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[PP-F3] Making Friends and Flower Crowns (Prostatis)

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The sun was high in the virtual sky, the weather was beautiful as always, and Nat was basking in the early afternoon warmth - a slight breeze stirring his bright white hair. He sat cross-legged on the outskirts of Delilah Village, figuring he'd take a break from adventuring for the day. Whilst protected by the safe zone, he still managed to enjoy the village's lovely surroundings. In his hands he delicately held a chain of dandelions he'd managed to join together - he'd never been very good at making flower chains in real life, but the rule apparently didn't apply to SAO.


He looked up when a figure above him blocked his sunlight. "Hello," he begun, his tone light and friendly and finished with a warm smile. He realised he must look quite childish, quite silly - a grown man hunched over a chain of flowers - but he didn't really mind. "Wanna join me?"

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As his newfound companion agreed to join him, Nat shuffled over (as if there wasn't enough space) and nodded as a gesture for him to sit. Surely if he met more people, and maybe got them to come on his ill-fated adventures with him, they'd all have a much easier time. Safety in numbers, as the saying goes. "I know how this looks," he said, glancing between the flower chain in his hands and Prostatis, then laughing to himself. "Ridiculous, for one. But what can I say, I'm not quite up for getting my ass handed to me again just yet." His hands continued working as he spoke, discarding flowers he'd accidentally ruined and plucking new ones to add. "I get restless, you know?" It wasn't certain whether Nat expected a response, but he left a space for one as he looked back town towards his handiwork. A few moments passed, then he spoke again. "I'm Trick, but mostly I just go by Nat. After all, the game's revealed my appearance, why should I hide my name?"

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It wasn't hard to spot the connection between Prostatis' comment on players revealing their names... and him only giving Nat his username - but it wasn't Nat's place to comment, so he left it at a quirk of his eyebrows, a brief pause before his hands started moving again. "I was here not too long ago, doing a quest to get this jacket," he freed one hand to tug at one of the black lapels, "And I saw these fields and they're just... breathtaking, you know? I've never seen anything like it." Then he snorted with laughter, wiping plant sap from his hand on the grass before he brushed his hair back, "And it's only the third floor. Guess I'm easy to please.
"I guess I'm alright. It's hard to say, you know? I'm 'adjusting'. Pft. You can't say being here isn't a one-of-a-kind experience, at least." Though his expression was relaxed and a small smile still tugged at the corners of his lips, he rolled his eyes. "What kinda work have you been doing, then? D'you have a profession? If I could decide, I think I'd have picked one by now. I'm thinking tailor. Or alchemist..." His voice trailed off, and he bit his lip absentmindedly - his silence an invitation for Prostatis' response.
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