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Posts posted by Daedalus

  1. Daedalus stretched his arms out above his head and yawned as the sun set over the hills and mountains on the other side of game map. He was just outside the walls of Starter City, laying in the grass and propped up on his elbows. His hair, a white mop sticking straight up and out in all directions was ruffling in the light breeze. He leaned his head back and took a deep breath though his nose and flopped his arms out to the side, smiling.

    He'd been stuck here for almost a week on the first floor, trying to grind his way through the levels and reading his User Manual. So far, he hadn't even gotten to the second floor, but that didn't bother him. Playing solo had it's disadvantages, and he took them in stride.

    The fading light from the sun was broken suddenly and Daedalus cracked open an emerald green eye to peer in it's direction. A young man was standing there, blocking the light from the sun. He was about Daedalus' height and build, but with long blonde hair, and wearing a black and white tuxedo. A red sash was tied around his belt.

    He propped himself back up on his elbows and cracked a grin at whoever this was. "Hey! Beautiful sunset, yeah?"

  2. «DON'T PANIC!»

    First, I would like to say that this is (mostly) NOT my work. This is the accumulated work of the GM's and players that have been working night and day to make this forum run smoothly. The only things I have done are some minor copy editing for flow, easier reading, re-worded and corrected some minor spelling and grammatical errors, and condensed information found in multiple threads for easier character creation.

    Credit where it's due:

    Nevina - For writing up the majority of what you see before you.

    Shark - For pretty much everything.

    Dellis - For summarizing the combat system.

    SAO Wiki

    Anyone and everyone else that I failed to mention, thank you! Your work is what makes RPG's like this flourish. Only through teamwork and dedication can we continue to make this a bigger and better game!

    Special Note: As the game progresses, I will be updating this thread periodically. I'm no GM, so when I get information, YOU get information!

    THIS IS A GUIDE, NOT AN OFFICIAL RULE LISTING! I am NOT a GM. I've read the rules and have a working knowledge of how forum RPG's work, so if you need help, please don't be afraid to ask! HOWEVER, please do not come to me with complaints, or arguing rules. As I said before, this is the Big Bold Friendly Lettered "DON'T PANIC" version of the rules, NOT AN OFFICIAL LISTING. If you want the official rule listing, please go read them in the Tutorials section.

    « Character Creation and your Journal »

    Players must post a character profile application to the Journal sub forum (Please read all journal steps and fill out according to template, Please leave skills and inventory blank until approved). Once you have a journal posted, a GM will edit your post to mark either an approval or ask for further changes (ex: elaborate on your virtues & flaws, more personality, etc). This can be found at the bottom of your post, in the left hand corner.

    » Once any needed corrections are made, send a PM (private message) to the GM that has reviewed your Journal, including a link to the Journal (we can't keep track of everyone!).

    » You will continue to use this journal post to keep track of what roleplays you have completed.

    » You can have more than one character. If you have a bunch of different accounts, make sure you mark them down and notify a GM of your main account.

    » Lastly, you will need to go to the UCP (User Control Panel, located at the top left of the page), access the Profile tab, and select Edit Profile. Paste your Journal link to the box labeled "Link to Journal". This makes it easier for players and GM's (and yourself!) to keep track of where your character is at as far as skill level.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Any RPs made before the players journal is approved will be deleted. NO EXCEPTIONS.


    Currently, after character creation, you can add 9 skills to your Journal AFTER CHARACTER APPROVAL. This is extremely important to remember! IF YOU ADD SKILLS TO YOUR JOURNAL BEFORE APPROVAL, YOU WILL NOT BE APPROVED!

    New players start with 2 skill points, and earn skill points at a ratio of 1 point per completed RP. So a level 1 player starts out with 2 skill points and gains 1 for each COMPLETED RP. In order to advance a skill from Level 0 (Unskilled) to Level 1 (Novice) a player must spend 2 skill points . Each additional skill level will cost an additional 2 points. Therefore, advancing from Skill Level 1 (Novice) to Skill Level 2 (Journeyman) will cost 4 skill points. Earned Skill Points DO NOT carry over. Once they are spent, you must earn new Skill Points to advance your next Skill Level.

