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Posts posted by Riku006

  1. Username: Riku

    Real Name: Nathan Lowenthal

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’11


    Nathan is 5’11, with pale skin and a thin build. He has short, scruffy brown hair and has steel-blue eyes that look on from behind thin-framed glasses. In Aincrad, he wears dark pants, shin-high brown boots, a white long-sleeve shirt and a dark green vest.

    About: History/Personality

    Nathan had an average, if sheltered childhood. He was shy right from the start, and often hid in the shadow of his older, more outgoing sister Claire. Being shy, he made a few friends in school, though those he did make he became fiercely loyal to. As he got older, his parents engaged in a heated divorce, with Nathan and his sister stuck in the middle of it. This made him anti-conflictual and caused him to search for something where his focus wasn’t on his parents’ arguments.

    That thing turned out to be video games, and he often dove into them to forget about his real world problems. This made even less social than before, leaving him with few friends by the time he graduated high school. Nathan then got a part-time job but never enjoyed it and often wished for something more amazing and grand.

    When he heard about the Nervegear and Sword Art Online, he knew this was what he was after. After much pleading to his mum, he got the Nervegear for his birthday and immediately used any and all money possible to get SAO when it released.

    But then the events of launch day occurred.

    Now trapped in the game, Nathan’s real-life personality started seeping through, though he still strives to return to the real world.


    Loyalty – Being an introvert, Nathan understands the value of friendship. To this end, once he has made a friend, he will be the most loyal friend he can be to that person. Even when his timidness and fears would threaten to overwhelm him, he would never leave a friend facing an obstacle on their own and will fight beside them, even willing to die for them.

    Analytical Thinker – Having played quite a few puzzle games, Nathan has a knack for solving problems quickly. It might take him a while, but he usually solves almost every puzzle he comes across. With this, he can interpret some situations and find alternative solutions others might not have considered. This also helped him develop quite the attention to detail needed for games such as those, often noting one thing that most observers would glance over and observing repeating patterns like those of monsters.

    Quick Reflexes – Playing games for years has given Nathan lightning fast reflexes. His reaction times have been sharpened thanks to many, many quick-time events when playing an action game and this means he can react to sudden changes and adapt to deal with them. In the real world this aided him in playing sports and, on occasion, running from bullies. In Aincrad, it has translated into him adapting to a monsters' changing attack algorithms, ensuring he keeps his head in battle.


    Timid – It can sometimes take Nathan a fair while to build up the courage to simply say hello to a stranger, let alone ask someone for their help. With no pre-established friends nearby, it makes talking to another player in Aincrad a nervous exercise, given he doesn't want to embarrass or insult anyone he's talking to. It is for this reason that when playing MMOs like SAO Nathan usually plays solo.

    Perfectionist – When performing a task Nathan will, on most occasions, not accept anything less than perfection. When performing mundane tasks in the real world such as cleaning or building something, he would often work slowly to ensure that every detail is spot on, and would chastise himself when it isn't. This also happened when he focused on a difficult puzzle, and often lead to his family and friends telling him to hurry up when dawdling doing tasks in the real world. Now stuck in Aincrad this has taken form when he is practising his attacks or trying to make something, agonising and worrying over aspect of what he does.

    Absentminded – At times Nathan can get distracted within his own imagination. When he thinks no-one is looking, he might even sometimes move his hands weirdly near his face, or sometimes completely lose track of what's happening around him. While this has acted in the past as a means to entertain himself, he'll immediately go red with embarrassment upon being discovered by someone else. Nathan mind also wanders onto random subjects from time to time, sometimes leads to him getting lost when in a new area if he isn't focussing on where he's going.






    Weapon Skills:




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