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Maximillion jacsoness

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Posts posted by Maximillion jacsoness

  1. Max collected the fish,1 down 1 to goMax got another bait ready on the hook and cast it into the lake.

    Its really peacefull here, I should of taken up fishing in the real world i bet its just as relaxing. Max sat down on the ground and just watch the lake surface and listen to the peacefull noises of the forest

    OOC:will edit after


    1-line breaks

    2-3- Catches Garbage(EX:twig)

    4-6-Fish gets away(Takes bait)

    7-9-Fish gets away(leaves bait)

    10-12-Catches fish

  2. Max stretched and yawn as he opened his eyes, The beds on the higher floors are so much nicer then what the town of beginning has to offer Max slowly got out of the bed, If only i was strong enough to train on this floor, maybe I should put more effort into my trainingMax strerched one last time before leaving his room. The city of Nimbus always filled max with a feeling of awe, I wonder if there is more amaseing places like this on the higher floors Max started wandering the town, taking in the wonder as he passed The Well he noticed something on the door.

    That wasn't there before I wonder if its a new quest. Max walked over to the door and began reading the message, "Hmmmm" I have come this far on my own but maybe a guild won't be such a bad idea

    Max walked into the tavern and notice two players chating at a table, I'm guessing one of them is kane, i'll just take a seat Max walked up to one of the empty tables and sat down.

  3. Max sat and and stared at the lake, I almost had him i could feel it, One more time and the fish will be mine Max ready the rod again and cast his line into the lake.

    The buoy began to dip into the water, Time to start another game of tug-a-war but this time im ready for you

    Max began to reel in the line, pulling hard on the right then switch to the left.

    I will reel this sucker in and will do this quest, no fish will get the better of me Max braced his legs in the ground and startes pulling even harder, puting all the strenght he can muster into it.

    I will not lose, i may not have the highest strenght but no fish will fool me trice Max gave one last pull on the line, and again went tumbling to the ground.

    As much as i love lying on the ground, if i keep falling this way i could end up losing hp. I hope that i can find a better way that doesn't invole falling each time

    As max watched the sky, something wet smacked into his face, max turned his head slight and came face to face with a flopping fish that gave his face a couple more good smacks.

    Well I caught the fish at least, good thing no one is around to see this happen

    1-line breaks

    2-3- Catches Garbage(EX:twig)

    4-6-Fish gets away(Takes bait)

    7-9-Fish gets away(leaves bait)

    10-12-Catches fish

  4. Max watches the surface of the water hoping to see the buoy bobing.

    These fish sure do like to take thier time. Max reeled in and re cast his line to a different area of the lake.

    Maybe I should of asked the guy for some advice on this before hand Max sighed.

    As max watch the buoy some more he noticed some ripples, Looks like its time to get to work Max began his game of tug-a-war with the fish, trying with all his might to reel it in.

    Man these fish have seem to have some crazy strength as mac and the fish continue thier back and forth struggle, max gives the fish just a little bit of slack and then gave a pull with all the strength he could muster, falling onto the ground in the process.

    While on the ground, the fishless hook swayed back in forth over his face

    At least i got to keep my bait this time


    1-line breaks

    2-3- Catches Garbage(EX:twig)

    4-6-Fish gets away(Takes bait)

    7-9-Fish gets away(leaves bait)

    10-12-Catches fish

  5. Max eyes snaped open as he heard the breaking of a twig, He slowly scaned his surrounding area, Stupid deer disturbing my rest Max stood up and started to stretch, looks like i was out for a few hours at least i should check to see if my bait is still on the hook Max grabbed the rod and reeled in the line.

    Looks like sleeping and fishing don't go as hand in hand as I thought Max sighed as he looked at the hook that had no bait.

    Max rebaited his hook and toss it out on to the lake again.

    This time i will catch one of these suckers and get this quest finished

  6. "My name is maximillion but just call me Max its easier"

    Max After accpeting the handshake offered by Gestahl, Max turned back to the request that Gestahl that been cover and read it fully this time.

    "Says here to retrieve a medicine ingredient called «Little Nepent's Ovule», drop by a Little Nepent, located in the forest of this floor"

    This does sound really easy and with someone helping out it should be done in no time at all

    "Since you were so kind as to point this quest out for me how would you like to join forces to hunt that plant down?"

