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Posts posted by Ravven

  1. After only a few moments, Ravven recieved a reply. After finishing looking at some stuff in the shops, he headed towards the central plaza. It wasn't nearly as busy as the Town of Begininnings on the first floor, but still had a decent amount of people about.

    Upon arriving at the central plaza, it didn't take him long to find the fountain and he saw Echo with a few other people he didn't recognize gathered around the fountain. He made his way over to them. "Nice to see you again, Echo." Ravven said as he walked up. He motioned to the others standing around Echo, "I assume these are other guild members?"

  2. Item: Cloak of Retribution

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=63&t ... 258#p58258

    Description: It appears to be a plain black cloak, however, something about it isn’t natural.

    Effect: +2 Accuracy. +1 Evasion.

    Ravven looked at the cloak, and was quite happy with how it turned out. He couldn't really think how he could have made it better. He put the cloak in his inventory, planning to use it himself.

  3. Ravven leaned against a doorway in the town and watched as people walked past. He yawned and took a bite out of his breakfast biscuit. He hadn't done too much recently, and felt like he needed to accomplish something. He wandered over to some nearby shops and glanced at their wares.

    Ravven looked at his menu interface after hearing the new message sound. He opened the message and glanced through its contents. "The Fall of the Bullbous Bow? A quest of some kind I suppose? Well, I needed to do something productive today, so this is as good as anything." Ravven muttered this to himself as he typed out a response.

    Where will the guild meet to start off this quest?

    Ravven sent the message and continued looking at shops.

  4. Ravven waited uneasily as Argumail stood in a trance. He glanced at the demon, but it made no sudden moves.

    Sitting down crosslegged on the floor, Ravven continued to wait, preparing his knife to throw if the demon became agressive. Argumail had said this would be a mental test, but he still didn't trust the demon and expected it to resort to physical violence.

  5. "Be careful of that thing," Ravven warned as Argumail agreed to the 'game'.

    Ravven watched the demon in a tailors appearance carefully not taking his eyes off it. He fully expected it to try and stick a knife in one of them.

    "Don't forget what that thing is when you go in its mind, otherwise it will confuse you."

  6. Ravven was unsure why a tailoring master was standing in front of him, especially all the way down here. However, at Argumails question, it made sense to him.

    "For me, he has taken the form of the tailoring master whose quest I took," Ravven whispered back to Argumail.

    Ravven was unsure what Argumail was trying to accomplish by trying to get the demon to feed them, but he decided to just go along with it, and said nothing.

  7. "Yes, time to see this demon you have spoken of. I'm quite curious to see it with my own eyes now."

    Ravven continued down the passage Argumail. After a few minutes they reached a gate like door that was slightly open.

    "I suppose it's in that room? Are you ready to fight it now Argumail?"

    Ravven flipped his dagger out and moved it experimentally as he stared at the massive door.

  8. "That we don't," Ravven said as he was helped up by Cedar.

    "I think this Juggernaut is about to be finished, I just hope the boss after it is as easy as you think it is," Ravven commented as he prepared to charge the Juggernaut once more.

    Ravven strikes the monster in the leg, dragging his dagger down the leg, which causes it to roar in pain.


    Argumail 15/17( Cedar 11/13)

    Ravven 11/13


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 5/30

  9. Ravven hid behind a pillar while the Juggernaut was distracted with Argumail. He waited a few moments until he thought the Juggernaut was not paying attention to its surroundings. He then ran from behind the pillar and jumped swinging his dagger at the Juggernauts back.

    Unfortunately for Ravven, the Juggernaut noticed him out of the corner of its eye and turned quickly punching him in the stomache which send him flying into a nearby wall.


    Argumail 13/17( Cedar 11/13)

    Ravven 11/13


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 12/30

  10. "This is going much better than I anticipated. Although I suspect that is mainly due to your power not mine. I must admit, I was a bit skeptical about you at first, but I'm glad I chose to come on this adventure with you."

    Running towards the Juggernaut once more, this time Ravven when for the arm, attempting to slice it open with his dagger. The blow connected and the Juggernaut growled angrily as if it wasn't sure how such small enemies were hurting it.


    Argumail 13/17( Cedar 11/13)

    Ravven 13/13


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 12/30

  11. Ravven glanced at the beast health bar, "It seems to be going down pretty quickly so I suspect we will be able to kill it."

    Running towards the Juggernaut once again, Ravven stabbed his dagger in its leg and twisted it. He then quickly leapt away as the beast roared in pain.


