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[PP F01] Swish, Swish, Stab <<Second Lesson, Is Also Free>>

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Dan nodded, "So be proactive not reactive right?" He had heard something like that before but he couldn't remember where or why. Either way he listened to her talk and tried to absorb the information, it was likely to save his life in more difficult battles, but he found himself more confused than anything. "So... Should I just button mash?" He asked trying to equate to other games he had played. He grumbled though. Three strikes was too many to kill a boar. He wanted to get through this quickly so he could move on to the next quest, which hopefully wasn't as luck based. "Is there anyway to kill these things faster? I mean I have a damage potion, but I don't really want to use it on such and early quest you know? Plus with the drop rates being random I should kill as many of these things as I can right?" 

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Hokori let the boy try to figure things out a bit and not just have everything spoon fed to him. However, she did need to make sure to correct him on his mistakes so he didn't go down poorly optimized paths. "You don't want to be going at the enemy randomly. You still need to go in with a plan and know what you're doing, but letting them come to you is the same as going in without a plan. It means that the opponent knows what will happen better than you will. And though it might feel like a bit of a slog at the moment, it is worth to be saving what you have for now. Make sure to be using sword arts if you can to speed up the process a bit more. If you get in trouble I'll be here to help, but remember you won't get any rewards if I'm the one to kill them." She really wished she could speed people through this quest a bit better, and it would've been even better if he had some decent gear on hand. A lot of people offered it to them pretty cheap, but she knew not a lot of players were ready to go talk to player merchants about getting new gear from the get go.


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Dan hummed and nodded as he listened intently. It made sense but he still wasn't sure how much planning he could do. Until recently he didn't know much about swordsmanship, only what he'd seen in the movies, and he doubted those were completely accurate especially as they generally took place in outer space. As well he wasn't a great tactician. Granted he'd probably have to learn how to be, considering a bad plan likely equaled death in this world. "So a couple things, first what kind of strategy would you recommend for these little guys. Secondly, what's a sword art?" He asked, his head tilted slightly to the side. "Is it that thing that you did earlier to a bunch of those boars? How do I do one of those?" He asked. He was practically bouncing up and down. Seeing how powerful they were they would probably help speed things up considerably. 

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"When it comes to these boars, there isn't too much to do with them. Their AI is really simple which makes it easy to predict, but it i so simple there is little you can do with it. Most enemies have a pattern that lets you dodge away and then get a counter-hit in. The boars don't have much of a counter-hit window so you have to focus on hitting them as the prepare their attack. As for the sword art, that is what I was using." Hokori picks up a pebble from the ground. "It is all about finding the place to start it then letting the game take control. From there, you are only guiding it towards the right placement. The game will do he heavy lifting per se. Almost literally in my case." She gestures towards her large sword she has now sheathed behind her back horizontally. "Settle into the motions, " he arm draws back, "find where it begins, " the rock glows as the faintest of sounds can be heard from her, "and then, release!" her arm snaps forward as the pebble soars towards one of the boar pups and disintegrates it on sight. "Huh, guess that one was a bit more powerful than your regular pebble."


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Dan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. She killed a pig... By throwing a pebble at it. "Okay so either you are stronger than advertised or you've just discovered the most powerful weapon in the game." He laughed at his own joke but not for long, two other boar had just turned towards them at the sudden death of their sibling and they did not look very pleased about it. "Okay all jokes aside it looks like it's time to throw down again." He unsheathed his rapier and ran out towards the field. 'Alright just do what she said.' He thought as he leveled his sword in front of him. 'Settle into the motions.' He raised his rapier to his left shoulder. 'Find where it begins.' His blade let out a soft hum as it began to glow a deep red. 'And then...' "Release!" He exclaimed as his sword began to fly beyond his control, and of course both swings fly wide allowing both boars to land a counter attack. He grunted, though his armor took most of the damage. Looking down at his blade he yelled, "Why did I even bother putting Accuracy on you?!"


  Pureblade's Stats:

  • Level 4
  • 80 Hp
  • 8 Energy
  • 2 DMG
  • 9 Mit

 Boar Pup Stats:

  • 5 HP
  • 3 DMG


  • ID: #112859
  • BD: 5 (4+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 9 (Hit!)


  • ID: #112860
  • MD: 7 (Hit!)


