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Posts posted by Minato

  1. "Well it sure seemed that way. Either way you kicked ass out there and that's all that matters, right? Oh yeah...thanks for saving my ass and having my back. Though I should've been stronger than that." Kou knew he needed to be way stronger than this. The way he was now is a way that no one could live with. Weaker than the weakest thing in the game to be honest. He facepalmed and let out a sigh when he suddenly felt Haine elbowing his arm gently. It caused him to look over at her with a smile which faded away after a while. "Time and practice, huh? I don't really have the time for practice. I need to be stronger now....I can't waste time being as weak as I am. I refuse to have my health this--" He cut himself off when he noticed he was level two. It made him chuckled and feel slightly better to know he wasn't as weak as a few minutes ago. He clenched his fist and smirked slightly before he was distracted by Haine's humming and whatnot. "Girly girl is really cute sometimes....haha" He thought to himself before he heard the noise of possibly a monster? He knew he would try to show up the monster this time. Then he listened to girly girl get fired up from defeating the last enemy. He noticed a new spark in her which he didn't know she had fully. Considering she was rather dull and serious when they first met. "You seem happy for some reason. I'm not sure where the other you went, but i like this side of you more. You should show it more often. And uh....where the heck is the boss on this quest! I freaking need the sword. I have to be stronger......" Kou unsheathed his sword and glanced at it with a hateful look at how dull and weak it looked.

  2. When Kou bumped into Haine he looked up at and chuckled at her words. She seemed to be worried about him so she obviously decided to finish the battle off before he died. "I'm sorry! I'll stay outta the way I promise. Just don't get hurt, okay? If you do I'll never forgive you." Kou seemed a bit worried for her himself, but he kept it cool and watched as she unsheathed a nice looking katana. Then she stated "die" in a really cold manner like when Kou first stated he would kill the monster. They were both similar when it came to the battlefield for sure. Looks like they got more in common than they actually thought. He noticed the frown on her face before she dashed in and slashed the plant in a aggressive blow. "Was she really that worried about me? I feel bad." He thought to himself before looking back over at her and clapping with excitement. He jumped up and shot his hand forward giving her a thumbs up and a cheeky smile upon his face. "Holy crap! I've got to give credit were it's due. You are a such a badass girly girl. I'm actually surprised you destroyed him in one freakibg blow. Just who the heck are you? Some specialists with katana's? Either who.... You're the coolest person I've met so far!" He complimented her and then waved his hands side to side with an embarrassed look. " Dont worry about stealing my kill. I'm sure I would've died so I'm glad you stepped it. I really appreciate it. So next you won't have to be afraid for me! We'll fight together." A somewhat cool tone came from his mouth followed by a cocky ass smirk as he walked over towards Haine.

  3. Kou chuckled at the pretty blue haired girl and rubbed the back of his neck gently. "Ya really think so? You're amazingly cute and friendly to be honest. You should show that side of you more. And I honestly think I'm going to be a disappointment this next time me and the plant go head to head cause you gave me this compliment and it's going to my head!" Kou laughed at his comment and gripped his sword and held it in an odd fashion were he held it by the handle but backwards while the sword pointed to the back of him and not his front. He avoided many attacks from the plant but right as he tried to attack he tripped and the plant hit him with a crit and knocked him into Haine which caused his sword to fly out of his hand. "Tch damnit....hey? Girly girl are you alright? I didn't meant to bump into you...sorry." He knew that must've been uncool of him so he apologized.

    Kou: 2/4

    Plant: 4/7

  4. Kou smirked at Haine's words while clenching his free hand. "Yeah, step aside little lady. I'm gonna kick this ugly things ass like no tomorrow!! YAHOOOO!!!!" He said with a overconfident and excited voice a bit while side stepping the plant's attacks with a cocky facial expression when he suddenly reacts to an attack quickly he swings his standard sword in rapid succession in the form of an x. After landing the attack he slid near Haine right before her eyes with one hand sliding on the ground like his feet while his trench coat was blowing slightly, Kou had his head down and his blue hair was covering his face when he suddenly looks up with a more so serious facial expression which looked cool even though he didn't realize it. "I'll end you like no other! Never underestimate Kou!"

