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[PP-F1] So many personalities (Lunarblade00)

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As the sun was slowly going down on floor 1 a short girl with long, multicolored hair, was sitting in a very warm but crowded Inn. She hated being in such a crowded place but was too lazy to look for another tavern so decided to claim the only free table and sat down. The table she had been able to take was in the far back of the tavern and looked quite old which was probably the reason no one had bothered taking it. The wooden table for two of course had two wooden chairs which weren't the most comfortable things to sit on but it was better than nothing. Lily's eyes fell from table to table, scanning the people one by one. About 80% of the people in the tavern were male and 60% seemed to be drunk. The performer sighed and covered her ears for a bit because she was getting really annoyed by the yelling of the other people around.

 After getting somewhat used to the noise Lily leaned back against the very uncomfortable chair and puffed her cheeks. Lately Lily had constantly been around Matt who took care of her and did a lot for her, she kind of got used to that which caused her to have a hard time with being alone. Usually when Lily would be alone she'd go to her shop on floor 6, but last time she visited her shop she was greeted by a big exotic spider so she wasn't planning on going back to her shop anytime soon. The spider basically forced her to stay on floor 1 as it was the only floor she knew and didn't like to go to higher floors all alone. 

Lily just sat in the back in the cornor of the room for a while with her usual serious look. Her cheeks were red and she looked a little exhausted because it was really warm and she didn't have anything to drink. Everything was.. fine untill an obviously drunk man sat down on the chair on the other side of the table she was sitting at and started talking with a stupid grin on his face. 

"Hellooo Little girl, where are ya mommy and daddy?" he said and leaned closer to Lily, who was about to start choking by the horrible smell of the man. "Go away." was the performer's response as she really didn't want to talk to this idiotic perosn. He made her feel very uneasy so she just wanted him to mind his own business and leave her alone. "What did you say? Oooh we've got an ignorant one over here! I see I see.." the man started talking louder which made it easy for others to hear but no one bothered even looking what was going on. "I said go away." Lily repeated the sentence she had said before and stared at the man who seemed to be annoyed. "You stupid kid! I'll teach you some bloody manners!" The man got up from his seat and soon stood right next to Lily. Before she could react the man pulled her hair really hard which caused Lily to fall from her chair. Even now no one bothered to look what was going on as they probably couldn't care less. Lily pushed herself up with a pissed off face but was immediatly pinned back against the ground by the man who pushed her down with his right foot. Luckily there was no pain in SAO so it didn't hurt, but it sure wasn't comfortable. The girl didn't even bother trying to get back up as the man was much stronger than he and she was in a horrible position. She once again felt incredibely weak because there was no way she would get out of this by herself. Lily wasn't expecting anyone to help her as no one seemed to have even noticed the girl being pinned to the floor. She really hoped that the man would let her go soon as she really wanted to get out of the tavern.

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Lunarblade walked into the tavern, hoping to get a room for the night, after somehow finding a way of getting col. he opened up his menu, going into his character page. still level one. *sigh*  he needed to find a small group to travel with, or he wouldn't get anywhere. sure, he could just go solo, but where was the fun in that? joining a group means making friends (which would be REALLY nice), and enemies would be taken down a lot faster (maybe not THAT fast, but faster than usual). His mind went back to the orphanage, and he quickly pushed it away, trying not to bring back the bad memories that it contained.

"You stupid kid! I'll teach you some bloody manners!" Lunar stood up, trying to figure out where that had come from.  to his left, he saw a medium sized older man, around his late 30's, early 40's, and obviously drunk, pinning down a rather small girl with long pink hair and wearing some kind of......anime clothing? if it was, he couldn't tell. she looked to be around 12-13, so the fight was rather one-sided. he felt his anger rising, most likely from the kid being being held down in a rather...unconventional way. he immediately pushed it away, knowing what the outcome might be. lunar, confident in himself, walked over to where the two people were and said firmly "leave the girl alone," then, after a couple seconds, added "please."


