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[F04-SP] The Cold Bothers Me <<Avalanche>>

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Symphony stepped into the town of Snowfrost. It was cold as anything, so she was bundled in a layer of a thick shirt, her light armor, and a white jacket. Her lower half was wearing thick black pants with fluffy socks on her feet inside of her black combat boots. She breathed, and her breath fogged in the air. "I don't like it here, Cloak," she said to her feathery raven familiar. He cawed, happily enjoying the weather and flying through the snow covered branched of the trees. Symphony absolutely hated the cold. Her body just wasn't made for it. The cold seeped into her bones and aggravated her old injuries, even after she went inside into a warm room. The pain would always persist for up to 24 hours after she was exposed to too much coldness. 

She trudged into the town and looked around. Just two taverns and an inn. Not much here, she thought. There were a few shops strewn about, but she didn't stop to check them out. She was here on a quest and wanted to get in, kill a thing, and then get the heck out. 



Items equipped: 

[T1 Uncommon Ring] Lucky [Equipped]
Enhancement: +1 ACC

[T1, Perfect] Dagger <<Stabby Stabby>> [Equipped]
              Enhancements: Damage, Damage, Paralyze

[T1, Rare] Deep Royal Blue Light Armor <<The Performer>> [Equipped]

             Enhancements: Mitigation (9), Regen


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Symphony shivered despite all of her clothing. She left the safety of the town and delved deeper into the snowy forest surrounding the area. A few weeks ago, a young group of players had stupidly gone out by themselves and awoken a small raid boss called an Avalanche. They described it as being a 10 foot figure made out of pure ice that beat its enemies with its might icy fists. They said that when it hit you, it would chill the very bones in your body. Now, Symphony wasn't scared of this creature in the slightest. She just wanted the rare item that it held for future fights: the salve known as Snowfrost. Once applied to armor, it would protect the wearer from a good portion of fire damage. Symphony knew she would need such an item in future boss fights or whenever she made it to frontlines in the very distant future. 

4 minutes ago, Symphony said:



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As they delved farther into the snowy land, she began to feel the ground shake below her. "Now, what could that be..." she thought aloud. The shaking began to get quicker. Then she realized, something huge was running at her. It was the Avalanche, the mighty monster that took pleasure in beating its enemies with mighty frozen fists of ice. She leaped out of the way of its charge, watching as the thing skidded to a stop and then turned around to face her. She would need to be careful in order to avoid its fists. 

She waited for the Avalanche to charge again. She quickly dodged and jumped on its back before it could turn around once more. With a yell, she used a sword art to cut four times into the monster's back, removing quite a chunk from its back. The chunk of ice fell to the floor and melted. 


Roll ID#: 116558
fad edge: 6*4=24
MD: 3 (fail)

Symphony 260/260 HP | 22/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Avalance: 76/100 HP | 40 DMG

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The Avalanche monster screamed in pain and then charged at Symphony once more, enraged that this small creature had managed to cut part of its body off. It raised its fist to strike her, and Symphony dodged, the blow missing her by one an inch. She rolled out of the way and tried to go for another shot at the beast's back, but it had learned from the last time. It quickly turned around and faced her, ruining her chance at another easy assault. Her plan ruined, she whistled to Cloak to scout above and try to distract the thing while she looked for another angle of attack. Cloak happily swarmed around the ice creature's head, nimbly avoiding the fisting attacks. He cawed happily, enjoying seeing the large creature enraged by itself.

Good job, Cloak, Symphony thought in her head. Just keep the thing distracted and then I'll be able to land a shot. She snuck her way around the creature, making sure not step on any branches to give herself away.  


Roll ID#: 116559
BD: 2+1=3 (-2 energy)
MD: 1

Symphony 260/260 HP | 21/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Avalance: 76/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Then she attacked! Stabbing the ice giant in the back of both of its leg-like features, two strikes on the two appendages. The ice thing fell to the ground, part of its arm cracking at the force of hitting the ground. "Good job with distracting it, Cloak!" she praised her familiar. To reward him, she pulled out a piece of jerky and threw it up in the air. He nimbly caught it and gobbled it happily, making cooing noises while doing so. Silly bird, Symphony thought to herself. 

She took this brief moment of piece to chew on a piece of jerky and drink some hot chocolate from a canteen she had brought with her. While taking a snack break, she also walked around the beast and looked it over. It was a strange enigma indeed. It had appendages resembling arms and legs with a triangular shape with glowing eyes and a cavernous mouth coming out of its neck. That must be its head. 


