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Posts posted by Aiden

  1. hi people it's me aiden if you don't remember me then I'll remind you i was the dude who was a jerk to a lot of people. I've come back to say sorry if i pissed anybody off so I just came back to say sorry and see if there was anything new. well if you do know me and i made you mad or was a jerk to you please PM me so i can apologies.

  2. well I guess I always wanted to try skydiving this might actually be fun for 15-20 seconds before i turn into a pancake well now or never I lean back over the side doing four back flips before landing on a sharp rock going through me I say "it appears I've been impaled." I laugh at my last joke before I disappear into nothing.

  3. "If that guy angel ever hurts shaya can you drag his butt up this mountain and throw him off see the level difference you could easily do it and there would be no problem and your welcome shaya for whatever I did." I smile waiting for an answer from grim before I lean back and fall.

  4. "well before I go I wanted to say bye and grim can I ask you to do a solid for me because i'll sort of be dead and can't do it myself." I walk around the mountaintop waiving bye to everyone then walking toward the edge waiting for a response

  5. I smile a get up walking to where shaya was smiling and saying "not at all but i guess I'm going to anyway and please get over that fear of heights thing it makes life so much better and maby you will get to attend your own funeral as well." I walk away from her looking at the new guy saying "well hello I don't know you but it is very nice to meet you before I go."

  6. "hey grim yeah its pretty bad but hey can't always have what we want now can we." I Look at ruri with a look of wondering what the hell was she doing that was very strange.

    [OCC mountain tops flat and im not hanging off the side im sitting there.]

  7. I keep climbing toward the top of the mountain keeping my coat close to my body to keep warm as I reach the top of the mountain I sit there looking out over this world I feel very sad for what I'm about to do but this is just something I have to do so I sit there on the top looking down over the edge of the mountain.

  8. "well looks like you two can handle it from here I've got to go see you guys later maby." I walk toward the city because of some things I need to do knowing that those two could handle that last boar by themselves and it was no trouble for them.

    [Aiden leaves the RP]

  9. I frown at this not expecting that it was kind of scary but I can't worry about that now so I run at boar two trying to get another hit on the thing saying "good shot ruri and dude be more careful these things have higher health then you." I get a small hit on the boar dealing 1 damage to the remaining boar.

    Aiden -15/15

    Ruri - 53/53

    Sinthria - 8/9

    Boar 1 - 0/11 - DEAD

    Boar 2 - 8/11

  10. "watch out ruri that can be dangerous if your not careful." I ran toward her picking her up then running at boar 2 activating sword skill which lets me attack three times jumping in the air above it worried about the low level player.the first two stabs miss the boar but the last one hits it right in the spine doing 2 damage.

    Aiden -15/15

    Ruri - 53/53

    Sinthria - 9/9

    Boar 1 - 9/11

    Boar 2 - 9/11

  11. "hell no im not hiding from a fight thats not me and you seem to get into trouble with trees a lot and I'm not going to die not today" I run toward boar one smiling like a maniac swinging at the boar with all the force that I could hit with trying to distract the boars from ruri. I cut deep into its side making it snort in anger chasing Aiden I say "switch ruri now its you turn could I get some help."

    Aiden -15/15

    Ruri - 53/53

    Boar 1 - 9/11

    Boar 2 - 11/11

  12. I walk slowly around the tree getting sight of the last boar this fight was done now I start circling with the thing trying to find out a way to attack the thing without it getting an attack on me I can't find any other way to kill it so i just charge head first this was probably the way the rest of the fight was going to go unless I think of a clever way to kill the thing which would be awesome for the finish. Me and the boar miss each other so im wondering what I should do then I got an idea.

    boar 1:0/5 DEAD

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:0/5 DEAD


  13. I get up fast running as fast as I can on the left of the tree I see boar 1 looking confused on this side of the tree so I charge without stopping at the thing catching it off guard I activate my sword skill again knowing this thing couldn't have known that I was coming so I run getting there trying to get lucky on this one and get a kill. one strike makes a scratch dealing one then the second does a crit then the last strikes the thing cutting its head off distroying it that was very very lucky right there.