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Lily thought that no one had even seen the girl get pinned to the ground, but she was proven wrong when a male that seemed to be around 18 suddenly stood close to the male that was keeping her down. The performer looked up at the stranger when he suddenly told the man to leave her alone, which seemed to annoy the drunk player even more. His brave action luckily helped since the man took his foot off her and turned around to face the male that had just told him to leave Lily alone. He took a step forward with a stupid grin on his face and grabbed the other male's shoulder. "Don't tell me what to do you F****** Bastard!" the drunk man yelled, spitting into the player's face. Lily slowly got up and eyed the player that had helped her. She was almost sure that the man that had pinned her down was probably gonna try to punch him, so she decided to take action before it was going to end up in a fight.

If the man hadn't been drunk this probably wouldn't have worked as Lily wasn't the strongest, but he luckily was so her plan could work. She slowly backed off and walked around the male in a circle, positioning herself to the left of her target and the other player. Lily then ran towards the drunk male and pushed him as hard as she could. Lily managed to make the male fall right against the table, just as planned. She eyed the other male, still with a serious expression and started talking in a rather emotionless tone as she unsheathed her sword just in case the man would get up. "We should go, come with me." The performer started to push herself through the crowds, towards the exit of the Inn. Lily wasn't really scared of the male but didn't want to get into any trouble as she wasn't sure if she had broken the table or not by pushing the man against it, she didn't want to pay for it.

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Lunar watched as the drunk man got up and glared at him, obviously unhappy with his request. he kept his face emotionless, trying not to show his nervousness that was about to spill from him like an over shaken bottle of soda. the man walked up to him, a grin plastered onto his face, squeezed his shoulders, and yelled rather loudly "Don't tell me what to do you F****** Bastard!", spitting into his face. lunar pushed him back, responding with "just cause i'm level one doesn't mean i can't whoop your ass". he was slowly pulling out his spear, readying for a battle, when he saw as the girl from before rammed into the man, making him stumble back and break the table and chairs. he put away his spear, unneeded for now, and heard the girl say "We should go, come with me."  he nodded his head, as he too wanted to get out of there before something major happened. they exited the shop and started walking towards nowhere in particular. lunar, deciding to make some conversation, told her "y'know, that wasn't too bad, for a 12 year old, not like i"m trying to say that you're weak or anything" he saw as she practically glared at him, obviously unhappy with what he said. maybe it wasnt a good idea to say that for a starting conversation. nice going, now you angered the first person you meet in this place, and its a girl. he thought to himself.

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When Lily finally got out of the incredibely hot tavern she sighed in relief and looked over to the stranger as he started to talk, saying that it wasn't bad for a 12 year old. Lily was aware that she looked like a 12 year old and usually wouldn't have cared about people making the mistake of thinking she's actually 12, but after sitting in that stupid tavern for a bit she couldn't help but get a little irritated. However, because the male had basically saved her out of the tavern Lily decided it was okay. "I'm actually 17, But don't worry, a lot of people think i'm younger than I really am." she mumbled and pushed her sword back into its sheath.

The performer made her way to the closest wooden bench and sat down. She spoke as she began to pull her sleeves over her hands as it was getting a little cold. "Thank you for helping me." Lily brushed some dust off her sailor uniform and looked at the male. She wasn't really sure what to do right now as she had nowhere to go, she also didn't want to just abandon the person that had just helped her because that would be incredibely rude. "I'm Lily." she mumbled, looking down at her feet as she spoke. The girl closed her eyes for a few seconds and leaned back against the wooden bench as she tried to think of somewhere to go.

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the girl stared at lunar before responding with "I'm actually 17, But don't worry, a lot of people think i'm younger than I really am."  lunar got a little shocked. she was 17? he swore that she was 12 or at least 13, but looks can be deceiving. "Thank you for helping me"  he looked back to the girl, blushing a little. yes, he did save her, but wasn't she the one that kept the man from punching him in the face? "I'm Lily."  the girl mumbled under her breath. hmm, lily huh? pretty nice name. lunar thought to himself  "actually, i should be thanking you, lily. you're the one that saved me from an unneeded fight."  lunar held his hand out for a greeting. "i'm Lunarblade, but you can just call me lunar. nice to meet you lily." 