  • Pureblade 78/80 | 6/8 ENG | 2 DMG | 9 MIT
  • Boar Pup A 5/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori wanted to step in so badly, scratch that fighting itch she had. Probably something the guys at her university kinda drilled into her. That constant want to fight. It was not the healthiest of mind habits, but it was something. "The accuracy doesn't mean you'll always hit. What it does mean is it helps guide you. Even the strongest weapon is useless in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to wield it." Mentally ticking all the cliche boxes she has been hitting, she looked around to make sure there wasn't any other threats to be had nearby. At least it seemed that these boars were just alone. Perhaps the mothers had gone for a girls night out and she had just killed the babysitter. Or whatever the boar equivalent of that would be, she didn't know. It was weird thinking that these boars had some level of intelligence. It was certainly more so than just the boars that one would encounter in the real world.


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"Yeah fat lot of good that's doing for me!" He cried back. His grip on his hilt tightened as he prepped a second sword art, the blade glowed and hummed, slightly vibrating in his hand. He let the sword art fly... And missed again. Again the boar counter attacked, throwing him to the ground though thankfully out of the way of the second boar's attack. Dan grit his teeth as he stabbed his blade in the ground to help himself up. "Are you KIDDING me?!" He shouted. "I'm being shown up by a pig! A baby pig at that!" He wanted to swing his sword wildly in rage but took a breath and calmed himself. That would just waste energy and create too many openings for these things. He could always run but these things were so weak it wasn't even worth it, he could try hiding, but no, that wouldn't work either, he had no hiding skills or anything. The game was not very generous when it came options for the early game. You just had to slash and or stab your opponent. He cleared his head readying himself for the next bout.


Pureblade's Stats:

  • Level 4
  • 80 Hp
  • 8 Energy
  • 2 DMG
  • 9 Mit

 Boar Pup Stats:

  • 5 HP
  • 3 DMG


  • ID: #112861
  • BD: 5 (4+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 9 (Hit!)


  • ID: #112862
  • MD: 1 (Miss!)


  • Pureblade 76/80 | 4/8 ENG | 1 DMG | 9 MIT
  • Boar Pup A 5/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori could tell that the boy was starting to get a little bit stressed over what was happening right now. Sadly, there was no way she could really help. She might be able to whittle down their health a little bit, but it was too risky and better to let him take them down on his own. "Remember, developers focus the most on the beginning of the game. That means this is the most solid AI you will probably face. Don't let simplicity make you complacent. It is simple to teach you a lesson. You have to learn it and then exploit it. Otherwise you may as well be on autopilot. This may be a game, but this is not something you just play." She really needed to lay off of the sayings. But still, it would hopefully help him get better at doing what he is doing. At least that was her hope at the very least. For all she knew, this was going to be information overload for him.


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Dan sighed, took a deep breath and moved cautiously towards the pups once more. Keeping his guard up he circled his opponent waiting for the right time to strike. He was careful to keep an eye on both of them as he didn't want to end up like that guy in that really old movie about dinosaurs. Anyways it seems that the little ones got impatient as they charged at him with high pitched squeals. He managed to side step them easily but when he tried to follow up with an attack he missed. At this point he grit his teeth as he shoved the tip of his rapier into the ground and leaned on it. "Okay, I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong here." At this point he's not even worried about the boars, seeing that they only ever took 1 HP at a time they weren't really a threat. "Like, I feel like I'm doing everything right but I'm just not connecting. Not even to mention that when I do eventually manage to kill these things they aren't guaranteed to drop the items, which seems like a design flaw for a quest. Honestly it feels like this game was made by a sadist."

  • ID: #112895
  • BD: 3 (2+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 1 (Miss!)


  • ID: #112896
  • MD: 1 (Miss!)


  • Pureblade 76/80 | 3/8 ENG (-2 ENG, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 5/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori had to resist snickering at the coment about the game being made by a sadist, though she couldn't help herself making a witty comment. "You're in a video game where your life is on the line, I think it's safe to assume it was made by a sadist. But if you want to be hitting more often, you need to go after them instead of letting them come to you. If they are charging at you, you will constatnly be on the back foot. If you go after them, they won't have as much room to maneuver. They are boars, they can't go backwards that fast." She hoped he was actually trying to listen to that, even if he did seem to be constantly retreating in circles around the boars. He wanted to get counter attacks, which was a good idea, but in the end it wasn't going to work out that well. The boars could keep going and going. He wasn't going to die, but it was still going to be a hard time before they were able to finish off what they needed to do. Definitely not fair that the drop was random, but it was what it was.