  7. Max arrived at the lake shore feeling tired for the long walk. I wonder why they made the lake so far away, it is exhausting max walked around the lake looking for a spot. This should do well a bit of shade from trees and doesn't look like alot of people come here so if I nap i shouldn't be disturbed.

    Max sprawled out on the ground "Ahhhhh" This is what is all about lying down and taking a break, but i guess i need to do some work first before i can take a break Max sat up and pulled out the rod and some bait the merchant gave him.

    Im guessing i just put the bait on the hook and cast away and wait. Max cast the line into the lake and waited

  8. Max weaved thru the trees hopeing to lose the wasp. I cant hear that buzzing hopfully i left his range max continued through the forest aimlessly for a bit more. Ok now to check my map, find out where I am and try to get back without getting my self killed Max sighed at the thought of the long walk back to town.

    OK lets see if im here then that means i need to... and then turn...and... Max stood in thought with while planing his trip using his map. I wish i could afford a teleaport stone this walking is so much. Max turnes to face the way to town and starts his long march back.

  9. "Good morning to you sir, how may i help you" the merchant replied as he turnes towards max.

    "I was wondering who you get your fish from and if you could point me to him"

    "Well your in luck i catch my own fish, but i find it harder to keep up with these young people now a days. How would you like to help a old man out and catch some fish for me" the merchant ask with a chuckle.

    "Sure i can give it a try, would i be able to borrow you rod" max ask

    "I'll do you one better, if you can bring some good catches back i'll let you keep it"

    "Ok you have a deal" max replies

    The merchant hands the rod over to max.

    Now it is time to catch some fish and maybe a nap. Max startes headed towards the gate of the town.

  10. Max let out a yawn as he walked the streets of the town of beginnings, After the other day I need to be better prepared, problem is I'm broke Max wander around the town aimlessly thinking of a way to solve his funds problem.

    I did enjoy the napping by the lake, I wonder if fishing could make me profit.

    Max started to wander the town looking for a merchant that had some fish for sale.

    "Good morning there sir, I was wondering if I could ask you some question" max says as he approaches the merchant.

  11. I cant believe this bug is getting the better then me Max glances at his health bar At this rate I'm a goner, looks like I'm getting outta here Max waited for the wasp to charge at him again.

    The wasp charged at max again, max dives underneath the charge wasp and start running through the forest.

    I need to get back to town quick, maybe this game is going to be of a challenge then I thought

  12. The wasp charged at max, this time im ready for you as the wasp closed in on max he unleashed a swing, The wasp was too fast for max and rammed right into his chest. For something made of data this wasp feels like a sack of bricks All max could see was the trees and blue sky as he lay on the ground. If it wasn't for the buzzing and the killer wasp I could almost enjoy this Max stood up and watch as the wasp readied for another past.

  13. As max attempts to get bring his sword up to block the attack, the stinger of the wasp plunges into max's right forearm. I wasn't fast enough max back steps from the wasp, and ready's his sword. This time let him come to me then I can finish this and get back to town, I can already feel my arm going a little numb Max glared at the wasp waiting for it to attack again.

  14. Damm I get reckless there, what was I think rushing a stupid bug Max's sword cut the air in front of the wasp, I'm still not use to judging distance in this world yet, I need to get that figure out. . The buzzing of the wasp seem to increase in volume, Sounds like someone is mad the wasp readied its stinger and plunged it at max

  15. Max felt a heavy weight slam into his back and knock him to the ground. Damm I forgot there was 2 of them max stood up from being knocked down and the saw wasp turn to face him, looks like im getting no free hits on this one max and the wasp stared down at each other, im going to make the first move cant let a bug get the better of me max rushed forward at wasp and swung.

  16. After wondering the forest for a while max finally could begin to hear the buzzing of the wasp, about time I find these buzzers now to swing my sword around max unsheathed his sword as the buzzing grew louder, max approached a tree and stop suddenly as he notices a couple of wasp come from the other side of the tree. ok I can take on two lets just hope theres no other ones around. Max rushes at the first wasp and slashes it in half, the second wasp charges at max and rams him from behind.

