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Posts posted by Krosis

  1. Still walking up the side of the mountain krosis and asula were attacked by a pack of wolves. The wolves attacked asula and got a hit on her, bringing her health down to yellow. Krosis then sent scosha to use wind cutter on the wolves. The wolves all died and dropped no items.

  2. The new item would increase krosis's chance of hitting the enemy. The trinket would help them with their adventure to the top of the mountain. They then left the abandoned house and looked back and wondering who lived there and continued too walk. Asula was glab to be back on the road with krosis.

  3. Within the cellar they found a minotaur, minotaurs are known for dropping rare items. Krosis told asula to stand back while scosha and krosis killed the monster. Krosis told scosha to use it paralysis on the minotaur, the creature could not move. Krosis then attacked the minotaur with a 4 hit combo. The minotaur died and dropped an item. The item was a Toy trinket(in creases dice roll by one).

  4. when they started to climb the mountain they stumbled upon an abandoned house. They decided to check it out because it could have loot in it from previous players or something close to that. The house had no loot, but then they stumbled upon a cellar door. They were anxious to find out what was in the cellar.

  5. When no one came to the door krosis went to the backyard to see if she was there. She was there, she then told krosis that she would love to go and that he would have to wait a bit for to get her stuff packed. When she was done packing they started there journey to the top of the mountain.

  6. Krosis took the pickaxe with ease and set of to the top of the mountain. Krosis decided to go to asulas house to see if she wanted to come along to the top of the mountain. When he arrived at asulas house he knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

  7. "The blade would have a white line going down the blades body". Krosis finished the description of the blade. Pepper wrote down all these details then told krosis " To get the blue and black steel's you will have to travel to the top of a mountain that contained both ores". She then gave krosis a pickaxe to go and retrieve the ores.

  8. "well the perfect sword to me would be a one-handed blade that was very light,quick and durable. The blade would be a black steel with a blue steel trim around the whole blades edge" krosis described. Pepper "uh huh, keep talking". "Ok, the handle would be a dark blue metal with a black rope zig zagging across the handle. There would only be one protective side" he said.

  9. krosis came upon a blacksmith girl, this girls name was pepper and she offered a quest called "Blade of Dreams". The quest was to collect the materials needed to make a sword of the players choice. When krosis first met pepper the first thing she said was "Do you want the blade of your dreams".Krosis of coarse said "Well yeah dosnt everybody". Pepper then said would you like to get you very own, all you need to do is descibe the sword to me and ill tell you where to get the materials?".

  10. Krosis's Light Atronach: Scosha


    gender- unknown

    Body Detail- Elemental like body similar to a human torso, but made up of wispy light and clouds. Its head resembles a human head with only eyes and mouth made up of wind and light. lower body is similar to a wispy cloud. It has arms with jagged finger made up of wind and light again wispy.


    paralysis-Cause player or monster to skip a turn and can only be used twice a day

    Wind Cutter-If dice roll is ten does 2 damage, 6-9 1 damage, and 1-5 is a miss

    Light slash- deal 1 damage if dice roll is over 5 if dice roll is 10 does 2 damage

    Lore- A light atronach is a elemental made up of mostly light and clouds. They survive by consuming corrupted souls and defeating anything evil.They mostly live in cold area such as tops of mountains, but still very rare. They will only be seen outside of a cold area when they are hunting for corrupted souls. Wild Light Atronachs will attack player killers due to their betrayal of the human kind. Obtained when fed a pure evil soul.

  11. When they arrived at the gypsy she could see that krosis had done it. He turned in the quest and now was approved to use the light atronach. Asula was very proud and happy for krosis, but she had to partways now. She had joined the game with her family and had to return to them. She thanked krosis for the adventure and gave her address to him. For him to Visit anytime. Krosis now went on a new journey and this is were this story ends.

  12. Now that krois had found his familiar he could be done with the quest and return to the gypsy. The familiar was a light atronach, a very are creature that had a soul of pure good. They were know to consume the souls of corrupted creatures. When krosis offered the death atronach's souls the light atronach took it with pleasure. After then the light atronach Disappeared, Krosis was confused so he opened his menu. It showed that he had the ability to conjure a light atronach now. He had completed the quest. Krosis grabbed hold of Asula's hand and used a teleport crystal to teleport back to the gypsy.

  13. this dragon was gaurding the familiar krosis was looking for and posed a great threat. Krosis and asula looked at each other and agreed that the monster had to die. They both drew their swords and began striking at the dragons feet. While the dragon was on the ground asula tried to finish it off with a final strike, but it bit her leaving her with red health. Now that asula was badly hurt it was up to krosis to finish the dragon off.

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