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The Maker

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Posts posted by The Maker

  1. The Maker is encouraged that he could teach Shaula some techniques on fighting and gets distracted by her beautiful hair but remember about the stunned boar that took 6 damage and is now at 2 damage and rushes towards the boar and hits it with a critical hit killing it with 3 hit points. "Want to lay down and look at the clouds?"

  2. He knew Shaula was thinking he thought she was weak. "Hmm, tag team an alpha boar... Sure, and I don't think you are weak or useless, you're my friend my best friend, I was the weak one at school, remember when Jack came and bullied me and I was to scared to do anything, YOU gave him a black eye, YOU gave him a bloody nose, not ME."

  3. "Hmm, Boars Level 3, 11 HP, your sword would be perfect, my sword would probably kill them in 2 hits. I would need something more...challenging there are some alpha boars which are level 5, about mmm I would say 20 HP... that would be perfect for me, you could start with the regular boars and I could attack the alpha's, if that's okay with you?" The Maker asks trying not to be rude

  4. "That would be amazing." The Maker says as he takes her hand and gets up. "Well, I guess this is goodbye... for now" The Maker said to Shaula and then looks at her lips and blushes again tempted to give her a goodbye kiss but instead he just quickly kisses her "Ta-ta for now" The Maker said as he runs to the picnic blanket and puts everything in the basket and sighs.

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