    boar 1:0/5 DEAD

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:0/5 DEAD


  14. I run left then turn right making the tree get into the way of boar 1 so it was me and boar 2 so I decide to let it come to me cause if I miss the boar then I could run right into the tree which would end very badly for me so I wait for it to charge getting into a defencive position seeing it charge hoping my plan worked out like I planned it but things had a tendency to not work like that at all. Then it did something I didn't expect it went low plowing its tusk into my leg tripping me doing 1 damage.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:0/5 DEAD


  15. so I turn around facing both the boars trying to plan on which boar I was going to attack but i couldn't quiet decide which one then boar 2 starts to circle to the right but I had positioned myself next to a tree so if it wanted to flank it had to go all the way around the tree so I smile as soon as the thing disappears I charge at boar 1 knowing I wouldn't be attacked from behind so this was a perfect position. The boar dodges to the right and run off I turn around seeing that boar 2 hadn't gone all the way around there was my opening.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:0/5 DEAD


  16. again I try to strike at boar three even though it was running away from me and the other boars were probably chasing me so I could get hit by one or even both which could get a hit so this might hurt a bit if it went bad and it could go very bad If I wasn't careful so I try to kill this boar fast then get out of the way before I get hurt. I chop the thing in half making it brake into tiny pixels while im not paying attention boar 1 hits me from the right from behind and boar 2 hit me from the left each doing 1 damage to me making me lose 2 HP and thats what I get for not paying attention.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:0/5 DEAD


  17. its time for me to finish boar 3 which was now on my right boar 1 was on my right and boar 2 was behind me so I dart right strait at boar 3 taking it by suprise keeping the position of the boars in mind just in case I get disorianted so I try to go for the things head strait away going for the kill shot on it knowing one small hit was finish it. I miss it but in return the thing brings its tusk up scratching my chest open making me lose 1 HP.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:1/5


  18. boar 1 runs past me knowing I probably shouldn't follow that one and boar 3 runs behind me so I don't follow it either knowing it was really damaged it would be an easy kill so I turn right facing boar 2 charging toward it while it charges at me knowing that this encounter could go either way foe me so I give it a try taking a chance on this attack. I absolutely smash this thing in the dace making a great crunching noise as I break into the things bone doing 2 damage making its head be pushed down making to miss me by almost a foot making me smile this was over.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:3/5

    boar 3:1/5


  19. Now I back up making all the boars show up in front of me now I have a visual on all three and the boar on the right charges me It was boar 1 so I charged forward at boar 3 on my left trying to leave the charging boar behind me hoping that it would not expect me to move so I activate my sword skill that I had used knowing it was recharged now hoping to kill boar 3. One strike crunches into it dealing 2 damage I bring my sword back around to get a small scratch on it dealing 1 damage missing the last strike dealing 3 damage over all then getting smashed from behind by boar 1 apparently it had followed me so I lose 1 HP.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:5/5

    boar 3:1/5


  20. I'm still exposed and turn my head to see boar 3 charging at me so I try my hardest to ready up and hit the boar that is charging me I don't know how this is going to go but boar 2 circles right so I can't see him any more and im aware that boar 1 is somewhere behind me but I don't know exactly where it was so I focus on the boar charging at me hoping to get a counter attack in while it passes not sure if id be able to get out of its reach in time but I would at least damage it with me.again I miss but I jump out of its way just in time sighing in relief as it misses.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:5/5

    boar 3:4/5


  21. I change direction aiming for boar 2 again hoping to confuse the boars and I was still mad at all of them and the creator of this game for trapping me I always made my own choices in real life but here I was forced to stay couldn't make the choice to leave so I strike at the the boar which was now turned around I knew boar 1 was behind me and boar 3 was to my left I try to be aware of them at all times so I swing at boar 2s neck trying to finally get a solid hit. I miss completly as the boar dodges side ways leaving me exposed but no boar hits yet.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:5/5

    boar 3:4/5


  22. I lock onto boar 2 because it had tried to hit me I walk slowly knowing that boar 3 was right behind me but it was injured so it wouldn't attack but I had no clue where boar 1 was so I don't worry and I focus on my target not looking around for the lost boar I run after boar 2 with a maniacal smile this was fun and I was going to win no doubt of that I catch up pretty easy to the boar striking at its back laughing at these weak little monsters. As im swinging boar 1 blindsides me in the chest knocking me to the ground I roll with the motion seeing I lost 1 HP but im not worried I can still win easy.

    boar 1:4/5

    boar 2:5/5

    boar 3:4/5


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