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Posts posted by SatakiTheBeater

  1. Profile
    Username: Sataki
    Real name: Sataki Ishida
    Age: 19 at the start of the game and 21 at the end.
    Gender: Male
    Height and Weight: 173 Centimeters Tall and Weighs 76 Kilograms.

    About: History/personality

    Personality: Sataki has a rather bland personality, when he is with someone new to him he will act rather emotionless but when he is around someone who has become his acquaintance he will act happy and bright, finally there are people he hate without a doubt.. around them his hair covers his eyes and a black aura surrounds him while he utters strings of ancient curses.

    1) Strong Will: Sataki is one of the people out there who tend to never give up and stand tall when something precious is on the line specifically his loved ones or important objects in his life.
    2) Aware: Sataki has advanced his senses to almost unnatural levels as the slightest whiff of someone in the wind send his brain and processing capability into high alert.
    3) Adaptable: While Sataki's body doesn't adapt to the area around him his mind adapts to it at a rapid pace often causing him to build a plan from nothing but his surroundings.
    4) Quick-Witted: Sataki in all right is a quick witted person as unlikely as it seems for his neutral and calm demeanor he will throw himself into a battle if he see's the reason for it is reasonable.
    5) Sincere: Sataki is one of the rare few hollows that lie straight out, if he is caught lying he will often find himself with a weird pain in his chest possibly something relating to his past.



    1) Arrogant: If Sataki is winning in a fight, duel or a type of game an arrogant side of him will show as he underestimates his opponent and views them as lower life forms.
    2) Deceitful: In his past life Sataki gained a tendency to lie alot, although he is Sincere if the moment is needed of a few lies he will tell them without a second choice.
    3) Depressed: Sataki seems to have a small recollection of his past as he seems to relapse into a depressed state if the lines "Not your fault" or "Your fault" are uttered around him.
    4) Devilish: Sataki is prone to acting rather devilish if he has a simple bit of black mail material on someone, this specific moment of devilishness is shown when he made acquaintance with a Shinigami with cat like features.
    5) Disobedient: Sataki is one of those people who will not follow a order unless he sees it fit... which regularly gets him hurt by people who aim to be his elders or commanders.



    Profession: None as of yet.





    Weapon skills:


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)


  2. «Sataki» The Smiling Demon


    » Username: Sataki

    » Real name: Sataki Ishida

    » Age: 15

    » Gender: M

    » Height: 5' 11''

    »Appearance: Sataki had skipped past the design process opting for a random appearance and he was happy with how it looked. Instead of the coal eyes he normally had he had a rater shining obsidian colored eye's with the pupil being white.

    His hair was midnight black with a small tint of white. His hair being styled short and spiked but with two long bangs down the length of his face giving him a more feminine look rather then a males.

    Back story: Sataki being born from his American father Drake Ishida who had met his Japanese mother Miami Satoshi who was a fair women her beauty measured greatly. At the age of four Sataki had made a brash decision after his parents were killed and the murderers were walking towards him and his friends.

    In the moments the men got closer Sataki had remembered two pistols his father had given him. He withdrew both and with little skill had slaughtered the five and later he had found out he had killed his uncle who was one of the robbers.

    After the funeral he had met in his words a beautiful girl by the name a Shino Asada or "Sinon" as she had become known as in future. Sataki had soon become great friends with Shino well that was until he had moved to Russia for a few years before going back in time to acquire Sao and being trapped.

    » Virtues, Flaws, Likes and Dislikes

    Relationships: N/A

    Virtues: Harshness and Solo playing.

    Flaws: Sadness, No Friends and Acting Nice.

    Likes: Meat, Sweets, Music, and those with a Perfect Sword Form.

    Dislikes: Vegetables, that sound you get when Scratching Chalkboards, as well as Continuous Failure









    Weapon skills : 






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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