating it didn't taste good at all but it was efficient in quenching his hunger which is all he needed. It seemed like the Col needed to survive in this game was very little if you didn't mind the taste which Zuel didn't at all. But what he was most interested in was gaining levels and obtaining stronger equipment so he could progress to the next level. He would have to spend his points wisely in the early levels in order to  gain levels quickly.

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Zuel would bring the menu down and go to the skill page and look for one handed weapon skill. A confirmation window would come up to confirm if he wanted to spend his 5 sp into the weapon skill to increase his damage by 1. Since his base damage is 1 and he has a x2 modifier on his current weapon it seems logical doubling his damage again would be a wise decision to increase his overall dps. Zuel would press confirm acquiring the one handed sword weapon skill. "This should do for now." one step closer to preparing for combat Zuel was now able to calculate a bit more of his damage. Reading up on the next quest of the chain it would appear that he would be facing some pretty weak enemies. This was a good chance to learn the combat system in SAO which was unlike other games he had played before. It was getting late though and he felt his body getting tired in the game, not knowing how long it has been since he had slept. "Probably best to find a inn for the night."

5 Skill points used.

One-Handed Weapons
1/5 Ranks
Effect: Gain +1 base damage per rank

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As Zuel wandered around the town of beginnings he could feel the warm breeze in the air as the sky turns from day to dusk. Under different circumstances this would be an amazing experience. Zuel couldn't help but smirk as he approached the Inn in the town. He looked up as the lights in the building could be seeing coming through into the street. Zuel entered the inn and looked around to a cosy atmosphere and cheerful NPCs as well as some players that were at ease in this environment. He would walk up to the counter to the young NPC girl that was a hostess of the inn. "Hell Sir would you like a room? We are currently allowing low level players to stay in rooms at a reduced rate." Zuel nods and accepts the purchase of the room as he headed upstairs to find a basic looking inn room like in many rpgs. He would lay back on the bed resting his hand on his hands behind his head and start thinking to himself about his actions for the next couple of days and the goals he wanted to set for himself. But he ended up drifting off to sleep.

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As the sun rose turning night into dawn Zuel had already awoken preparing his equipment to set out for the day. He would head down stairs being greeted by the NPC hostess "Good morning sir! I hope you enjoyed your stay!" Zuel would acknowledge her with a small nod out of habit even though it was only a NPC. As he walked outside he would pull up the menu to look at the map before heading to the south part of town to the gate. He would stay a safe distance as he would head into the field. He would sit down and begin to observe other players battles against enemies, taking notices of enemies patterns as well at the different type of weapons the players would use. He began to get insight of the different skills for each weapon as well as which passive skills players to use of to help them defeat the enemy. Zuel's knowledge of SAO was beginning to become sufficient enough to the point where he felt confident enough to progress through the game quickly as well as safely. After observing for some time he would head back to town.

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Although Zuel was passionate about rpgs and had been able to player mmorpgs before now he had never played a vrmmorg before. So there was a bit of a learning curve for him to overcome. However little by little his knowledge of vrmmorpg and how they played differently from other games was beginning to take form in his head. This game that he was trapped in was real life to him now and he had to adapt quickly. Now was the time for him to take the next step and continue to learn the basics of combat in SAO. Zuel now felt confident enough to take on the next quest in the game. He began to head back to the blacksmith Lyle to accept the next quest. Along the way he would notice other players bullying weaker player and although Zuel was only level one they seemed to leave him alone. Looking into the reflection of a nearby window of a store he could see what the mirror had done to him by reverting him back to his turn physical appearance. His scar on his face and his long brown hair. It was a interesting decision to allow the characters to take their actual appearance outside of the game. "I wonder if to make it more this death game to seem even more real." He would shrug it off and continue to the blacksmith.


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Zuel would continue the venture to the blacksmiths when he heard a scream coming from a nearby ally way. He decided to investigate the scream and found 3 player characters bullying a young NPC girl. Although it was just an NPC Zuel would walk up behind the 3 player characters towering over them with a menacing look on his face. His deep-set eyes met the other players and although fighting was not allowed in the town of beginning Zuel was only level one his presence alone was enough to send the three player characters running with frightened looks on their faces. Zuel turned to leave the ally after saving the young npc girl, she would try to get his attention before he left. "Um..uh...." She would bow to him. "Thank you for saving me." Not really wanting to waste time on a NPC, Zuel would just give a dismissing wave over his shoulder and head out once again. It seemed as players had their ways of coping with the situation of being trapped inside SAO. Zuel noticed a large crowed gathering in a circle around two players Zuel decided to go see what it was about.

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Making his way to the center of the crowd, he saw two players standing across from each other with a countdown between them. It appears as the two players were going to fight but not to the death. This was clearly a duel between the two players. Zuel had already come up with the thought that players may to try attack or kill other players so it was important not only to have a vast knowledge of enemy characters but players skills and abilities as well. He would lean up against a nearby wall and folding his arms to watch the duel, paying careful attention to their movements and actions. As the two players began to fight it was clear that reaction time was important in this game as executing a skill took proper timing to not only use it but make it more powerful as well as dodging and blocking skills as well. The duel lasted a short time and a victor was claimed and for Zuel was valuable knowledge of how basic combat between players played out. With it beginning to get late Zuel had no more time to waste as he finally headed to the Blacksmith to pick up the next quest.

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