Roll ID#: 116560
BD: 10 +2 crit
fad edge: 8 * 4 = 32 
MD: paralyzed

Symphony 260/260 HP | 18/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Avalance: 44/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Those glowing red eyes looked up at her, scathing and angry that this puny human could even come close to defeating it. For its large size, it suddenly moved quite quickly, raising its right fist and striking her several feet into the air. The strike hurt, but she still managed to land on her feet when she landed. She grabbed her chest. Ow, that hurt more than I thought it would, she thought to herself. She felt a searing cold pain grip her chest, but she fought to gain control once more. Breathing deeply, she charged her blade quickly and used a sword art to dash and cut a giant X shape into the chest of the enemy. After her last cut, she launched off of the enemy's chest and away from it with her feet. The Avalanche looked down at its chest and then looked back up at Symphony, opening its black hole of a mouth to unleash a deep roar loudly. 


Roll ID#: 116561
BD: 6+1=7
MD: 9 (+1 crit)
40+1 = 41-14 = 27 DMG

Symphony 233/260 HP | 15/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Avalance: 20/100 HP | 40 DMG

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With another mighty roar, it rushed towards her. She attempted to do a sword art to counter attack, but she was too late. She didn't have time to dodge either. At the last minute, she crossed her arms protectively in front of her, but it just brought the brunt of her damage to her weak forearms, shattering them. Symphony flew in the air and landed on her back several feet away. The pain of her arms stinging. She lay on her back, trying to move, but the wind was knocked completely out of her. She felt her arms tingle as her avatar fixed itself. The perks of being in a game, she thought while sitting up, grimacing at her aching arms. Sure, she might not feel the total pain of the break, but she still felt the ache of the cold attack. 

Once she got up, the Avalanche realized it hadn't killed her, so it charged once more. 


Roll ID#: 116562
BD: 3+1=4 (-2 energy)
MD: 9 (1 crit)
41-14 = 27 DMG

Symphony 211/260 HP | 14/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


Avalance: 20/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Symphony had just barely recovered, so she took another hit, knocking her into a tree a few feet away. Alright, that's it! she thought angrily, her eyes glowing red, a bright contrast to her now charged blade. The blue glowing blade flew threw the air and into the enemy. It stuck in the thing's chest. She ran up and pulled the dagger out before the Avalanche could even register what had happened. Then she jumped high up in the air and used the rest of the three strikes of her sword art to slice through the neck of the creature. The head of the beast fell to the floor, its body following soon after. Panting heavily from the faint pings of pain and from the energy she had just used, she watched as the raid boss broke into pixels that scattered up into the air until they disappeared. 

There, lying on the ground, was what she had been looking for. The Snowfrost agent. She picked it up and put in her inventory before collapsing onto one knee. 


Roll ID#: 116563
BD: 7 + 1 = 8
fad edge: 6*4=24
MD: 9 = 27 DMG

Symphony 189/260 HP | 14/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


Avalance: 0/100 HP | 40 DMG

Item Gained: <<Snowfrost>>

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Cloak flew over and perched on his companion's shoulder, nuzzling her and checking to see if she was okay. Symphony appreciated his concern. "Thank you, Cloak," she assured him. "I'll be okay." It's not that she had suffered too much damage, but she had never taken so much before in a battle. She wasn't used to that much damage with one hit either. She slowly straightened her back and stood up, Cloak still on her shoulder. "Why don't we find somewhere to make a fire and fish for a snack?" she said to the bird. Cloak cawed in agreement. He was getting a bit peckish after his snack. So the two companions headed off to the North to find a nearby lake where Symphony could build up a fire and where they could relax and thaw out. Symphony was already prepared with a tent and a fire starter in her inventory. She thought ahead for these types of things, and had brought plenty of extra food in case of an emergency. 

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Once Symphony and Cloak reached the lake, Cloak fluttered off of Symphony's shoulder and landed on the ground so that she could prepare the campsite. They were a few feet away from the edge of the lake. The ground was clear of snow here and flat, perfect to set up a tent and small fire. She first laid out a tarp to put the tent over, then pitched the tent. Lastly was the fire that she set up to the left of her tent, a safe distance away from it. She arranged some small twigs, lit it with a fire started, and then added branches and then finally a log to get it roaring. Then she prepared some steak, onions, and carrots, all chopped into nice pieces for skewers. She put the pieces on a few skewer sticks over the fire, letting them cook while she fished. She also tossed an extra raw piece over to crow as a before-lunch snack, which he gobbled happily. 

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Symphony cast her line and waited a few minutes. Hm, nothing seemed to be biting at the moment, so she reeled the line back in and re-baited it with some raw steak. Then she took a moment to flip the skewers. They were browning nicely and beginning to give off a wonderful aroma. Before she forgot to again, she quickly salted and peppered the skewers to give them some extra flavor. Never could forget the good ol' salt and pepper. 

Then she cast her line out again and yeeted that bad boy farther into the water. Now, she waited. Waited for a juicy little bugger to bit onto her line so that she could catch it and pull it in. 

While she waited, she leaned towards the fire for some warmth. Her body was never warm enough and had never been good at regulating its own heat. She commended herself for remembering to bring the fire starter to make things easier and quicker to set up. 