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Dan cracked his knuckles before rolling his head one way then the other before pulling his sword loose from the ground. "Yeah, I heard it." He said in response to her retort. "Alright let's give this another go." He ran up towards the second boar, aiming to strike at it's side. It prepares itself, snorting as it paws at the ground ready to attack. At the last moment Dan plants his foot on the ground and pushes off in the other direction in a feint. The attack his initial target prepared missed as he slashed into the other boar. That one was ready for him though. As he brought his sword down on the beast, it brought it's tusks bear, poking him in the shin as it squealed in pain from the attack. 'Alright.' The warrior thought to himself. 'Looks like it's time to restart the offensive.' Rather than the previous times he kept himself close to these things, doing his best to keep an eye on the second boar at such close range.

  • ID: #112921
  • BD: 8 (7+1 ACC Hit!)
  • MD: 7 (Hit!)


  • ID: #112922
  • MD: 4 (Miss!)


  • Pureblade 75/80 | 3/8 ENG | 1 DMG | 9 MIT (-1 ENG, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 3/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori watched as Pur slowly made his way towards the boar, finally on the offensive. She didn't comment this time around, instead deciding to let him try to figure his way out. He was heeding her advice and that was good, but she couldn't let him become reliable upon it. It wasn't like she was always going to be there. Well, she might be there for a little while, but she couldn't guarantee always being around and wanted to make sure that she wasn't carrying him everywhere. Dependency led to failure in the end. That was what her father had taught her. Following that, she had been made to be self-sufficient as early as possible. They didn't force her out, but they made sure that she could handle herself rather than give her everything. Well, give her what little they had themselves. Living self-sufficiently meant you could consistently live, but meant you were always living towards the poverty line. No lavish luxuries when you did everything for yourself.


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Dan breathed deeply as he preps for another strike. He lashed out with his blade slicing through the air, connecting with the beasts forehead, leaving a deep red gash. The beast squealed as it glowed brightly and shattered in to bright blue polygons. Dan was happy to have killed a second boar, but was disappointed to see it didn't drop the items he required. He didn't have time to worry about that though as it's sibling crashed into him. Dan grunted as he slid a small distance from the beast. He flourished his blade as he readied himself for the next round. 'Alright, you're almost done.' He thought to himself. 'This is the last one, after this you can take a break.' Having finally killed the other boar gave him a boost in confidence. Hopefully it would be enough to last him the remainder of this fight. Regardless though, it was clear he needed better gear, something to boost the drops for certain, as well as something to aid his accuracy.

  • ID: #112969
  • BD: 10 (9+1 ACC Critical Hit!)
  • MD: 10 (Hit!)


  • ID:#112970
  • LD: 3 (No Loot)


  • ID: #112971
  • MD: 8 (Hit!)


  • Pureblade 74/80 | 3/8 ENG | 1 DMG | 9 MIT (-1 ENG, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 0/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori could tell the boy was getting tired, which was reasonable. They had been out here facing boars for quite some time now. It would've been better if he had gotten himself some better gear to face them with, but it was what it was. There was no telling what he would be capable of with the right gear. She had half a mind to lend him her two handed sword, but he probably didn't have the skills to wield it better than his current weapon. "Good job! one more to go for this group." Though she didn't know what his quest progress was, she could tell by his energy that it probably wasn't that good. One of the tusks at the most more than likely. They'd probably have to come back and try this again at a later time. Then after that they could move on to the next quest. There was four in total, and she wanted to actually take someone through all of them for once. More often than not, people seemed to vanish after doing the first couple. Heck, sometimes they seemed to vanish into the plains on the second one. It was honestly quite the strange occurrence.


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Dan moved to strike again at the creature, hoping to hasten it's demise. The boar however anticipated this and dodged to the side going in for a strike itself. Thankfully with the amount of force the warrior put in his strike he managed to fall into a roll and back on his feet, avoiding the blow. He had to be careful the thing seemed craftier than it looked. These things couldn't hurt him much, but he couldn't afford to think like that. Any battle and every battle could kill him. That's how he needed to think if he were to survive in this world. Maybe he could try to feint again. It had worked on the last creature. Hopefully these things were dumber than goldfish and therefore lacked the pattern recognition to realize the tactic. With, what he thought at least was, a strong plan he readied himself for the next round.

  • ID: #113041
  • BD: 3 (2+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 4 (Miss!)