    Here are the different levels:

    0 - Unskilled -->2

    1 - Novice -->4 (6)

    2 - Journeyman -->6 (12)

    3 - Expert -->8 (20)

    4 - Master -->10 (30)

    5 - Grandmaster (Before attaining this final skill level, a player must make a two page topic

    detailing the culmination of their training for GM review. Remember, this is making your character the best of the best in this area. You have to earn it.) 1 Page = 20 Posts

    Skills are currently broken up into different categories.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT a comprehensive list of all the skills in this game, merely a list of skills found ON THIS SITE CURRENTLY.

    The categories and their skills are as follows:

    Non Combat Skills:

    Fishing - The effectiveness with which a player can catch fish. Higher levels catch rarer fish more often.

    Musical Instrument - The effectiveness with which a player uses an instrument. Some instruments can have status changing capabilities.

    Sewing - The effectiveness with which a player can craft lightweight cloth, leather, and monster hide armour. Higher level of skill allows the crafting of high-level armours.

    Cooking - The effectiveness with which a player can combine ingredients to create varieties of food, some of which can have medicinal properties. Higher level of skill allows the cooking of higher-ranked foods.

    Equipment Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a piece of equipment. Higher levels give more information.

    Tools Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a weapon. Higher levels give more information.

    Purchase Negotiation - The effectiveness with which a player can barter when purchasing from NPCs.

    Sales Negotiation - The effectiveness with which a player can barter when selling items to NPCs.

    Medicine Mixing - The effectiveness with which a player can craft potions and poison weapons.

    Slash Weapon Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Slashing Weapons.

    Thrust Weapon Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Stabbing Weapons.

    Blunt Weapon Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Blunt Weapons.

    Light Metal Armor Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Light Metal Armor.

    Heavy Metal Armor Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Heavy Metal Armor.

    Metal Equipment Repairing - The effectiveness with which a player can repair equipment and tools.

    Metal Refining - The effectiveness with which a player can turn raw ore into refined ingots of metal.

    Familiar Recovery - A skill specifically for Beast Tamers. This skill allows the user the ability to heal a pet.

    Familiar Communication - A skill specifically for Beast Tamers. This skill allows the user the ability to understand and communicate with friendly creatures.

    Woodcrafting - Gathering Wood for use in other professions.

    Passive Skills:

    Searching - The ability to find players in Hiding. Higher level of skill allows you to find players/monsters hiding.

    Tracking - Raises effectiveness while hunting monsters. Can be used to pursue a player whose name is known by displaying their footprints from a certain time. Greater mastery of the skill will allow the user to see the recent footprints of nearby «Hiding» players.

    Listening - The ability to hear sounds from further away than normal. Higher level of skill grants the ability to hear through locked rooms.

    Detection - A sixth sense, allowing the player to notice enemies and secrets from a distance. Greater mastery allows detection of monsters in «Hiding» status and primitive booby traps, such as snares and pitfalls.

    Hiding - Allows for a person to disappear. Only works on targets that use visual tracking.

    Acrobatics - Determines a player's jumping height and the ability to perform aerial maneuvers. Bottom level is the natural jumping height for the Player.

    Night Vision - The player can see better in darker conditions.

    X-Ray Vision - The ability to see through obstacles and walls. Max level can see through secure rooms. Does not work on clothes.

    Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill) - This skill is both an activatable burst of speed, and a passive increase in the player's effectiveness at dodging strikes.

    Extended Weight Limit - Increases inventory size and weight capacity.

    Combat Skills:

    Parry - The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

    Howl - Attracts the attention of NPC monsters and increases a player's Hate status effect. Often used by tanks to lure enemies to the player.

    Battle Healing - Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

    Emergency Recovery

    Meditation - «Extra Skill» Increases HP regeneration and decreases the remaining time of negative statuses by entering a mental concentration pose. Obtained in a 6th floor quest.

    Light Metal Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Metal Equipment.

    Light Shield Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Shield Equipment.

    Leather Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Leather Equipment.

    Heavy Metal Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Metal Equipment.

    Weapon Skills:

    One-handed Straight Sword - The effectiveness with which a player can use longsword-like weapons (e.g. short swords (arming swords)).

    One-handed Curved Blade - The effectiveness with which a player can use slashing-type weapons (e.g. Scimitars).