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Lily opened her eyes again when the stranger started to talk. She shook her head as he said he should be the one to say thank you. He didn't have to because he was the one that came to help her, even though there was a risk of getting into a fight, all she did was prevent that. "No need to, you wouldn't have been in that situation if you hadn't come to help me. Plus I owed you one anyways." Lily looked at the male's hand that he held out to her and carefully grabbed it. She then shook it slughtly and let go again, she didn't want to hold his hand too long because she wasn't sure what to think of the man, he could've just helped her to gain her trust so he could abuse her.. Lily had been warned by her parents for those kind of people, even though she never went outside. She didn't think that the man was one of those though as he simply didn't look like one. 

"Nice to meet you too" she mumbled as she got up. The performer had thought of a place to go , her favorite inn. It wasn't too far away from here and had lovely rooms. As it was getting dark it was smart to get a room before the best were taken. Lily had been to the Inn several times, sometimes it was really quiet but usually a lot of rooms were already taken. "I'm going to a Inn not so far away from here, you can come with me if you want to talk and stuff." Lily looked up at Lunar and waited for him to answer. 

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lunar looked at the girl as she said that he didn't need to thank her. he smiled and said "well, thanks anyways for the help." hmm, for a first friend, im doing pretty well. lunar thought to himself. lily was pretty nice, but she had a look of unsure on her face. what was wrong? he didnt look like someone who wanted to hurt her, though you cant exactly determine what other people thought about you. it's impossible. well, guess i'll just have to get her to change her mind then lunar thought with a smile

he went back into real life when she asked her to come with her to an inn that she knew of. it'd be nice to go somewhere other than the inn they came out of. plus, there was a chance that he might get more friends. he nodded his head and replied with "sure, why not. something other then that inn would be nice." 

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Lily nodded and turned around after Lunar answered. She started to walk towards the inn that she wanted to go to, looking behind her from time to time to see if Lunar was following her. It would probably take the two about 5 minutes to get to the inn because it was quite busy, if it hadn't been so busy they'd be able to get there in just 2. A time difference of 3 minutes wouldn't bother most people, but it sure did bother the lazy girl.

After 4 minutes of pushing herself through crowds of people and almost tripping over Npc's feet multiple times, Lily finally got close the inn, a white building with barely any decoration on the outside. She'd only have to get through a really busy alley to get to the entrance of the building. The busy streets of the starting city were slowly making her go crazy. At first she always managed to keep herself calm when going through the crowds that mainly existed out of Npcs, but after spending so much time on the floor it was slowly annoying her more and more.

With a deep sigh Lily started to push herself through the alley. She had to push some people away multiple times as she was feeling very uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many people in a narrow alley. It just didn't make any sense that so many Npcs were programmed to stand right in front of an Inn's entrance, basically making it very hard for people to get in. Because there were so many people Lily assumed that it was really busy inside the inn.

Once she finally got through the alley Lily looked behind her again to see if Lunar was still close and walked into the inn. Warmth and a very cozy feeling immediately hit her in the face as she opened the door. Even though she had been to the inn multiple times, the lovely exterior always managed to surprise her. The inn's floor was made out of Spruce wood planks that were mainly covered by fluffy dark blue carpets. The inn's walls were also covered by wood from the inside and there were multiple large paintings hanging on them. the building consisted out of two floors, floor 1 having tables and a bar for people to drink and talk, floor 2 having rooms for people to spend the night in.

Lily knew that she would have to get a key at the bar so she quickly made her way to it. As expected it was very busy, almost every table was taken and the noise was deafening. Upon getting close to the bar, a bartender immediately walked towards her and leaned on the counter as Lily quickly started to talk.  "I'd like a room for two please." the bartender nodded and grabbed a key from the rack behind him. "Room 12 is yours, just go up the stairs close to the entrance and you'll find it. Have a nice day." the bartender said and quickly walked to someone else that needed his help. The performer turned around and made her way to the stairs and of course walked up.

