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Posts posted by Onomi

  1. «Name» Onomi


    » Username: Onomi

    » Real name: Hunter

    » Age: 14

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'9"

    » About: History/personality

    Onomi grew up like many kids on his street loved playing games. Onomi was in heaven after school play games, but his parents got his first report card in 1st grade, and he had the lowest grades in the class. His parents were not sure what to do they did not want to make him sad since it depressed them more than Onomi was.

    Onomi's grandfather was however more realistic, and knew that something had to be done about this child who did not care about his school at all. The grandfather told him "You are a smart boy, I could never figure out a game like this in a million years, and you must not give up on school." The boy took into consideration what his grandfather said, and by quarter 2 he had managed to get the best grades in his class.

    When his grandfather passed away Onomi was sure that he would finish all grades, and go threw life with superior intelligence, which the boy had, but just had not unlocked it yet. When he graduated, and went to high-school he was in the top 10 smartest of his class caring little about anyone at the school, and everyone there was just another person unable to make Onomi smarter the select few smarter then him were always face deep in a book, but Onomi spent his time thinking about the world, and how everything was created. This was his big life goal figuring out the Origins of life.

    It was almost the ending of summer break, but it was also almost the release of the new games SAO. Everyone at his school was highly convinced they would be the best, and Onomi did not care at all, but thought well maybe if i play a bit i can get an understanding of games now, and see just how much they have changed in the last 9 years.

    Onomi had a thick wad of cash, and went out, and managed to buy a copy of the game, and received the gear, and returned home. After he was all hooked up he entered the world, and was amazed by the realistic aspect to the game it was like he himself was there.

    Onomi is a very unique person, because of his lack of care about anyone. He will not help anyone that is not giving him something in return. He will turn his back to anyone who is trying to start a conversation. Onomi also speaks with a tone the would make sense for his body structure, but sounds serious, and rarely laughs for real.

    » Virtues:

    Intelligent.He can go threw quite a few battle strategies in a moments notice planning out what may happen, and even if the plan is altered how could he still succeed in his quest. He thinks before going into a fight, and makes sure that he will not die since his life is so extremely important to him. He takes into consideration every detail of the environment around him closely analyzing for traps, and other possible things that might risk him his life.

    Accurate. He is able to pinpoint where he wants to stab, and since he has so much hand eye coordination he succeeds at hitting were he wants to making sure that he is able to hit areas that are more valuable then hitting recklessly. This is strong against shield users, and he can tell exposed spots, and how effective it might be to strike them.

    Photographic Memory. When he sees something, and looks at it for three seconds or so he is able to remember ruffly appearance. He can just make out the words he had read, but can see pictures fairly clearly. He can access these thoughts at any time, but if he does not think for them for over a week or so they get more, and more vague.

    » Flaws:

    Blunt.He will be Blunt when talking to someone if there are flaws that Onomi is aware of he will tell you to your face, and in public if there is something that he feels is worthy to make apparent he will do so. For example (if someone has food in their teeth no matter how awkward one mite feel Onomi would tell them without hesitation.)

    Stubborn.He will not change his mind when he has came to the belief he is correct. When someone might try to explain something to him he shuts them out of his mind, and ignores them completely. (For example if Onomi made up a system for why 2+2=3 even if it's not right, and someone says 2+2=4 he will say they're wrong, and wont listen to them say why 2+2=4.)

    Complex.For every topic he trys to think why it might be false, and how he could start an argument on the topic. (For example if someone brings up space Onomi could go on for hours asking what started it how did it come to be what was before the big bang etc.)









    Weapon skills :






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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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