    One-handed Dagger - The effectiveness with which a player can use dagger-type weapons (e.g. knives, daggers, etc.).

    One Handed Rapiers

    One-handed Assault Spear

    One-handed War Hammer

    Two-handed Straight Sword

    Two-handed Assault Spear

    Two-handed Battle Axe

    Blade Throwing - The effectiveness with which a player can use throwing weapons (e.g. Throwing Picks)

    Martial Arts - «Extra Skill» Unlocked from a quest on the 2nd Floor.

    Katana - «Extra Skill» Unlocked by frequent usage of One-handed Curved Blade.

    « Creating RP Threads »

    You can either post in a town thread, which is open to all, or create your own thread.

    When you create a new thread to roleplay in, please use the following indicators in your title:

    » [OP] = Open Party; Anyone can join this RP Topic

    » [PP] = Private Party; Pre-planned adventures, invite only (state who in the title or first post)

    » [sP] = Solo Party; No one can join, posts are made to develop character story

    This way, you can show other players that they're welcome to join your thread or if you have that session reserved specifically for another player.

    As forums cover 10 floors at a time, feel free to have your character exploring different floor levels, however, you can only travel to floors that have been opened by the Front liners. You cannot jump to floors that are not opened. You may note what floor # you're on in the title or first post. An example thread title that indicates floor level could be [PP-F1] to show that you're in a private party on the first floor.

    » Example thread title: [PP-F1] Nevina and Mythee battle the mushrooms!

    » Add (complete) to the end of a thread title when an rp thread is done.

    Send a PM to a GM with a link to the RP and they will lock the topic after (Complete) is posted. What ever number is rolled by the Loot Dice determine what kind of special item or EXP points you earned in that RP. Other dice do not matter at this point.

    You may RP in more than one thread at a time if you feel you are able to keep up with them, but It is encouraged to complete the rps you’re currently in before proceeding to a boss event. If your character dies, you may finish up in-progress threads so your partner isn't left hanging, but you may not create new ones post-death. You must notify a GM or Admin of yours or another players death (containing a lik to the post of death) and Current RP's. After those are finished, you will then be added to "The Fallen" group.

    « Leveling »

    Leveling is currently simplified, using your accounts post total. It may change at a later date.

    - Level 1-0

    - Level 2-12

    - Level 3-20

    - Level 4-37

    - Level 5-64

    - Level 6-93

    - Level 7-184

    - Level 8-372

    - Level 9-469

    - Level 10-568

    - Level 11-609

    - Level 12-652

    - Level 13-700

    - Level 14-747

    - Level 15-796

    - Level 16-847

    - Level 17-900

    - Level 18-955

    - Level 19-1045

    - Level 20-1113

    - Level 21-1183

    - Level 22-1255

    - Level 23-1299

    - Level 24-1375

    - Level 25-1453

    - Level 26-1533

    - Level 27-1615

    - Level 28-1699

    - Level 29-1749

    - Level 30-1843

    » Track your level in your Signature using the following format: [name]: lvl [x] (a basic example can be found in my signature at the bottom of this post). WE WILL CROSS REFERENCE THIS. Please follow the honor system and be truthful and accurate. Example signature - Nevina: lvl 1

    « Benchmarks »

    A benchmark is a required RP post which enables your character to advance to the next set of 10 floors. This will be a battle with the final boss of that set of 10 floors. All players in the boss fight must submit a valid Benchmark in order to take part of the boss fight and advance to the next set of floors.

    » Players must complete 10 RP sessions on the corresponding floor before they may post a benchmark. You must link to all 10 RPs in the benchmark and give a short summary about your adventures and improvement of your character. A form for this will be provided in the benchmark thread available on each floor. If an RP session is incomplete due to one or more players no longer responding (wait 1 month), it will count as a completed RP if it reached a full three pages.

    » You may travel backwards to previous floors to help newcomers level up with you, but lower level floor posts will not count towards your current benchmark.

    » A special boss RP event will take place to open the next set of floors. Players cannot post a benchmark until they reach the last floor of that set of 10.