    Kou: 4/4

    Plant: 5/7

  5. Obviously his comment toward her did nothing but earn him the silent treatment. That was the most annoying thing that a woman could give you. You would rather hear her yell her lungs out at you, but silent treatment was kind of like hell. He thought maybe he should have kept his big mouth shut and never have opened it. Then again he suspected he probably was just being ignored because there was some truth to what he was saying. As he followed her he noticed a few random mobs to the side he saw Haine's expression which was felt was anxiousness maybe? "Something might be near!?!? What do you mean by that!? What's near!? Ohhh snap!" Kou jumped back slightly and quickly unsheathed his standard sword. In front of them was the ugliest creature that was possibly in the entire game. A freaking ugly plant. "Oh heck yeah! Hey hey hey! I'll play with you any time! You're tongue looks like a dry ass fruit roll up! Ew that makes me wanna....." He suddenly cut himself off and swung his hair to the side covering his left eye while giving the plant a death stare with his right eye. "Kill you." He blankly stated those cruel words as if his while persona had changed, but in reality he tended to be really aggressive in fights.

  6. His smile formed even wider across his face once he heard her name. "Haine, huh? Like the underwear I use to wear as a kid? Haines or something of the sort! Hahah not too shabby of a name! I already gave you mine, but I'll say it again anyway! I'm the almighty Kou! Champ of all those above me and King of all those below me. It's makes no sense right now, but you'll understand it one day. He spoked happily while making a horrible statement of something that would hardly make sense to anyone. His eyes widen when she spoke of this decent quest. "This is gonna be freaking fabulous! An anneal blade, huh? That sounds like a decent sword. Is it heavy enough to feel my satisfaction? Hopefully!! Wait what!?!? The great big what-" Right as he was going to finish his comment the girl chuckled at his dance and suddenly placed her hand over her mouth to prevent laughing while suddenly blurting out no to Kou with a serious facial expression. It kinda spooked Kou which made him feel unusual, but he knew something was up with this girl. Why wouldn't she want to laugh when things are funny? "Is everything alright? Ya know you can let lose sometimes and enjoy yourself rather than being uptight and serious all the time. Be goofy, wild and just free. It's better that way because you can't get stressed out. But meh....I'm all yours. Lead the way girly girl." He calmly stated while sticking his hands in his pockets.

  7. Kou knew when he said girly girl he hit a nerve in the girl which was slight funny to him. "Offended much!? You're right about me not knowing you, but for some reason I feel we have a good connection. Maybe it's our blue hair and blue eyes that make me wonder. Who honestly knows? One things for sure though... Heheh could ya gimmie your REAL name now? Bob was very hilarious though. I won't even lie about that one! I should've called myself chocolate!" He bursted out laughing then his attention turned to the girl once more. He smiled brightly at her words and noticed her smirk. "Are you serious!?!? Thank you so much! I honestly can't thank you enough!"" He grabbed her hand and shook it gently before quickly releasing it so she wouldn't feel weird about what just happen. Kou stood up and dusted himself off even though dirt didn't stick in the game, naturally it was a habit if his. "You know any quests to do!? I would love to take one with you girly girl. I'm sure you called me clumsy on purpose so there is a nickname for you to!" He started to do the jazz hands which was a weird dance that involved your hands. After doing do so he made hilarious faces to try and make her smile. He knew she had to be more outgoing than she was putting on.

  8. Kou heard the blue haired girl squeak which was never a good thing. Then the girl suddenly spoke in a calm tone to the blue haired boy. "Um, yeah I'm sorry about that...uh stranger? I didn't mean to startle you like that. I guess you can call me a clumsy idiot or something of that caliber. He placed his index finger on his cheek and softly rubbed it there as he looked embarrassed for making himself look like a clumsy clown. He made eye to eye contact with her and noticed her blue eyes were similar to his, but his looked different some days. "This was one creepy girl considering she was named bob? I would literally need to see her birth certificate before I believe that crap. But sure, I'll play along with her. Just for the heck of it! Who knows...maybe it can be fun?" He thought to himself as a huge smile appeared on his face as he started to bounce side to side filled with random happiness. "Bob, huh? That's a pretty wicked name for a girly girl like you. Totally sick with it!" He blurted out his natural catch phrase "sick with it".