    Ravven- 13/13

    Argumail 17/17(Cedar 12/12 )


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 14 /30

  12. "We might be able to get past him if there is a door he can't fit through further down the maze," Ravven said, although he didn't sound too hopeful of that happening.

    Ravven ran down the path and slashed the Juggernaut as he passed by it. Another small cut appeared in the beast leg and it began chasing Ravven as he headed down the path.

    "I hope there's a small door somewhere down here..."


    Ravven- 13/13

    Argumail 17/17(Cedar 12/12 not active yet)


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 21/30

  13. Ravven nodded his thanks for the healing and slowly climbed to his feet.

    His eyes had a dangerous look to them as he glared at the Juggernaut. Ravven then ran at the Juggernaut slashing it across the side of the leg and he managed to roll away from its swipe this time.

    Argumail 15/17 (Cedar 13/13)

    Ravven 13/13


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 23/30

  14. Ravven glanced at the Juggernaut and his face still remained impassive. "I'll go for its legs," he said to Argumail as he ran off towards the beast.

    Ravven ran towards the beast, but right before he could get under it, it swung a massive hand backhanding Ravven and sending him flying into a nearby pillar.

    Argumail 15/17 (Cedar 13/13)

    Ravven 11/13


    Diurnalio Juggernaut 30/30

  15. "It might not be too difficult, but remain careful," Ravven warned.

    Ravven felt a slight vibration in the floor and a faint "thump, thump, thump" sound. He immediately became more alert, looking down the coridoor for signs of movement.

    "It's coming this way, although I think it's pretty slow," Ravven said as he equipted his dagger.

  16. Ravven nodded his thanks as Argumail threw him the item.

    "This isn't too bad so far, although I suspect the worst is yet to come," Ravven thought to himself.

    The air was getting colder the deeper they went into the labyrinth and Ravven wrapped his cloak around himself more tightly as he followed Argumail deeper into the maze.

  17. Ravven rubbed his temples and sat down to try making another cloak. This time he spent a bit longer pounding out of the leather and stretching it, so that it was thinner and easier to work with. "I'll get better at this, it'll just take a while," Ravven said to himself. He tried to make the stitching tighter as well so it wouldn't fall appart so easily. He did keep the shape of the cloak the same however.

    "Well, let's see how you turned out this time..." Ravven said as he inspected his second cloak.

    Crafting EXP: 1

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

  18. Ravven studdied the captain for a few moments as he decided on his next course of action. After a few moments, he decided to try throwing his dagger.

    He looked into the Captains eyes for a moment and then threw his dagger at it. The dagger embedded itself in the creatures chest. The Captain grunted in pain and pulled the dagger out throwing it to the ground infront of it.

    Argumail 15/17(Cedar 12/12)

    Ravven 13/13


    Diurnalio 0/3

    Diurnalio 0/3 Bleeded out

    Diurnalio Captain 4/8

  19. Ravven ran towards the Captain and slid under the creature slashing at its legs on both side with his dagger.

    The creature managed to leap away before his dagger struck however, but fortunately its swing at Ravven missed. Ravven grabbed Argumails arm and helped pull him to his feet. "You okay?" he asked with with a still impassive face.

    Argumail 15/17(Cedar 12/12)

    Ravven 13/13


    Diurnalio 0/3

    Diurnalio 1/3 Bleeding out

    Diurnalio Captain 8/8

  20. Ravven made his way over to his worktable and layed out some materials. This would be his first piece, so he didn't expect all that much, but practice would make him better he knew. He was going for a cloak he decided. The leather he used was black and of a good quality. After a good deal of pounding and stretching, he prepared to cut it into the shape he wanted. An hour or so later he sat down to examine his work.

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

  21. Ravven waited silently, preparing to jump out and strike the Diurnalios. He felt his body growning tense as he leapt from the shadows, aiming his dagger at the creatures neck.

    His aim was true and the creature gurgled as it was struck in the neck. It wasn't dead yet but appeared to be badly wounded.

    Argumail 17/17(Cedar 12/12)

    Ravven 13/13


    Diurnalios 0/3 Dead

    Diurnalios 1/3

    Diurnalios Captain 8/8

  22. The Golden Needle is a small musty shop in a rather abandoned part of the Town of Beginnings. The shop itself is a one story building, made of brick. It has only a few windows in the front on either side of the door. Inside is a small waiting room with a few old chairs. A glass case displays the stores wares and a counter seperates the waiting room from the work room.

    OOC: I will currently not be taking request and only things I post in the display are for sale. Any items that I make that aren't on display aren't for sale.

    Item Display:

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