    » Benchmarks must have a seperate section in your character journal and a link to the benchmark must be provided for a GM to review, validate, and grant you access to the boss fight

    » Benchmarks are subjected to approval. They should be of high quality to portray your character and the situation. This should take more than one paragraph, however there are no specific limitations. Moderators may reject your benchmark if written poorly with only one or two sentences or no substance.

    » Example 1:

    You just started the RP, this means you are lvl 1. Floors 1-10 are available and 11-20 have not been opened yet. You must complete the benchmark for Floors 1-10 before you are allowed to post in 11-20. Once complete, you will enter floors 11-20 and continue your adventures.

    » Example 2:

    You've completed benchmark 1-10 so you are now at least lvl 10, and are ready continue leveling. Floors 11-20 have now just opened but there is no benchmark for floors 21-30 until someone advances to the 30th floor.

    If we get a new player who joins when the majority of RPers are on floor 50+, we can discuss potentially making leveling easier for newcomers to reach up where the main plot is (ex: instead of 10 rps + benchmark for every floor, change to just benchmarks alone until they catch up, whereupon it switches back to 10 rps. Or perhaps just start them out one floor below). Other ideas may be discussed when the time comes.

    « Battles »

    Battles against field monsters are roleplayed by the players and are recommended to the battle system to make the adventures random and exciting.

    A battle against other players or in special events, however, will require the use of the battle system unless planed out and agreed upon by both players.

    Please specify what kind of duel it is.

    In Sword Art Online and ALfheim Online, three types of duels exist:

    Total Loss Mode: Rarely used in SAO, since it will only stop when a player's HP reaches 0, and that will mean permanent death for the loser. This is the one used for Sleep PK.

    Half Loss Mode: The winner is decided after the other player loses half of their HP. Rarely used in SAO since a critical hit could reduce someone's HP to the danger zone.

    First Strike Mode: This is the most common, the winner is decided by whoever lands the first clean hit or whittle the opponent's HP to half.

    There is a dice roll located on the upper left corner of the post. The dice that will be used is the Battle Dice. The other dice do not matter at this point.

    The battle system follows a turn-based dice method. To use a skill, create a post with the skill's name and effect. YOU MAY NOT EDIT THIS POST. Once you see what number is rolled on that post, create an RP post accordingly. Once you have attempted one skill, it will be the next player's turn to use a skill.

    » The dice roll's purpose is to activate a skill. Each skill has a different number requirement to activate.

    Ex: Sword skill "Slash" requires a roll of 5 or higher to activate. If the player rolls 1~4, they must rp out a failed attack and it will then be the other player's turn to use a skill.

    » You must keep track of your health at the bottom of each post.

    » Players can only survive a certain number of hits.

    Player HP can be calculated by taking your current level x2 then add 3

    Ex: A lvl 1 player can only take 5 attacks. This is noted by the player on their posts as 5/5 for full health, 4/5 for one hit taken, etc. So if you manage to activate an attack skill five times, then the lvl 1 player is then defeated.

    Sometimes the Dice roll can help deal extra damage.

    Number 6-8 deal 1 point and 9-10 are critical hits that deal 2 damage.

    » Different skills have different limitations, cool downs, and effects. Consult the skill guide for details. [not yet available]

    « Player vs. Player »

    To determine who goes first, the player with the higher post count gets to decide.

    The rest of the battle follows the above system.

    Make sure to clearly label what type of duel is being used

    Note, Total loss mode type duels do not make you a PKer, but unofficial duels will make you a PKer.

    « Boss Battles »

    Boss events will follow a similar format, but may have some variations which will be explained at that time.

    Boss battle guidelines will be available soon. All boss battles will be taken care of and started by GMs with stricter guidelines starting on Floors 11-20.

    « Death »

    If your character dies, then you can no longer roleplay that character, however, you will still be able to role-play and take part in the forums outside of the Sword Art Online RP section.

    » Player killing is allowed. Lets focus on character development over realism in this case.

    » You may kill off your own character at any time, however you must reapply for a new character to continue the RP. You may use the level that your last character achieved.

    » Boss battles may or may not force player deaths. These are special events held to open the next forum set, and it is a risk you must take to further the game. You will need to create a new character to continue if you die in a boss event. You will then have to start over from level 1, just entering the game, and work back up.