    Maybe this girl thought he was a moron? He obviously knew she was observing him from the corner of her eye because of the way her head was tilted to the side. That just made things more interesting in Kou's opinion. Then Kou took a deep breath and decided to say something unusual. "Did you get a good look at me!? Hahah I must look familiar or something because I know it's not my looks. I'm just a basic blue haired kid like any other rare kid like you I suppose. Anyways....I'm a super duper low level! Could you please find it in your heart to help me level up and get a badass sword or something that'll at least help me live!" He crawled towards her like he was acting desperate for help, but in reality he just wanted to get to know her a bit better because she seemed to look at him like he was familiar or maybe just an oddball?

  9. It was a rather cool day on floor one of Aincrad. Such a delicate breeze blowing through Kou's blue hair and his basic multi-colored gear. He was wearing standard gear because he had absolutely no choice. His shirt was purple while his pants were black and his shoes was a weird blue colored. The guy looked like a totally clown until you got a gaze of his face which could turn your whole opinion about him to something different. "Well this outfit sure does scream your a jokester, if I do say so myself. Meh! Who cares though! I'll just make myself look incredibly cool so no one focuses on this crappy get-up! I shouldn't worry about such things when I'm level one! Haha I got to crack down and put in some hard work learning the basics and getting a new sword! Being a one handed swordsman is hella sick! Though what I have is kinda light at the moment...I need something with a bit more feel to it! No matter! Let's tear it..."

    Right as he was finishing his thoughts he tripped over a random branch on the ground and fell in front of another blue haired person. "Woah woah woah!" He yelled while falling down. He looked over at the blue haired person while his vision seemed hazy he muttered to himself. "That was totally lame!" He chuckled while sitting up and rubbing the back of his neck gently. He turned to face the girl and threw up his hand in a fashion similar to a wave but cooler. He noticed her icon was orange which meant she was a player killer. But why would someone like her....? I'm sure she has no bad intentions. "I'm Kou....it's nice to meet ya! Just not under these circumstances of me falling like the number one knucklehead! Hahah" He placed his hand over his stomach and chuckled uncontrollably.

  10. hinata_yuzuru_render_by_finaldestinydreamer-d564hbu.png


    » Username: Kou

    » Real name: Kou

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'8

    » History: Kou grew up with his mother because he was not allowed to see his father. Kou didn't know he had siblings, but his mother finally told him one day but he wasn't sure what to think. I mean they were separated anyway and he knew he would never see them again so why did that matter? Living with his mom wasn't so horrible though. He enjoyed their talks at dinner and the talks they had before he headed off for school. At school he lived up to be a pretty popular guy even though he was oblivious to all of it. He wasn't the type to play girls like other guys or even boost about how good he was at basketball. He thought that would be trying to hard to be something he's not, which was a cool guy. At least in his opinion. Though he always held a secret to himself that no one knew but his best friend Sakura. She was a small pink haired girl that knew Kou every since they were around the age of five. His secret was that he played MMO's and was actually waiting for Sword Art Online to drop in a few days. Eventually that time came and he swiftly got a copy right before it sold out and as soon as he got home he ate a slice of pizza and logged into a game he didn't know wouldn't log him out.

    Personality: To be honest, Kou is a really great friend to have. At school he was even nominated for being the friendliest guy around. People say something about his Aura draws your attention to him. He's a goofy, collected, and trustworthy guy. And he's a bit of a try-hard when it comes to sports it makes him aggressive, but not in a harmful way. He's just a really competitive guy and really wants to win. He often has a spark of overconfidence in his abilities thinking he can do things others can't.

    Fun fact: Kou also seems to draw the attention of many people his way because of his blue hair and blue eyes. They seem to think he has an unusual select of genes from his parents.


    » Virtues:

    . Collected: Kou is never perturbed or distracted. He's always an outwardly cool, calm, and collected kinda guy who likes to just relax and take it easy at times. Especially when he has a lot on his mind and it's stressing him out.

    . Trustworthy: Kou is able to be relied on as truthful and honest to almost everyone he meets. He tends to be honest even if it's to tell someone something they don't want to hear but it always turns out for the best afterwards. He is a trustworthy comrade to have in a guild and he'll always be loyal and honest to them.