As she got up the stairs and finally got on the 2nd floor of the building, Lily made her way through the corridor and looked for her room. Room 12 luckily was one of the first rooms so she didn't have to walk so long. The performer quickly opened the door and ran into the room, quickly jumping on the bed closest to the door. The room had multiple paintings hanging on the wall of beautiful different types of landscape and the floor was spruce wood just like on the first floor. However the paintings and the floor weren't the reason why Lily loved this inn, it was because of the super comfortable mattresses and blankets. Lily felt like she was in heaven when laying in one of these beds and was sure going to buy a bed like this when she got out of Sao. Because this room was for two it was a little bigger than the one Lily usually got and of course had two beds, but other than that it was completely the same as the room for one person. Lily smiled as she wrapped the fluffy blanket around herself and stared at the ceiling. 

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lunar started following lily as she started to walk towards a certain direction, probably towards that inn that she mentioned. it took about 5 minutes to get to the inn, only because there was a lot of busy npc's. this inn must be pretty god if it can attract this much npc's lunar thought as they entered the rather busy inn.

they pushed through the many different npc's before getting to the man at the counter. as lunar waited for lily to order their rooms, he felt as his mind got rather fuzzy and his vision darkening. aw crap, not now lunar thought as his vision faded and he fell into a subconscious state

*hitage POV*

he blinked a few times as he quickly evaluated his memories and situation. there was a girl, lily. he was at an inn, yes that was rather obvious. he....saved her. at a previous inn from a drunk man. idiot he thought when he remembered that he, or jade, had interfered with a situation that he didn't need to concern himself with. plus, he was still level one, so that didnt help the situation. i do admire his bravery, though. just needs to learn when to stop. he thought to himself. he noticed as he saw lily walking away from him, key in hand. he quickly followed suit, pushing past the other npc's as he did so.

they went towards their inn room, room 12 it said on the front. lily opened up the door and practically ran into room 12, hitage walking into the room a little slower than her. the walls had multiple pictures of different landscapes, which were pretty nice looking. he noticed as he saw lily lying down on one of the beds, another one just like it right across from it. he walked over to lie down on the untaken bed, and his eyes widened as he could feel how soft  and comfortable it was. now i see why she wanted to go here hitage thought when he remembered the just recent conversation they had. speaking of which, he found himself someone to be with for a while, and he might as well make the most of it, though it would be nicer to just do it himself. he made up his mind and said, in a rather toneless way "look i need a favor of you. could you....help me get my level up? id rather get myself to level 4 or 5 instead of being stuck here on floor one."

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Lily was about to say goodnight and sleep when  suddenly Lunar broke the silence and asked her if she could help him level up.The performer didn't really like being around people she didn't know too well, but since she got into sao she got over it because she was trying to survive in the virtual world for as long as possible. However if today had taken place just a week or two before Lily wouldn't have even thought about sharing a room with this stranger. Right now the girl was more focused on finding more friends to ask for help when needed and searching for players to recruit for her guild than anything. 

The performer sat up and eyed Lunar as she spoke in a soft and gentle tone. "Sure, we could do a quest if you'd like. I'm not really into fighting and not strong enough to carry you through a fight since i'm going for a support build, but I could ask a friend of mine to teach you some things about fighting if you'd like." Lily paused for a second to take a few breaths, she wasn't used to talking a lot so it was a little exhausting. "We could do earning a living to get you a proffession, it's easy and will definitely level you up." Lily laid down again and waited for Lunar to answer. Earning a living was the quest she had started with because she was really interested in proffessions. She decided to go for performer which she sure didn't regret. At the moment she wasn'trecording any songs simply because she didn't have enough recording crystals and needed her materials to get some better equipment for herself. 

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lunar lay on the bed for a couple of seconds before getting a response to his question. apparently, she had a friend that could help him with fighting, and there was also a quest called "earning a living" that could also help him get more levels. he sighed to himself.  great. more people. just what i needed. he thought with a frown. already having someone with him to help was already enough, but another one? two was getting to be a bit much. as for the "earning a living" quest. he had heard of that before. people had talked about that quest before, about how you get a profession, ranging from blacksmith to performer. having a job sounded fairly good, he'd be getting more col, which was nice. he was also getting a little desperate, so he might as well take it. "*sigh* alright, I'll do the earning  living quest, as long as it gets me somewhere." he said, pausing to let lily respond

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