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Posts posted by Ribin

  1. i took out my sword and waited for him to attack the man said this is your end kid get ready to die i wasn't really hearing nonthing he said i put down my sword , and said get ready for hand to sword combat ,i came at him really fast so fast he couden't really catch up i punched him so hard he was crying and it didn't even hurt i came to the tree were the two mans and the girl was i punched both of them and they fell down and ran i climbed up the tree and sat down next to her.

  2. Ribin was at the town of Beginnings going into his first duel with robber , loads of people looked at him he didn't care at all

    Ready to loose you bastard... he said as he accepted the duel the time was at 0, he ran at him and slashed him before the man could even get to hit him, the man health wen't down to the yellow area in a flash and he had lost the duel, people had was thanking him for defeating that man.

  3. Profile

    » Username: Ribin

    » Real name: Taku Shirokaka

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'5"

    » About: Taku was a skilled boy he had alot of friends he joined the soccer club and he was winning the most games with his friends he knew martial arts very well it was passed down from his family he had heird that a new game called Sword art online is comeing and you will need a Nervegear to play it, he waited becouse he knew his friends would get the game, the day came the sao game arrived he quilcky bought it from the game store and wen't home he put the nervegear on his head and >>>link Start!<<<<< was the last words he said in real life.

    » Virtues:

    Speed: His speed helps him fight in combat and when in soccer games thats where he really got his speed from

    soccer it improved his leg and next thing he knows hes moveing almost faster than lighting he chases dogs alot too

    that what also makes him fast.

    Kind : Even though you annoy him he still dosen't holler alot he helps people when they need it

    he even helps his friends do their homework if they need it he didn't care too much

    about it he would help them anyways.

    Hunter: Hes has went hunting with his dad for days he didn't like it at first he thought it would be lame

    Untill his dad got him a bow for him to shoot with he shot a bear on his first try he didn't like it alot becouse he thought

    he was killed a father or a brother of a bear he increased each time he went hunting he really liked it alot his dad told him he would

    » Flaws:


    Ribin didn't care who he had to go through he even didn't care if he had to fall off a Cliff to save his sister

    He has got beaten a few times before he trained he still didn't care he still stood up to them and

    hit them as hard as he can he beat one up and the others punched him he knew how life was and how

    high school was going to be.


    He has alot he wants to know like how did his grandfather die how to become stronger than he

    is? but his father dosen't tell him nonthing so he just asks everyone in his family the same question and the respond he get is nonthing and they move on to another question.

    Champion: He really wanted to be a Champion for his friends but he really didn't sometimes he think about should

    he be one for his friends or should he just stick with his normal life and contune on being a normal soccer player

    but his friends think he should contune on being his normal self at high school.



    » Skills:


    Weapon skills :

    » One-handed Sword



    » None yet.

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