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Scene 2: Murder, He Wrote

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SO! Scene 1 was a success in my books. I am not sure how many people actually read other people's RPs, but I am looking for a certain individual to RP with that will help lay out my plans for World Domination. You are probably thinking that it can't happen, or it won't happen. But its thought like that, that make me WANT to do it. Just to see if I can. My character Astra is very manipulative, selfish, but he does not show that side ever to anyone. He shows a more genuine appearance of actually wanting to help people and get them back on their feet. This is typically true of his ultimate plan, but with a bit more Bite.

Anywho. This individual must be 100% in agreement of all terms that Astra sets forth and this may cause chaos and anarchy down the line...especially when involved with Boss Fights. If you are an Assassin Type, this is even better. However, these plans of mine will be gently laid out over time, but the ultimate goal is two tier: 1) Stop the Assault Teams from Finishing SAO through means of PKing, deceit, manipulation or whatever other devious forms. And 2) To help Astra achieve a sort of status that will name him King Of Aincrad! Think of it like how Palpatine assumed the mantle of power in Star Wars...Yeah, I just went there...referencing Star Wars. @_@ [In hindsight, I am looking for my Darth Vader/ Anakin Skywalker]


STOP LAUGHING!!! OK! So, if there is more than one individual interested in this scenario...then, by all means, let me know. This particular RP Thread will just be the start of getting to know each other and knowing Astra's true plans and what his vision of Aincrad should be like. There are other ways to achieve the above, but ultimately...Astra is a power hungry individual and just wants everything to be his...I know, you are thinking I am crazy...But I love playing the Villain...it makes my heart happy.


Anywho...anyone interested? :D



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While this interests me greatly, I can't accept personally. At least not yet, Bjorn isn't the type of guy that would do something like that as of yet. Perhaps in time, depending on how things go. After all, how long does he really have after wasting away for god knows how long when he comes back out of VR? How weak and pathetic will he be? Would he ever recover? 

In any case, I hope that you find someone willing and able to help you, and in the very least look forward to reading about your attempts. 

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Ohohoho~ Thank you very much. I don't see many players being crazy manipulative. Everyone is selfless and wants to finish the game. I'm just going to be the agent of chaos and make things that much harder for them in the end. BUT, I digress it seems I will have to wait until a few more villain type characters show up. I want to see some real PKers to make things interesting. But there are other ways to skin a cat without going orange. ;)

I thank you for reading up on this topic and I will be keeping a close eye on you, Bjorn.

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