Roll ID#: 116565

CD: 4 caught nothing


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Symphony felt something tug at the line after a bit of time had passed. Cloak cawed in excitement as she started reeling the thing in. What was on the line... It was 3 materials! Woo! She did a happy little dance and tucked the items into her inventory to be used for crafting later. 

Now, the skewers were ready as well! She quickly put the four skewers on a plate. She moved one to a mini plate for Cloak, who pecked the pieces off one by one. She took a bite and decided to add a bit more salt to the steak. Now, it was perfect. She munched happily and drank some water from her canteen. This was the life indeed. Just relaxing by the lake, fishing and eating. The steak was nice and juicy, a nice meaty taste. The onions and bits of carrots were nice and smokey, still a bit of a crunch to them. 


Roll ID#: 116565
CD: 9

3 Materials fished up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

While munching on her meal, Symphony threw her line back in the water and waited for something to bite. And something did right away. But it was too powerful. She fought to reel the thing in, but it broke the line. "Aw, man, it got away.." Symphony said. However, right after she said this, a giant fish monster jumped out of the lake and onto the ground next to her. 

This monster was at least 12 feet tall. It had blue scaled and was like a giant water snake, with fins on its side. It coiled up and raised itself to its full height, ready to attack at the slightest moment. It had foot-long fangs that could rip an enemy to shreds. Symphony made not to avoid these. It had frills that raised on the back of its head and at the side of its head. The side gills rested next to gills. 

Without a warning hiss or movement, the boss monster snake-thing charged at Symphony at lightning speed and knocked her with its head against a tree a couple feet away. 


Roll ID#: 117128
CD: 1

Roll ID#: 117129
MD: 10
80 - 14 = 66 DMG

Symphony: 173/260 HP | 26/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT |+1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN


Boss Monster: 260/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT

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Coughing and trying to catch her breath, Symphony lay on the floor for a few moments. Cloak immediately flew into action, pecking the snake atop its head to keep it distracted while his partner recovered. Symphony was very grateful for this, and after a few moments she was able to slowly get up. Her vision was dizzy as she rose onto her feet, dagger drawn and in her right hand. She threw the dagger at the beast, but the dagger merely glanced off of the scales on its sides. The monster turned to her and hisses, its forked tongue flashing out of its mouth. 

Symphony cursed and ran around the snake, grabbing her dagger and avoiding another attack. Once behind the snake, she faced it and prepared for her next move. The beast had really hurt her. Even the armor she wore only covered a minor fraction of the damage. She needed better armor and equipment if she wanted to beat this thing...


Roll ID#: 117130
BD: 4+1 = 5 (-2 energy)
MD: 3 (fail)

Symphony: 178/260 HP | 24/26 EN | 6 DMG | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


Boss Monster: 260/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT

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Symphony decided that the best course of action to try and finish this battle quickly was to go for the soft spot underneath the snake. The hard part was that the snake kept most of its body lowered to the ground when on guard. She would need to get the thing to show its weak spot somehow... Suddenly, she had an idea. She whistled for Cloak to distract the monster by going for its eyes. Cloak immediately dived for the giant snake, making it launch an attack upwards, exposing its scales. 

Symphony took this small opportunity to quickly dash forward and strike the snake four separate times, quickly and efficiently. Her final strike paralyzed the snake, giving her a moment to recover some more health before the thing got the chance to attack her again. Symphony held her chest and winced, finally getting the chance to focus on her injuries. It seemed as though her ribs had been broken in that first hit, but the SAO system had caused them to heal back into place quickly. The pain was only subtle now. 


Roll ID#: 117131
BD: 10 (+2 crit, paralyze)
fad edge: (6 + 2) X 4 = 32 - 13 =  19 DMG 
MD: paralyzed

Symphony: 183/260 HP | 21/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT| +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (2/3)


Boss Monster: 241/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT


Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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Roll ID#: 117132
BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (-2 energy)
MD: 4 (Fail)

Symphony: 188/260 HP | 20/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (3/3)


Boss Monster: 241/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT


Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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Roll ID#: 117133
BD: 2 + 1 = 3 (-2 energy)
MD: 5 (fail)

Symphony: 188/260 HP | 19/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (3/3)


Boss Monster: 241/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT


Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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Roll ID#: 117134
BD: 7 + 1 = 8
fad edge: 6 * 4 = 24 - 13 = 11 DMG 
MD: 3 (Fail)

Symphony: 188/260 HP | 16/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (3/3)


Boss Monster: 230/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT


Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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Roll ID#: 117135
BD: 3 + 1 = 4 (-2 energy)
MD: 7 (success)
78 - 14 MIT  = 64

Symphony: 124/260 HP | 16/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (3/3)


Boss Monster: 230/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT


Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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Roll ID#: 117136
LD: 12 (partial success)
MD: monster attack misses

Symphony: 129/260 HP | 17/26 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | +1 ACC | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


Boss Monster: 230/260 HP | DMG 78 | 13 MIT

Runaway Counter : 1

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

Rank 2

  • [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
  • [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.
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