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Posts posted by Hisamuya

  1. "I'm sure. We all have our own special in game titles that we always use so we can tell each other apart. When Kayaba teleported everyone to the plaza I searched the crowd and didn't find any of them. They're all back in the real world probably praying that I get out safely." Hisamuya said with a normal tone in his voice. It was safe to say he was very familiar with RPGs but he wasn't exactly an expert so his chances at getting out alive were 65%.

  2. HIsamuya seemed surprised at the question. He decided to give her a straight up answer. "Well I didn't have a real family but I did have a group of 4 friends including myself. We were all planning to start playing SAO at night when the server weren't as busy but I decided to log on early to get used to the games controls, and long story short my other friends are back in the real world while I'm in here."

  3. Hisamuya then realized that what he said could have caused a damage in their friendship. He immediately tried to patch this up. "Well yes only after I saw that scar for the first time. First you were on a bench sleeping in the middle to night and I was concerned like I would be for any other player. Then you said you would do the kill so I wanted to find out why and when you told me why I figured out is was for the right reason and opened up to you. But most people don't think the same way I do when they see a hooded person sleeping on the bench at midnight. Most people tend to steer clear or even try to sleep PK someone like that. If you didn't hide your face more people would feel more comfortable with opening up to you because they feel like you don't want to hide anything and nothing to hide means nothing to fear."

  4. "I don't mind looking for it. Lets do so." Hisamuya responded with a smile. He enjoyed spending time with his new friend and was glad to help her in whatever way he could. Yet he was still confused as to why she chose to wear that hood all the time."I still think more people would open up to you if you didn't cover up that scar." His thoughts had slipped out of his mouth. "Sorry my thoughts just jumped out again I can't control myself most of the time."

  5. Hisamuya seeing the other bad guy was low on health he offered the following to them."If you give up now we won't kill you we clearly have the advantage against you. Just go and live to fight another day." Just as I finished saying those words 'Bad Guy 2' caught me off guard cutting me deeply doing 5 damage. "Fine it's your funeral." I respond as I slash at his body ready to kill. I manage to get a hit but my wound restrains me and the hit doesn't do as much as the other ones did.

    Battle Die 5-1damage

    Hisamuya 8/15

    Akumu 14/15

    Bad Guy 1 6/10

    Bad Guy 2 2/10

  6. Hisamuya dashes behind the orange players who were attacking Akumu and prepares to pull them off of her. The mysterious players weren't smart enough to pursue Hisamuya as well as Akumu. Hisamuya was prepared to be marked as a red player to protect his friend.

    Battle Dice =5 1 damage to Bad guy 2

    Hisamuya punched one of the players in the face before managing to draw his sword.

    Hisamuya 15/15

    Akumu 14/15

    Bad Guy 1 10/10

    Bad Guy 2 9/10

  7. Hisamuya heard what the female player had said about needing to get a new hood. He was confused at the thought of that. "You're face looks fine why hide it with a hood in the first place?" He said while turning his head in a confused manner a few seconds later realizing what he just said putting his hands over he mouth. "So so sorry! My thought just slipped out of my brain it happens sometimes."

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