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Posts posted by Shaula

  1. She turns around when she hears a noise behind her and sees shade fall through a hole in the sand. She rushes over to the hole and peaks over the edge to see if she could find him. "Are you ok? Can you see anything like an exit or something?" She looks around to see if there was a way down other than the hole.

  2. She smiled as he spoke then ran up to his side and matched her speed to his. She hadn't done a quest in a while and was excited for what this one may hold. "So, where are we headed?" She looks around them as they pass through the towns gate and into the desert, leaving the security of the safe zone. "I haven't explored this floor much, so I don't really know where things are..."

  3. She looks up at him and responds to his question. "Yeah, I thought I might. D-Do you want to try it together?" She hadn't really explored the 5th floor much and didn't really know her way around, so she figured someone who did know the area would be good to tackle this quest. "I-I figured it would make it easier for both of us if we teamed up."

  4. She pauses for a moment at the sudden rudeness, but then smiles and responds. "Shaula, nice to meet you!" She skims the paper he held in his hand and a confused look spread across her face. "I haven't seen that quest before? It seems kinda cool, are you gonna accept it?"

  5. Shaula had just arrived into the town from an exploration when she sees someone standing near the quest board that she hadn't seen before. She tries to listen to what he was mumbling, but he was too far away to understand. "I need to work on my listening skill...," she thinks to herself. She watches him for a moment longer and decides to approach the person. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before."

  6. She looked over at Yuko's snow angel and smiled as she looked back at her own attempt at one. "Your better than I am." She kicked some snow over her snow angel then stepped back and looked around at the snow-covered landscape around them. "It may not be real, but it sure is beautiful..." She trails off as she reminisces on memories of her past and her smile fades away. She quickly shakes herself out of the daze and smiles at Yuko. "So, what do you wanna do next?"

  7. Shaula had been exploring the sandy deserts of floor 5 when she saw an unfamiliar face. She stopped for a moment seeing she saw she was a PKer, but seeing as she hadn't seen her before she decided to take a chance and greet her. "Hiya, I'm Shaula, nice to meet you!" She holds her hand out as she speaks and smiles.

  8. She pauses a moment to think about the question before continuing on their trek. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, but who knows..." A sly smile spreads across her face as she says this and she continues forwards, constantly scanning the snowy fields for enemies. "Are you sure you wanna go up the mountain? It's not the safest place to be."

  9. Shaula watches yet again as Yukof ignores the snowball and sits in the snow."You'very never made a snow angel before? I would be glad to teach you!" Shaulage lays on her back in the snow and spreads her arms and legs out, then began moving her arms and legs lIke she was swimming in the snow. "Just do this aaand... there, done!" She stands and proudly presents her work.

  10. She continues to walk forward not looking back while she answered him. "The mountain doesn't have much to worry about other than a pack of wolves attacking." She hears something hit the tree and turns around to find Mars dusting some snow off and giggles at him. "Yeah, kinda since you were trying a sneak attack."

  11. She looks towards the mountain he was talking about then back him and smiles. "It's dangerous wandering around without knowing your way, and I have nothing else to do right now." She pulls her hood over her head and starts to walk down the trail towards the mountain. "C'mon, let's get moving."

  12. She sees a person standing infront of her holding his hand out and smiling at her. She checked to see if he was a PKer before shaking his hand and smiling. "I'm Shaula, nice to meet you Mars." She pulls out of the hand shake and looks around the frozen wonderland that is the 4th floor. "So... what brings you to these frigid lands?"

  13. Shaula had been sleeping in a tree when she had heard something walking by. She quickly sat up and pulled out her sword and peeked down to see what was making the noise. As she reached her head over the edge of the tree branch she slipped and fell to the ground and landed on her back. "Oww..." She stand up brushing some snow off her and pushing her hair out of her face.

  14. She was shocked by how calm Yuko was and wondered how she could stay so calm. She wipes the snow from her face and scooped up another snowball, throwing it back at Yuko. "White's really not my color. It washes out my eyes." She giggles excitedly as she watches the snowball fly.

  15. She smiles her normal cheerful smile again, her eyes sparkling as she hugs him. She stands with his arms wrapped around her for a little longer before slowly pulling out and looking him in the eyes. She hugs him again then opens her invintory and grabs a teleportation crystal. "See you soon!" She waves as she is taken to her next great adventure.

  16. Shaula looks up and sees a girl no older than she is smiling at her. "That i am, and you must be Yuko." She stands up and sheaths her sword and smiles at the girl. "I've heard much about you aswell." She reaches down and grabs a snowball and playfully throws it in Yuko's face. "White is definately good on you!"

  17. She keeps her blank, emotionless face as she hears his heart beat faster, but she simply continues talking. "Nothing really." She pulls her sword out and licks the blade looking him in the eyes. "It can be a real turn on for a girl like me." She sheaths the sword and points forward. "There's the exit."

  18. Her face turns from a cheerful smile to an emotionless stare as she continues down the forest trail. She stared forwards toward their destination as they continued to talk."The rush you feel as you drive the blade through the soft flesh of the victim is almost addicting. One could easily fall to a life of this wanting nothing more than to see their innocent prey writher and scream though no one could help them."

  19. Shaula pulled her hood over her head as she sat waiting for Yuko to arrive. She hadn't fully adjusted to the cold climate of floor 4 yet. She stabs her sword into the ground and leans up against it to rest and relax in the beautiful invironment around her. "Might aswell enjoy it while i'm here."

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