    . Observant: Kou is someone who is good at noticing things, or someone who follows the rules and requirements of any situation. He can easily notice things that many others cannot. Basically, Kou is really good at knowing his surroundings.

    » Flaws:

    . Overconfident: Kou is excessively or unreasonably confident in his abilities. Though being overconfident during battle often leads to him making horrible mistakes which could cost him his life. Kou thinks he can do heroic things that others cannot do.

    . Aggressive: Kou can be characterized by or resulting from aggression. He's always ready or likely to attack or confront someone. Kou is a guy who is pursuing one's aim and interest forcefully. If any of his comrades fall in battle he will black out and get aggressive and attack without thinking which could lead to his own death.

    . Soft hearted: Kou is beyond too soft hearted because he'll go through any trouble to help someone in need of it. Kou will put his life on the line even if it's against a trap that spawned a strong monster. He has been called an idiot a thousand times for doing things that risk his life, even if it is to help another out.

    Profession: None








    Weapon skills :






    This is Kou's best friend, Sakura. He's known her since they were both five and their childhood friendship does nothing more than blossom. They agreed to only he friends because they are too close for such a relationship to tear them apart.


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


  11. Souji laughed when Haine threw her hands up. "You just gotta be patient and the right moment will come. I think were trying to hard to kill this thing!" he yelled out Haine whom was chasing the boar like a maniac which put a smile on Souji's face. He gripped his sword and took a deep breath before dashing at the boar and jumping slightly off the ground twisting his body around in a 360 motion as he strikes the boar three times in rapid succession. Once Souji slid in the opposite direction as the boar he held his head down trying to look cool as the boar shattered. "ALRIGHT! I just kicked some major butt! Oh man that boar got destroyed! Hey!? I leveled up to level 2 Haine! SWEET!!" he smirked and gave Haine a high five.

  12. Souji heard Haine say she was jumping in and he smiled. "Make sure you be careful! Wait....who am I kidding? That's a freaking boar. Give him HELL!!!" he excitedly shouted before he saw Haine miss entirely and the boar retaliated and landed a hit on Haine. Souji shrugged and walked over to Haine and patted her on the back. "That was a lucky hit he got on you! Let's hurry up and kick his butt!" he yelled and dashed toward the boar and slashed at him and missed entirely also. The boar dashed and hit Souji in the stomach and knocked him on the ground. "Damn.....how annoying!" he grunted.

    Souji: 4/6

    Boar: 3/6

    Haine: 68/69

  13. "Alright! That sounds fine to me! Let's just hope I manage to get lucky again." he smiled at Haine and gave her peace sign with his two fingers. He took a deep breath and gripped his basic sword while slowly circling around the boar trying to keep head in the game. He charged at the boar and swung his sword and he barely missed the boar. He lost his balance and the boar hopped and hit him right in the stomach which knocked him backwards. "Holy crap....that thing has some impressive strength. No matter! Let's rock and ROLL!!!" he swiftly got up and smirked.

    Souji: 5/6

    Boar: 3/5

  14. Souji's widened when he heard something nearby and then suddenly a huge boar comes from behind the bush. Souji is pryed off of Haine's back as he watched her unsheathe her cool looking blade. "i don't know if I can land a hit on the boar, but I guess I'll give it a shot! Erm....come here little boar." he started to call it and the boar dashed at him quickly. Souji swiftly dodged the boar's attack and swiftly unsheathed his basic sword and reacted so fast that the boar didn't have time to retaliate another blow. "Freaking awesome!!! Haha I got a hit! Did you see that Haine!?!" he got super excited and awaited to attack once more.

    Souji: 6/6

    Boar: 3/5

  15. Souji smiled when he heard her squeal loudly. "She seems really awesome! I hope she wants to hang out afterwards!" He thought himself while turning his attention toward the sky. "Heck yeah!!! I'm ready to go berserk on any leveled monster! I'M THE BEST!" His go lucky attitude made it seem like he was ready for anything even if he wasn't fully prepared. "Ramen, huh? I'm gonna go for Takoyaki! That's soooo good. Maybe I'll let you taste one!" Souji smirked and looked around along with Haine and he then started to follow her. "Maybe I should enjoy this time with her. She's really outgoing." He thought to himself before jumping on Haine's back and surprisingly he didn't way that much. "Wooot!!! Let's get this party started! Giddy up!!"

