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Posts posted by Megumi

  1. She stood up. "T-Thank you, Haine you are the best friend anyone could ever have... I'm sorry if you get in danger when your icon, turns orange." She said as she stood up and accepted her fate. She waited for her health to start dropping. She would be happy if she could see Garet again in spirit. And she was sure she was going to.

  2. [OOC]

    She had walken upon a dirt road, as she had heard some random NPCs and players talking about Garet's death, she hadn't wanted to be reminded, she had wanted to be killed, and live with him. She had been waiting for a man like him, and now he was gone. She found no reason to live anymore. She messaged her friend Haine for a favor, to kill her.

  3. "I've only earned 5..." She said as she looked at her hub, as she xed out she saw the falcon from above, she then put the bone on the ground, as the falcon circled around it... she had caught her first familiar! she had named it <> and smiled at the name as she accepted the familiar, and it started to come closer to her, grabbing onto her finger. "Soon enough I've got to get some gloves..." She said as she smiled and waved good-bye to Jace13...


  4. She then tried to finish off her own wolf after she had seen the Jace was done with his wolf.


    [1-5] Miss/ Dodge

    [6-8] Hit, -1 Hp to wolf

    [9-10] Critical, -2 Hp to wolf

    Wolf Hp = 0/5

    Megumi Hp = 6/9

    Result = 7

    Before the large wolf could hit, she hit for one damage point as the wolf them demolished into thousands of tiny crystals "HOORAY!" She shouted and then smiled as she hit-fived Jace.

  5. "O-Okay!" She said shyly as she got her sword at ready and went behind one, "I TAKE ONE YOU TAKE THE OTHER!" She said as she took the mother and led her down the hill, she began to fight it,


    [1-5] Miss/ Dodge

    [6-8] Hit, -1 Hp to wolf

    [9-10] Critical, -2 Hp to wolf

    Wolf Hp = 3/5

    Megumi Hp = 8/9

    Result = 10

    Megumi critical hit the wolf with her sword, -2 Hp to wolf. As she did so the mother wolf struck her with her clawed paw -1 Hp to Megumi.

  6. "I want to go with you, if you are stuck on killing this guy, then I would be able to help you!" She said as she hugged him, she liked to fight and not many people knew her well this monster would know her and get killed by her it was perfect for her. SHe smiled at a shooting star. She had wished to be together forever with him, they might've just met, but she felt that he was more then an random guy you just met off the street. He was a friend... a one and only!

  7. She stopped suddenly as she saw her falcon circling a dead wolf body around another hill, "We need to place the food on the dead body before he eats it!" She squeaked as she held the piece of bone in her hand, running once again... not wanting for the bird to eat it and not come back.. She looked back to her surprize he wasn't there so she slowed down in the middle of the mountain's hills.

  8. "Sure you can call me meg, if you want anyway... I want to call you... well it's between babe, and Cutie..." She says as she decides on Babe she laughs at the nick name she had given him and smiled. She hadn't felt lonely anymore, only cheerful and happy... She was glad she was able to make friends even in such a deadly place... "So, wanna walk home or something, Babe?" She asked as the sunset had now set and the night and stars had gracefully whisped across the sky, "We could also go and look at the stars." She suggested some things they could do together.

  9. She suddenly hugs Garet "Y-Yes!" She shyly smiled at him as she let go of the hug and grinned and at him. A small grin struck across her face as she knew she wasn't going to be alone again. She was happy for her and Garet... It was so romantic out, and is had just matched so thankfully. It might've been fast, but she had loved fast... She smiled at her new boyfriend, "Is there any nickname you would like me to call you Garet-chan?" She asked her boyfriend what he was wanting to be called as she pulled him into another happy hug.

  10. "I-I only slap people who I hate and I wish would die..." She replied with a smile, looking into the pink and red and orange waves creating a yellow sun at the bottom of the land... It was something a sight she could never forget. She then closed her eyes and dreamt of them both walking along a path, to dating each other. She was actually on that path now... And she liked having company, begin along wasn't fun her soft black hair touched his shoulder as she rested on him smiling up at him...

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