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Posts posted by Razmor

  1. Angel activated his <<Sprint>> Skill and charged forward, kicking up sand and dust behind him. He quickly caught up with Ethereal and Argumail due to the level of his <<Sprint>> Skill. He pulled ahead with Ethereal and the two remained neck and neck for a majority of the time until they reach the lake. Angel skid to a stop near a lone tree and leaned against it, catching his breath. "Agh, nice run." He said as he opened his menu and took out a bottle of water. He took a swig and then passed it around to the rest of his party. Spread before them was a massive lake bed, the dry clay ground cracked from age. All along the bottom, were massive black scorpions with stingers and pincers. "This should be interesting." He said with a sigh as he looked at the monsters in the lake.

  2. Angel frowned as the scorpion failed to drop any loot. "Well that was, disappointing." He said as he sheathed his sword. "Well, if there's no loot here then we keep walking." He said as he continued to make his way to the dried lake. The rest of the party followed behind him as his eyes scanned the horizon. "We should be there in about 10 minutes of walking. 5 if we run." He said, doing some math in his head. "Anyone feel like sprinting through the desert?" He said with a small smile.

  3. Angel saw the scorpion and grinned slightly. "Well, let's get this over with." he said as he drew his black blade, <<Obsidian Angel>>. The weapon hissed as it escaped it's sheath, eager for battle. Angel brought the blade close to his chest and then rushed at the monster.  "Holy Eraser!" He shouted and the blade glowed a pure white light. He swung the blade in a quick, close motion.



    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice

    Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    Rolled a 6 on the d20 (loot) dice
    Damage: 1 + 2(Rank) + 2(Weapon) + 2( Hyper Critical) = 7
    The sword hit its mark as the weapon cleaved into the Scorpions side. The monster hissed in rage as it backed away from the group, it's massive pincers snapping at them in rage. Its beady eyes glared at them as it waited for their next move. 
    Angel 31/31
    (Add HP when it's your post)
    Scorpion 11/18 (-7 HP)
  4. Angel stood up and looked around. The storm had been strangely brief, lasting less then a minute or two. When he stood up and recovered from the ordeal, he cracked his shoulders and began to continue forward. "We're gonna lose daylight faster than we'd like. We should keep moving while we've got the sun." He said as he opened his map and made his way toward the lake. His cloak was still wrapped tight around his body and a bandanna still covered his face.

  5. After waiting for anyone else to show up, Angel rose from his chair. "Well gentlemen, the loot won't come to us. Let's go." And with that he exited the tavern, setting out for the desert. As he walked, he opened the map he had made while on his numerous trips into the floor's outer rim. He had found caves, temples, even a dried up lake with treasures just waiting at the bottom. The only problem was that he also found several monsters and traps along the way. But that was the point of an adventure, right? "Alright, we're heading for a small mirage near a flash boiled lake. There are some large scorpions there that make good opponents as well as provide materials for a variety of professions. Any questions?" He asked as he brought his bandanna close to his mouth to keep the sand and dust out.

  6. Angel cocked his head to the side, watching Argumail carefully. Then he leaned back in his chair, looking over at the other players who had begun to crowd around him. "Ethereal, I'm surprised to see you. It's been a while since we last saw each other." Then he returned his focus to the other players. "We'll be going out into the far reaches of the desert. We'll be fighting scorpions, desert crawlers, and maybe some giant ant lions. Nothing too big. I'll just need to know if y'all are coming for the monsters or the materials. That way we can figure out fair loot shares." He said as he took another drink from his smoothie.

  7. Angel glanced up at the fool who had shouted through the tavern that he was here for Angel's job. "Over here." He said, motioning with his hand for the stranger to sit. The player approached and sat down across from Angel. "So, you're interested in getting some materials eh? Well I'm a blacksmith so I'll be looking for crystals, metals, and possibly some stone. What, if I may ask, are you interested in getting?" Angel asked as he sipped a chilled Strawberry/Lemon Smoothie.

  8. Angel wandered around the town of Armadillo, his tan Duster coat blew in the wind as his face was covered by a bandanna. His armor was dark against the brown sands of the desert environment. He was looking through his inventory when he noticed he was dangerously low on crafting materials; in fact, he had run out. And to make matters worse, he had just been hired to create a long sword for one of his various shop customers. He needed some kind of metal, maybe even a crystal of some sort. Looking around the desert environment, he shrugged and decided that there must be something on this desolate wasteland of a floor that could provide his materials. But it would take a long time to gather the stuff himself. So he put out an ad on the local info hub. It read:



    To All Players,

    I am currently looking for anyone willing to travel for long distances across the desert in search of crafting materials. There is a chance that monsters will be encountered. Any material you collect will be yours unless you don't want it. If you accept, I shall be waiting in the tavern in Armadillo.

