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(SP-FLOOR 3) Pastels «Earning a Living»

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Iolite most definitely missed being able to set up his own personal art studio in the small apartment he and his brother occupied. Canvases, paper, sketchbooks, paintbrushes, pencils, and all other sorts of art supplies would clutter around on the floor. Somehow, Iolite could make his way around the room swiftly and with such easy that his brother questioned how that was humanly possible since he'd slipped and fell on his butt whenever passing through the small space. But, art was Iolite's life and he'd learned to adapt to such conditions that he could perform his favorite hobby anywhere and everywhere, with anything and everything. As long as he had some form of utensil - being it a tube of lipstick or oil pastel - and canvas - which could easily be the very Earth itself - then Iolite was set to create anything his heart desired.

Unfortunately, he had yet to discover ways to make art in Sword Art Online. If there was a way than he needed to figure it out, and today happened to be the day that he would learn of the "Artisan" profession that needed more players to take up. It wouldn't be what he was used to, that's for sure, but Iolite admired any form of art that the world threw at him so he'd be willing to give this small adventure a try.

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