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Billy Jo Jackknife

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Posts posted by Billy Jo Jackknife

  1. From the bed Billy Jo looked out on the sun as it peaked over the distant mountains. All things considered, even if this was a virtual world, it was beautiful. Billy Jo rose from the cot she had called her own for the night and swiped her right hand in front of her body. With the menu appearing she equipped what little she had and stood up. Reaching over her shoulder she griped the hilt of her straight sword. It was cracked along the blade, chipped at the edges, but it was hers. She hadn’t expected much from a starter weapon, and she hadn’t been disappointed. Her cloths, a worn down set of trousers and a ratty old t-shirt seemed two sizes too big, yet the pants found a way to stay in place. Her right hand swiped down with sword, swooshing through the air with such force.

    She sheathed the sword once more and walked towards the door, gripping at the knob. Heading towards the lobby of the inn she thanked the keep and headed towards out into the brand new day. One day lost. One day gone from her real self. A heavy sigh left her lips as she trudged forward. Billy Jo slowed to a stop at the edge of town. She turned back, this, at least she hopped, would be the last time she would step foot in the Town of Beginnings. A small smile crossed her face, the journey was here. Far more real then she had every expected, but here at least. Billy Jo turned back to the fields, and headed out. The grass rustled over the rolling hills as the blonde teenager made her way down what looked like a cart path. Grass grew in the middle of two dirt paths leading towards what Billy Jo suspected was another town.

    As she moseyed on down the road she admired the digital likeness to the real world. The grass almost looked real, even if it was nothing but pixels. It swayed in the wind with ease, just like it would in the real world. She knelt to the ground, her left arm reaching out towards the grass. She brushed it, it felt real. Real enough to hold, real enough to pull, she didn’t doubt that if she were to hold a handful out in front of her face it would blow away with the wind. Peering up from her crouched position a hill crested one hundred yards in front of her. Atop the hill a boar stood, grazing on the digital grass, her first kill, the road to greatness starts.

  2. Names Ben, Live in AZ. I used to RP some on a few DBZ sites back in the day but fell out of it for some years now. Trying to get back into writing as its pretty fun. Glad to be here.

  3. Billy Jo Jackknife


    » Username: Billy Jo Jackknife

    » Real name: Joanna Sparks

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5'7"

    » Weight: 125Ibs



    Billy Jo was a student at Canyonside University of Astronomy, majoring in astrophysics. While this is her first full dive Billy Jo has been well versed in the world of gaming. Having come from an FPS background she had lead her team to victory within the pro circuit. She had heard the hype, read the beta tester reviews and had made up her mind. She would be one of the lucky few to receive SAO at launch. Through a small favor owed to her by a team manager she was able to secure her place among the elite. Nothing was going to stop her from clearing all 100 floors of Castle Aincrad.



    Battle Hardened: Coming from top tier gaming Billy Jo is no stranger to gaming fights. Being able to use her own body as the controller is just all too easy, no more sudden sneezes to ruin that perfectly aimed headshot. This allows Billy Jo the ability to stay calm under pressure, even when her life maybe be on the line.

    Quick Witted: Always with the come back, the one liner, Billy Jo isn't afraid to cut to the heart of the matter and maybe even get a laugh or two out of it. Being able to defuse tension has added Billy Jo in the past while gaming, although without being able to filter who hears what, it might not always lead to the best outcome in Castle Aincrad.

    Diligence: Persistence is the name of this game, and Billy Jo knows one must be steadfast in order to clear the castle. Once she has set her mind to it, that is what Billy Jo will do.



    Star Gazer: Being an astronomy major Billy Jo is mesmerized by the night sky. Having noticed Castle Aincrad's sky is like nothing on earth, Billy Jo has taken it upon her self to study the sky, probably more so then the average person should. She wont hesitate to inform her surrounding players of this difference, much to their dismay. Its a wonder she can get anything done with her head so far in the sky.

    Sarcastic: Coming from an online world Billy Jo is no stranger to trolling. While she doesn't make it her profession she can't help but lead people on. Now, in a world with no separate team speak servers the whole player base gets to hear what Billy Jo has to say. This can lead to some tense encounters, not always making the quickest of friends.


    Profession: None



    Skill Points: 2 (2SP + 0 Completed Quests)


    Equipment Appraisal: [Rank] [0/2]

    The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a piece of equipment. Higher levels give more information.

    Purchase Negotiation: [Rank]

    The effectiveness with which a player can barter when purchasing from NPCs.


    Sprint: [Rank] [0/2]

    This skill is both an activatable burst of speed, and a passive increase in the player's effectiveness at dodging strikes.

    Tracking: [Rank] [0/2]

    Raises effectiveness while hunting monsters. Can be used to pursue a player whose name is known by displaying their footprints from a certain time. Greater mastery of the skill will allow the user to see the recent footprints of nearby «Hiding» players.

    Acrobatics:[Rank] [0/2]

    Determines a player's jumping height and the ability to perform aerial maneuvers. Bottom level is the natural jumping height for the Player.


    Parry : [Rank] [0/2]

    The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

    Battle Healing : [Rank] [0/2]

    Battle Healing - Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

    Leather Equipment: [Rank] [0/2]

    Leather Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Leather Equipment.

    Weapon skills

    One-handed Straight Sword:[Rank] [0/4]

    The effectiveness with which a player can use longsword-like weapons

    Blade Throwing: [Rank 0] [0/2]

    The effectiveness with which a player can use throwing weapons



    Starter Sword



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