    Yours Truly,



    After putting up the notice, he went to the tavern, took a seat by the window, and waited for someone to answer.

  9. Angel nodded and took another drink of his smoothie. "I understand, sir." Angel said, his voice wavering a little. He wasn't used to talking to people of authority. He was always the master of his own world and it was one of the reasons he had survived so long. After taking some Col from his inventory and paying the bill, he got up and equipped a coat he usually wore on the 5th floor; his tan Duster. Then he exited the inn, shaking his head as he did so. "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked himself as he headed for the Teleport Pad.

  10. Angel watched Shark carefully, before taking a sip of his smoothie. The cold drink zapped his nerves and made him calm down a little, as well as wake up. After the drink, he paused for a moment before returning his gaze to Shark. "Ok. I think I can work on that." He said, even though it pained him to admit that his style had a flaw. "So, you want me to train with Mayonaka on my communication skills? I'll see if I can find her." He said with a level head, the drink clearly working.

  11. Angel began to frown a little. "I know how to get people back safely. I've been doing it for a long time; I've Tanked for groups before when they needed it." He said, defending himself. "Believe it or not, I do talk in battle but only when players are confused or if the situation changes. That fight was pretty straight forward." By this time their food had arrived. Angel looked between his drink and Shark, wondering how the player would react to his response.

  12. Angel frowned slightly, but then changed back into a smile. "Meeting someone new, ok. Sounds like a plan." He said as he sat down and began to look over the menu as he had done a hundred time before. When the waitress came by to take their orders, Angel only asked for a Lemon/Strawberry Smoothie. Then once Shark had ordered, they went back to talking. "So, my problem is in communication during a fight?" He asked, trying to understand why he needed help. "Not to be rude, but I'm not really a talking kind of guy. I let my actions speak for me." He said while they waited for their food to arrive.

  13. "I can always use new customers," Angel said, smiling as the idea grew on him. "Deal." He shook the player's hand firmly. Then he walked out from behind the counter and pulled out a small cleaning rag. He went through cleaning his merchandise with some sort of polish. After a moment or two he turned back to the player. "I'll contact you when the item is ready." He said while cleaning a longsword.

  14. Upon hearing Mayonaka's name, Angel smiled a little. "Oh really? Believe it or not, the swords-woman and I have crossed paths before. She seemed to tolerate me." he said with a slight chuckle. "But seeing how we'll be meeting on different circumstances, I'm sure she'll act differently next time." He followed Shark as they entered the safezone that was the Town of Beginnings. "Lunch sounds great. I'll pay for myself if you don't mind." Angel didn't want his future leader to remember him as the guy he had to pay the lunch bill for.

  15. Angel nodded. "Sounds like a nice place. Plus, the world's getting more dangerous by the minute; it wouldn't hurt to have a few friends on your side." He said as he continued to follow Shark to wherever they were going. Angel had been a solo player for a long time and he'd been doing good for himself. But recently, he noticed that some fights were taking longer to finish then he was used to. Either the monsters were getting stronger or he was getting weaker, and he preferred the first one. He didn't like to think about himself as weak which was one of the main reasons he trained so hard. He didn't want to fall behind the rest of the world and get killed in what should be an easy fight.

    "So, if I may ask, where are we going oh fearless leader?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him about their destination.

  16. Angel shrugged when the player said that he didn't have a lot of money. "Payment comes when I finish the sword. How much the payment is depends on what kind of sword I bring you. It's as simple as that." He said with a mischievous grin. He was referring to his method of letting the customer decide the price for their item. How much was it worth to them was their decision.

  17. Angel emerged from the back room after putting his newest creation away for the moment. He took the slip of paper that Ourian had written his order on. After looking over it for a few seconds, he smiled and nodded. "Looks good. I'll get right on it." He said while his mind began to work on figuring out what he should make the sword out of. The options were limitless and he was going to get creative with this order.