    » If your character dies, you may finish up in-progress threads so your partner isn't left hanging, but you may not create new ones post-death

    « Quests, Events, Guilds, and Housing »

    « Quests and Events »

    Quests are provided as a list of RP prompts if you wish to take a party or solo through. There may be rewards for completing quests.

    Events are hosted by staff with either prompts or npcs to drive a story or event. Participation in events is recommended.

    « Guilds »

    Guilds are a great way to organize with your fellow players! So how do you form a guild?

    » Guild leader must be at least level 5 (post count).

    » Minimum player count of 4 to start up.

    Fill out and post the form available in the Guild Application Thread. Once you've been approved, you may create your guild's own thread in the Guilds subforum

    « Housing »

    Housing is currently being worked on and will most likely appear in Floors 11-20.

  3. Hello all of you beautiful people! Let us make wonderful things!

    Okay seriously though, really looking forward to playing with you guys. And wicked pick up on the Deus Ex reference! I just had a recent streak of nostalgia and played through it again. And by play through it I mean console command the hell out of it and just have loads of fun killing everything. But, still. :roll:

  4. «Daedalus» The Air Dancer

    » Username: Daedalus

    » Real name: Hiro Nakamura

    » Age: 23

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6' 1"

    » About: Hiro is a stand-up guy. He's always out trying to help everyone else succeed as much as he is (which could explain why he hasn't made it passed the first few levels yet. As much as he helps though, he's a bit of a loner, preferring solo play and leveling as opposed to guilds and party play. Always with a quick joke and a smile, he cares very deeply for the many in-game friends he has, and even though he works alone, he is always on the lookout for that group of people who he can call a family.

    » Virtues:

    The Optimist: Hiro will always try and make someone smile or laugh if they are feeling low, and try to help people see the better, brighter side of things. Being bullied when he was in school, he found that in games like SoA, he’s just like everyone else. And, even though he’s a soloist, that doesn’t mean that he’s immune to feeling compassion or sympathy for other players. They’re stuck, just like he is. And, even though they can’t go home, there is still so much beauty to this world that they live in.

    Actions Over Words: Not overly outspoken about his ability, Hiro prefers to let his skills in battle do his talking. Talking big and treating others badly because you’re a little stronger, faster, or just better at something than someone else is just plain wrong to him. If you’re good at something don’t brag about it, simply state facts and apply action to back those words up.

    The Loner Knight: Though a solo player, Hiro feels obligated to help those in need. Whether it's helping lower level players, fighting in a party on the front lines, or hunting down player killers, helping others is what drives him to win. Everyone is stuck here, and in the same situation. When he was younger, his parents taught him that if you’re in a position to help someone truly in need, you should never turn your back on them.

    » Flaws:

    Never Back Down: Ever since he was a child, he’s been a victim of bullying and humiliation at school and work. Here though, in the virtual world, the tables are more balanced. As such, Hiro just doesn't know when to back down, even when the odds are against him. He refuses to quit fighting, even in the face of almost certain death.

    Swift Retribution: Hiro feels such a need to help others that he often loses sight of what his original goals were; Survive and win. He often times finds himself helping people with no way to pay him, or that send him backwards instead of forwards to helpothers on the lower levels. This takes away much from his time on the front lines, and ultimately, from where the fighting is thickest and players are needed the most.

    Armor? What Armor?: Preferring speed over protection, Hiro never wears armor. Instead, he prefers to equip items that increase his evasion, attack speed, damage, block, and parry skills, as opposed to his strength and endurance. Although many players view this as reckless, the method In his mind is a simple one: You can’t kill what kills you first, and a fast moving target is harder to hit.

    Profession: None.







    »Sprint - Lv.0

    »Tracking - Lv.0

    »X-Ray Vision - Lv.0

    »Listening - Lv.0

    »Detection - Lv.0


    »Parry - Lv.0

    »Light Shield Equipment - Lv.0

    »Battle Healing - Lv.0

    Weapon skills :

    »Rapiers - Lv.1 (2)





    » Simple Rapier


    » Bread 10x

    » Water 15x


    » [Private] [PP-F1] - "The Pointy End" Tag: Zel, Azure Guard - In Progress


    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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