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[F1-SP] The start of earning some well deserved coin <<Earning A Living>>

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Shrugging his shoulders he makes his way back towards the town not going to risk fighting a mob that could just kill him with one or two attacks since he doesn't have any sort of defense to protect him from any attacks that would be sent his way. Making his way through the town once more heading towards the teleport gate to head towards the quest upon the third floor that has some kind of reward as a armor with which he could use as a beginning mitigation to negate some damage while he continues to level up. 'I'll be needing that as soon as possible.' He thinks to himself while making it past one shop from the next as the teleportation gate comes into view within the distance in its full glory of being a simple pad to stand upon and say the command phrase to move from one floor to the next. Next floor. Teleport, floor 3 Delilah settlement. At the command phrase he gets covered in a blue light as a strange sensation shoots through his body as he gets taken to he next floor.

2 SP, 1,400 COL, Boar's pride (light momentum, mitigation),  merchant shop, merchant profession.

Edited by Dagger
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