  18. While he waited for the player to come up with a response, Angel quickly ducked into the back room to get back to work. He heated up the forge and then went to his item chest. Grabbing his recently obtained, <>, he placed the item into the forge and waited for it to heat up. After enough time, he took the item out of the fires and placed it on the anvil. Then, reaching for his hammer, he got to work. The only problem was that he didn't know what to make. Then, a spark of inspiration his him. He smiled and immediately started to strike the item repeatedly. Then, after the third swing, he got a response.


    Once the light died down, Angel smiled massively. In place of the <>, was a hammer. It had a metal handle and a large, rectangular block of crystal acting as the head. The Crystal looked strong, like it could make something even better than Angel's current hammer. The blacksmith smiled and picked up the newly created hammer.

    Name: Crimson Hammer

    Quality: Perfect

    Description: A small crafting hammer with a red crystal head. The hammer looks strong, like it could make better items than a normal hammer.

    Buffs: +1 Crafting Dice

    (Awaiting Approval)

    Rank 3: 40 total EXP and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    -1 Material

    +8 XP gained

    48/80 Total

  19. Angel was busy cleaning some of his tools and weapons when he heard the customer enter the building> He smiled and stood up, walking out into the front room to greet the player. "Hello there," He said with a warm smile. "What can I do for you today?" He asked. It had been a while since he last had a customer and he was eager to get his name back out there.

  20. Angel saw everyone rush out of the inn and slowly stood up. "Well, I guess it's time I stepped in." He said with a shrug. Then he ran out the door and began his approach at the boss. Armed with his black blade, <>, and his trusty shield, he ran right up to the boss. He noticed the other players who had already joined the fight. But his attention quickly returned to the boss. Planting his feet, he stabbed forward at the boss's abdomen.


    Unfortunately, the boss was a little faster than him. The monster's shield came up and blocked Angel's attack, forcing the player to jump back at a safer distance. He looked around and slowly formed a smile. "Alkor! Mayonaka! What's up?!" He said, a little happy to see some familiar faces.


    Alkor 17/17

    Kiluia 33/33

    Lessa 15/15

    Mayonaka 31/31


    Ryuu 11/11

    Ourian 15/15


    Angel 29/29


    Bone Knight 133/150

  21. Angel watched as Shark got up and started to leave. After a moment or two of waiting, Angel sighed. "Damn it." He said under his breath, then he got up and followed after Shark. As they walked, Angel opened his menu and changed into his casual wear; a black shirt, slacks, and some boots. His hands had black fingerless gloves and a bandanna appeared around his spiky white hair. He placed his hands in his pockets and kept close to Shark.

  22. Angel didn't look back at Mayonaka as he kept his eyes on the Boars that had placed themselves in front of the shield-man. "Save your strength. We've still got the boss fight." He whispered back to Mayonaka. Then he primed his sword and waited for a boar to attack. Then one of the monsters attacked, slamming their head into Angel's shield.....


    ..... The Boar aimed low, causing one of it's tusks to dig into Angel's leg. "ARGH!" He coughed out as he was forced to a kneeling position. For the sake of the group he kept his shield up to block any more incoming attacks. Using is sword hand he shoved the monster backwards and out of the circle, giving the other players room to attack.

    Mayonaka 29/31

    Angel - 25/27 (-1 Damage (Rank)

    Alkor - 11/15

    Ryuu - 9/9

    Boar - 5/10

    Boar - DEAD

    Boar - DEAD

    Boar - 10/10

  23. Angel heard Shark's notes and sat down, putting his arms on his knees and resting his forehead on his arms. "The monster's dead and the players are safe, that's all that matters to me." He said as he laid back, starring at the sky. Shark's words still echoed in his ears; I suggest you work on your communication and encouraging. Angel had been a solo player for a long time, being reluctant to join any Guild that offered. He wasn't much of a people person even though he was quite social when he needed to be. In his mind, conversation wasn't the top priority when it came to fighting. His priority was to get everyone back home in one piece, that was his job as a Tank. A small frown appeared on his face as he awaited Shark's response, his mind elsewhere.

  24. Angel sighed in relief as he saw the monster explode into a billion tiny pixels. He sheathed his sword and put away his shield before nodding towards the players. "No problem. Just doing my job." Angel said with a weary grin. Then he stretched his back and walked towards Shark, curious to see how he had reacted to the fight. As he walked, he stretched his arms and took a couple slow, deep breaths. He was a still a little angry from the fight and he needed to calm down before speaking to Shark. He knew from past experiences to keep a level head when talking to people.

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