  17. After a spending the day by the lake side napping max decide to take the round about way back to city, I hope those insects I saw earlier are still around that forest to the west, I can't be left behind while everyone else moves up to bigger and better challenges Max keep his hand on the grip to his sword as he headed west, As max makes his way thru the forest he notices the sun has almost fully set now, Hopefully I can find the wasp nest I walked by on the way to the lake and get some while their sleep, now if only I could remember where it is. Max stops and starts looking around the tress puzzled,I could of sworn is was right around here, why cant they make signs or have big neon arrows pointing.. A sigh escapes, as he closes his eyes spins on the spot and stops suddenly. "This way, I hope"

  18. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon Max awakens from his slumber by the lake. I could get use to this life no schedule to follow no boss to harp on you for taking naps, but there is still the problem of my level I can't fall behind or all the fun challenges will be solved with me Max let out a sigh as he started to stretch, stand up and collect his fishing pole. I know I saw a few insects monsters in the forest on my way here, might as well take the long route back to get some pointless violence into. Max drew his sword and started heading down the path towards the west.

  19. The suns light was shining brightly of the still water in the lake, Max had been here for hours still and his fishing line was as still as the lake surface. I beat this lake doesn't even have any fish it in, at least I can catch a nap around here without having to hear boars being slaughtered. Max still wasn't use how real everything in the game felt even after being here for days, the sun in his eyes the breeze from the lake, if he closed his eyes he could swear he was in the real world on a camping retreat. I wonder why i never did this in the real world is so relaxing and I dont have to do anything thing but wait.

  20. Max loved taking naps in the trees, it was quite and away from the hustle and bustle of the town, most often players couldn't find you to disturb the nap and those pesky boars left you alone. On this day in between naps max notice a player headed towards the field by his tree. "Great just what I need someone grinding boars while I try and catch some sleep again"

  21. Profile

    » Username:Maximillion jacsoness

    » Real name:Max Crawford

    » Age:20

    » Gender:M

    » Height:6'0"


    » About: History-

    Max has dreamed of just playing games all day without a care in the world, problem is no game was able to hold his interest or was just too easy, then one day his friend showed him a game he was beta testing, Max felt this game could be what he needed and did everything he could to get his copy on launch.

    Personality- Max loves a mental challenge,whether it be a puzzle or having to make a strategy for a tough boss, but max finds the fight part a bit boring making him reluctant to do any more fighting then really need.. He gives his all but only when what he's doing is interesting or a challenge, otherwise he would rather be relaxing and just enjoying the day. Max also enjoys interacting with people and keeping up to date on the news of the world, hoping to hear of a new challenge.

    » Virtues:

    .Patience-Max love for challenge has taught him that if you rush you fail, so taking your time is no problem for him. He also has no problem waiting for the next challenge to come his way know that you in a game this size there will be plenty.

    .Helpful-Max likes to help people in his own way, rather that be dropping a helpful hint to point someone in the right direction or giving someone some extra items or gold. Max will rarely help someone of lower level with combat unless it involves forming a strategy.


    Level headed-Because of his love of puzzles he knows you have to stay calm and take it one step at a time even if its a step back, you almost never see max act emotionally. Even when not working a challenge max keeps his emotions under control mostly.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    .-Lethargic-Unless focusing on a challenge Max could care less about most stuff happening in the world, meaning he will rarely leave town and sometimes spend days just sleeping and walking aimlessly around town. Also can seem indifferent with a lack of energy/enthusiasm when interacting with other players.

    .Challenge fever-Once max has his sight set on a challenge that peaks his interest, he will get it done no matter the cost, He will put 100% of his time and effort in to the challenge even forget to take care of his own needs sometimes. This can cause him to seem a bit obsessed with it, also he can become a little anti-social when working on a challenge in town.

    . Speak without thinking- Max sometimes just doesn't think before letting word come out of his mouth which can lead to trouble, this can cause people to see him as blunt/stupid/mean depending on what is said







    Night vision

    Extended Weight Limit


    »Light metal equipment

    Leather equipment


    Weapon skills :

    »one handed blade



    »Beginners Pack (It contains; 10 bread, 15 water, Cloth Jacket)

    Basic one handed blade

    Beginner fishing rod


    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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