  16. Souji smiled once he girl do the same to him. "Um, hiya <>.... Hey!!!! I wasn't whining about it. I was just practicing how to..." he couldn't come up with anything to cover up his whining so he placed his index fingers in his mouth and pulled his cheeks apart smiling brightly as he made goofy faces to girl. "Blaaahh!!! Haha nice to meet ya! You feel like helping out a newbie like me!? Ooooh please!" The caramel haired boy begged her as he poked her cheek repeatedly. "So squishy..." he chuckled afterwards. Souji then stopped joking around and gave her a thumbs up. "Help me level up and get some material and then maybe we could hang out afterwards and go eat somewhere."

  17. <> was wondering around the grass field when he suddenly pulled out his basic sword and started swinging it. "Aww man... All I got is this basic sword and no cash or material to get a better blade. This is really disappointing." he slumped over slightly and leaned against a tree: "This game looks so amazing! Even if it is a death game I'll still enjoy every bit of it! Now let's stop pouting over no material or cash when I can go make that! Let's start with some material. Heck YEAH!!" he blurted out when he turned only to notice a blue haired girl whom had a orange cursor. "Player killer? Uh oh....." he started to panic a bit as he wiped his forehead. "Maybe she's not a bad person. She could've easily obtained that for protecting someone. Yeah, guess I'll assume that!" The caramel haired boy was thinking of the positives in the situation rather than the negatives.

  18. ã€ã‚¹ã‚«ã‚¤ã‚¦ã‚©ãƒ¼ã‚«ãƒ¼ã€‘


    ⥠S O U J I

    ânσ mαttÑ”r whαt... í wσn't gívÑ” up! í swєαr ít..âž



    » Username: Souji

    » Real name: Sora

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Male ♂

    » Height: 5'8



    Sora had a loving mother, father and a little sister who adored him. Sora was a seventeen year old boy living with his mother, father and little sister. His father and mother had to work a lot and they had long hours so they could rarely be at home most of the time so Sora had to look after his little sister. Him and his sister were really close and they did just about everything together. He watched her all the time so it was like he was a parent to be honest. After a while had passed, Sora managed to obtain sword art online. He smiled when he rubbed his hand across the nerve gear. He plugged it up and headed into the world of sword art online! "Link Start!"



    Sora has a brave and heroic personality, meaning he will willingly risk his life even for people he barely knows. He is extremely loyal to his friends, and has been shown to be extremely forgiving. He's also highly protective of his friends. Sora is an eternal optimist, always looking on the bright side of the situation at hand. Although he can be simple-minded at times, he has a strong sense of justice. Sora shows little tolerance for cowardice and selfishness. Though he is far from stupid, Sora has often been seen to be highly gullible and oblivious to what should be obvious.


    » Virtues:

    Unbiase: Sora never chooses a side, prefering to stay neutral and listen to both sides, and determine an outcome that satisfies both parties. Sora tries not to be biase by only sticking to his friends side on situations. Sora settles arguments which gives him a greater look at the world in clear eyes.

    Optimistic: When things don't always go as planned he can make the situation a lot better by looking for the bright side of the situation. Sora is usually reflecting a favorable view of events and conditions and the expectation of a positive outcome.

    Protective: Sora's goofy mind changes when he notices one of his friends in danger he will do anything to protect them. Sora will do anything to protect all of his friends from harms danger. Sora showing a strong wish to keep his friends or someone away from danger at all cost.

    » Flaws:

    Gullible: Sora isn't a stupid guy, but he's easily persuaded to believe anything someone tells him. He's very easy to manipulate and will listen to anyone's word if he doesn't know the situation.

    Oblivious: Sora is never aware of or not concerned about what is happening around him. He could be in deep trouble and not even really realize it until later. He lacks a lot of active conscious knowledge.

    Unpredictable: Sora has an irregular pattern of movement when it comes to things. Some say that Sora is very unpredictable which isn't always a bad thing. Sora behaves in a way that is unpredictable to many others. Sora is not able to be predicated in the slightest.













    Weapon skills :











    » N/A


    ☠Story Thus Far☠

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