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[PP - F1] Save Rock & Roll <<EaL>>

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Is that opera?

Lilik slowed to a halt, her head tipping as she focused on the noise. The melodic sound rose and fell over the clamor of the crowd, incredibly out of place in the chaotic city square. Who the hell would just walk around singing like that? Were they nuts? And why didn't they have anything better to do? Lilik, on the other hand, was a woman on a mission. The entire day would be dedicated to making col, even if it meant doing stupid fetch quests or odd jobs for NPCs. It was pointless side-quest garbage, but if she didn't make money, she couldn't have nice things. And if she couldn't have nice things, how in the world was she meant to get stronger? 

I wasted too much time. The thought both burned like a fire and clenched like a vice. The anger was there, of course, because she couldn't ignore the wasted years. She had fallen behind everyone else because Rainey had needed protection. Rainey had insisted she stay close. Rainey had begged her to stay safe. Rich, coming from someone who killed herself. And there was the regret, the loss, the disappointment, a weight on her shoulders and a tightening around her heart. Lilik remained sedentary for her best friend, and while she was furious at the girl's selfishness, she couldn't bring herself to hate Rainey's memory. Instead, she'd use it as a motivator. No more wasted days.

The long, willowy woman blinked once, twice, then muttered, "Pretty sure that's Phantom of the Opera."


Level: 2 | HP: 40 | Energy: 4 | Base DMG: 3 | Base MIT: 9
2HAS [1]
Uncommon 2HAS [1 DMG] |  Uncommon Leather Chestplate [1 MIT]


Edited by Lilik
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The craziness of the city called to her. Like a siren’s song, the cacophony beckoned her closer. There was laughter, raised voices, and shouts of joy and rage. The cries of vendors wove throughout, rising and falling pleasantly. It was a soundtrack that Akaiko simply could not get enough of.

Her fingers drummed a lively staccato against her upper leg, tips skipping across the rough fabric of her blue jeans. Then she threw back her shoulders, tossed her arms wide, and stretched. Was there any better feeling? The sun shone, a massive ball of fiery goodness in a sky bereft of clouds. The temperature was just perfect for her short-sleeved blouse, and the feel of the breeze on her bare arms was heavenly. Basically, everything was perfect. Another day in paradise.

"Pretty sure that's Phantom of the Opera."

Akaiko blinked, then a grin bloomed across her face. "You've got a good ear! That's totally mag." The player paused in front of the source of the comment, tipping her head back to stare up at the Amazonian woman. Miles of leg, miles of hair, and a fashion sense that showed off both. With a nod of approval, the brunette shifted her gaze to the nearby studio. "Looks like Alyssa is at it again."

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Lilik took a stumbling step backward. The woman had simply materialized in front of her, like a gopher popping out of a hole. Or a meerkat. Prairie dog? Whatever. "What?" The spearswoman stared down into the grinning face of the other player, blinking owlishly. What had she said? Mag? Like a magazine? There were no guns in Sword Art Online. "Mag?"

The bubbly brown-haired youth nodded. "Uh huh. It's short for magnificent."

"Then why not just say magnificent?"

Shrugging, the stranger answered, "It takes too much time."

Lilik's sharp features remained lax, her face expressionless, when she replied, "Not as much time as you wasted explaining it to me."

Another shrug, and the woman rocked back on her heels. "Touche."

Silence fell between the pair, broken only when Lilik finally asked, "Who is Alyssa?" The name wasn't familiar, but the woman threw it around as if Lilik should have recognized it. Or was that her name, and the brunette was speaking in third person? Eh, I've seen weirder.

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The young woman's head tipped, confusion as plain as the nose on her face. Kai had always been an open book. Or, in truth, more of a billboard, with bright lights illuminating every inch of it. She hid nothing, and why should she? It was so much easier to be upfront. "Alyssa," she echoed. "Y'know, the NPC who helps with professions?"

"I don't know," came the other woman's monotone. "Why would I know that?"

Akaiko blinked. Is this chick for real? "Uh, because you're in the professions quarter? Where all the profession quests are handed out?"

"Oh. I was just walking." 

The younger player pursed her lips. The stand-offish woman might have frustrated anyone else, or even driven them to walk away. Kai, however, was the exception. She saw the purple-haired beauty as something of a challenge. "Gonna assume you don't have a profession yet."

"That would be a fair assumption."

A nod, then, "Why don't you at least go in? Ask around? See if it's something you're interested in. You could make some really good money."

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