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Posts posted by Torinto

  1. Torinto had decided it was time for a quest. Just a simple task to help him get used to this new world. He checked his log again, he liked to be familiar with any tasks before he got started.

    "Hmm, Little Nepent's Ovule, huh? It says I can find on on a rare strand of Little Nepent creatures..." Torinto studied the quest for a few more seconds before closing out of the menu. With the menu out of sight, hr could see just how dense the forest actually was. While looking for any kind of path or other opening he could navigate more easily, he spotted another player in the same predicament as him.

    Before his common sense could get the better of him, Torinto made his way to the other player. "Hey, you doing the 'Secret Medicine of the Forest' quest too?"

    This was probably a long-shot. What were the odds that they were doing the same quest? At the back of his mind hr hoped that the odds were good.

  2. Profile

    » Username: Torinto

    » Real name: Torinto Fugisaki

    » Age: 17 Years

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'10"

    » About:

    History: Torinto has always had a rough life. He was a loner in school, never really talking to anybody but his close friends. Sure, he was liked well-enough, but it wasn't fun to be that lonely guy in the back of the classroom that nobody ever heard speak. At home he spent most of his time alone because his mother had to work late most of the time. He was an only child, which meant that he never had anybody to talk to or do things with unless his friends happened to stop by. This drove him to find ways to be more social, virtual reality being one of his first choices. Sword Art Online was the first game he had ever played using NerveGear and he was excited about it.

    Personality: Torinto isn't necessarily shy, but he isn't an outspoken person either. He tends to stay more to himself, but will ask others for help if need be. He is friendly to others as long as they are nice to him. If he senses that they are trying to harm him or his friends in any way, he will quickly resort to protecting himself and his friends. He will try to resolve issues in diplomatic ways unless he knows that that will not be an option. He is very loyal to his friends and usually tries to be upfront and honest when dealing with any other people. He appears very calm and is almost never found panicking or being afraid. This doesn't mean that he isn't on the inside, but he is very good at hiding it.

    » Virtues:

    Honest.. Torinto is a very honest person. He doesn't think lying should ever be the answer to anything. If a problem can't be resolved through open honesty, then it isn't worth resolving at all. His honesty stretches beyond the simple rule "don't lie," it also means that if he makes a promise or commitment to a friend or to anybody, then he will do everything in his power to see that it is fulfilled.

    Loyal.. Torinto will never abandon his friends. Even if there is only a slim chance that he will survive, he will stay and hold off any hazards so that his friends may escape. Even in the face of danger, Torinto will stand up for his friends. Some may call this "stupid" or even "reckless" and maybe it is, but if it means that his friends chances of escaping are heightened, then he is willing to take that chance.

    Generous.. Torinto is extremely generous. He is even willing to give away the armor from his back if it means helping another player. The only way to reach the top floor and beat the game is by working together with other people to get there, but that's not going to happen if everybody is killing and stealing from each other. Torinto believes that if he is nice to other people, then they will be nicer to him, even they don't yet realize it themselves.

    » Flaws:

    Soft-spoken.. Although Torinto will ask for help, it won't be very obvious. He will normally try to ask in non-obvious ways, such as convincing someone to go with him because they have something to gain from it. The only time that he will ask for help directly is if he is already in danger. Normally he likes to go his own way, but because of this flaw, he sometimes likes to tag along with other players to aid them on their adventure, but also to get some un-asked for assistance.

    Proud.. Torinto will only back down in most conflicts if he knows that he cannot win or if it is clear that he is about to lose. He doesn't believe that backing down and giving up are cowardice, but that people will think less of him if he simply quits. The only way he will admit defeat and surrender to an opponent is if there are no players nearby. He doesn't want anybody (no matter skill, level, etc.) to see him quit a fight.

    Hard-headed.. Torinto will only change his mind if it is obvious that his plan won't work. It is very difficult to convince him to do something else. While it is very rare that anybody can change his mind, it had been done before. His plan always happens to be the "right" way to get things done. He doesn't like to take advice from anybody unless they have a very good reason for giving it to him and even then, he isn't very happy about it.

    Profession: None



    » Slash Weapon Forging

    » Tools Appraisal


    » Hiding

    » Sprint

    » Acrobatics


    » Parry

    » Leather Equipment

    Weapon skills :

    » One-handed Straight Sword

    » Blade Throwing



    » One-handed Long Sword




    Relationships (optional)

    » None

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    » Torinto has just arrived in the game and been informed that he is unable to logout or leave.

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