  • Pureblade 74/80 | 1/8 ENG | 1 DMG | 9 MIT (-2 Miss, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 0/5 
  • Boar Pup B 5/5


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Hokori watched as the battle slowly degraded into charging at each other again. She wanted to tell the boy off, but figured she may as well let him learn from it now while it wouldn't kill him. Not that this boar couldn't kill him, it would just take a very long time before that happened. Meanwhile, she did her best to look around and make sure they weren't goign to get interrupted by other boars or even PKers looking for some easy marks. It was strange that they still wanted to prey on the loewr level players when the high level players were the ones worth so much more. Loewr level players weren't even of infinite supply, which was why they were usually a good target for PKers to go after. But here, death was permanent. That meant that anyone who voluntarily killed someone was just a killer in her eyes. Not to say an orange crystal meant you did it voluntarily, but if it was she had no symmpathy for any consequencces those actions caused.


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Dan moved to strike from the left. The boar seeing this moved to protect it's flank, creating just the opening he needed. He pushed off his left foot and took a swipe at the boars side. The boar seemed surprised that it had fallen for this strategy again. "So they're dumber than goldfish." Dan said. "Good to know." The boar tried to retaliate, attempting to strike the boar with it's small tusks, but to no avail. Dan merely side stepped the beast as it slid past him. He wanted to try out a new strategy but nothing was really coming to mind. He could have had Katagawa distract the beast while he circled around and struck from behind. To do that, however, she would need to attack to gain it's agro which would most likely kill the thing. It didn't leave him many options aside from hitting it until it died.

  • ID: #113048
  • BD: 6 (5+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 2 (Miss!)


  • Pureblade 74/80 | 1/8 ENG | (-1 ENG, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 0/5 
  • Boar Pup B 3/5


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Hokori let the boy keep fighting. He may be getting a little bit repetitive, but his first field boss would probably drive that out of him real quick. The wasp queen on floor 2 seemed to learn with each death that was caused to her and made it really hard to repeat the same strategy against her over and over. Or at least, that was what she had found out about it. She had only personally fought it the once. Looking around the fields to check for safety once more, she noticed that there was something protruding out of the ground. Checking one last time to make sure that pure was safe, she walked over to it and noticed that it was a nice looking treasure chest. Who knew what it could have. Probably nothing much considering this was just the first floor, but at least she could try to get something out of it. At least that was what she hoped.


Roll ID: #113051
LD: 16 - chest found


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Dan moved in to slash at the boar again, cursing as he missed once again. He managed to move out of the way of the creature's own strike. He hummed. This was the last fight, if he finished this, he could finish the quest a little later once he had better gear. He tried using that as an incentive to finish this fight. As he prepared for another round though he noticed his energy was at 0. He cursed himself for not noticing it before. "Thank you dark souls." He said, frustrated that the stamina bar found a way to haunt him in this game as well. "Hey um Kat!" He called out to his partner, who looked like she was looking at something in the ground. He didn't have time to worry about that at the moment though. "Gonna need a switch here! Dark souls is ruining everything again!"

  • ID: #113053
  • BD: 4 (3+1 ACC Miss!)
  • MD: 1 (Critical Miss!)


  • Pureblade 74/80 | 0/8 ENG | (-2 Miss, +1 Regen)
  • Boar Pup A 0/5 
  • Boar Pup B 3/5


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hokori watched as the boy was struggling to land the last blow against the boar pup he was facing. As he turned towards her with a bit of defeat in his eyes, she just shrugged her blade into a firm two-handed grip. There was little reason that she needed to not fight it. She could tell that he was ready to just turn in and call it for now. Bring her blade up, she reversed the grip that she had on it and turned it downwards into the ground. The pup didn't see her behind it and was caught off guard as it was stapled into the ground with her blade. It shattered not long afterwards with no rewards popping up. It was too weak of a creature to have given her anything. These floors really were starting to become much too easy for her to pull off. Hopefully she could actually find herself on higher floors sooner or later. But while there was still people to help out, she didn't want to do that. "Well, I can tell that you're likely done with trying this quest for the time being. Send me a message if you want to be trying again with me some other time. Would be happy to have your back, though I suggest that you get yourself some better gear before attempting this again. Even the slightest damage increase will help a lot when you are trying to get this quest done. Take these boars out in seconds and the low drop rates won't bother you nearly as much."


Roll ID: #113
BD: 7 + something = enough to hit (enough to kill, I have at least 3 base damage)

Boar pup B is dead, no loot roll because too low of stats.


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