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Posts posted by Zak

  1. These items have been removed from my inventory and given to Zak. Link.



    Craft Information

    Shop: Hellfire Forge

    Die Roll: 8 (Roll of 7 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #005 [20064]
    Daily Craft: 5 of 5 [6/16]

    Name: Hoplite Shield

    Quality: Good
    Type of Item: Shield

    Description: A historical shield shaped after the classical design of Spartan weaponry, this shield is both simple and efficient in its design.
    Desired Effect: N/A

  2. Zak opened the door, tapping twice on the glass as he entered, "Hey, Juzt. You here?" He didn't have anything in particular he desired to purchase, especially since he wasn't planning on joining the boss battles going on anytime soon, but he did take a gander at the lack of merchandise for sale. Perhaps it wasn't out yet or he was rather new at this, "Just here to drop off the mats you paid me, doesn't look like too good of a turn out, but at least it'll get you started." He transferred the two items to Juzt before heading back to his own shop, "Next time, full pay. I'll make sure to get you what you want, got it? Remember, you're my customer now."



    Name: Dory Spear

    Quality: Rare
    Type of Item: 1H Spear

    Description: A historical spear shaped after the classical design of Spartan weaponry, this spear is both simple and efficient in its design.
    Desired Effect: +2 Damage


    Name: Hoplite Shield

    Quality: Good
    Type of Item: Shield

    Description: A historical shield shaped after the classical design of Spartan weaponry, this shield is both simple and efficient in its design.
    Desired Effect: N/A

  3. Finishing up, he was quite pleased by what he had crafted, but was really disappointed that he had completely wasted the player's materials. He had created two garbage items that weren't even salvageable, one crappy draft of the dory spear, and finally one spear that was worth keeping. Unfortunately, the one that was worthwhile was only worth a rate of three materials and he had been given four, which meant he'd be shafting Juzt one material. He looked back at the variety of qualities of crafts, then recalled, "Ah, perhaps it wasn't too much a waste!" He tossed the two failed crafts, then focused on the remaining bad quality craft, "I can salvage this and give it another go, if I'm not too rusty." He placed the item in the forge to let the materials melt back down to it's former glory so that he could meld them back up to something far more extravagant, "Let's hope for the best..."


    #N/A [20067] 6/16 || Salvaged! || +0 EXP || 95/160 || N/A

    #005 [20068] 6/16 || Good || +2 EXP || 97/160 || Hoplite Shield



    Craft Information

    Shop: Hellfire Forge

    Die Roll: 8 (Roll of 7 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #005 [20064]
    Daily Craft: 5 of 5 [6/16]

    Name: Hoplite Shield

    Quality: Good
    Type of Item: Shield

    Description: A historical shield shaped after the classical design of Spartan weaponry, this shield is both simple and efficient in its design.
    Desired Effect: N/A

  4. He hummed, "Juzt, that's pretty easy to remember." He would add the player to his list of contacts, pulling up the user interface to do so as the player began describing the dream set of weapon and armor. He showed a rather strong affinity for gladiatorial themed weaponry and armor, which shouldn't be too hard to make a reality, considering that they could all be made here in the forge. Taking a few notes in his user log, he'd speak up after everything was made clear, "Just keep in mind, I can't guarantee you that all the materials will become a successful item, much less a high quality." He sent the player a message with all his running rates, "These are my usual prices, which are pretty competitive in the current smithwork industry. I'll try my best, but it all comes down to a matter of luck." He waved the player off as he scurried away, "Will do, see you soon." Zak would soon make his way to the forge in the back and lock the door shut, wanting no player to barge in during the middle of his crafting, "Well, let's get to work."


    #001 [20061] 6/16 || Fail || +1 EXP || 88/160 || N/A

    #002 [20062] 6/16 || Epic Fail || +1 EXP || 89/160 || N/A

    #003 [20063] 6/16 || Bad || +1 EXP || 90/160 || N/A

    #004 [20064] 6/16 || Rare || +5 EXP || 95/160 || Dory Spear



    Craft Information

    Shop: Hellfire Forge

    Die Roll: 11 (Roll of 10 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #004 [20064]
    Daily Craft: 4 of 5 [6/16]

    Name: Dory Spear

    Quality: Rare
    Type of Item: 1H Spear

    Description: A historical spear shaped after the classical design of Spartan weaponry, this spear is both simple and efficient in its design.
    Desired Effect: +2 Damage


  5. Zak popped out of the office as he heard some muffled footsteps and an unfamiliar voice pierce the silence of his office, "Yes sir, what can I get for you today?" It had been a while since he had any customers, mostly due to his own ignorance, but this was the first one he's had since the grand re-opening. Granted, it wasn't anything grand due to the lack of banners and displays, though it was probably pretty obvious considering the lack of customers. He let the potential customer speak about the issue at hand and found it was in his favor, "Well, I understand. Came damn near close to dying a few times myself back when I didn't have anything of use..." He rubbed his chin as he began pacing back and forth from behind the counter, making it seem as if he was truly considering if he would accept the plea, "Well, you're lucky enough to be my first customer since relaunch and you're pretty new. You know what, I'll do it, so long as you make sure I'm the first place you go anytime you need any Blacksmith related equipment." Accepting the materials and placing them in his inventory, he stuck out his hand, "You've got a deal, uh..." He kept a firm grip during his pause, "What's your name, might I ask?" After finding out the name of his latest customer, he'd then beg the question, "What kind of gear are you striving for too?"


    +4 Materials

  6. Crafting Information


    Blacksmith Rank: 4
    Experience: 87/160
    Crafting/Day: 5

    Available Mats: 0


    » 1 (Epic Fail) - 1 Experience; Lose materials if crafting.
    » 2-4 (Fail) - 1 Experience; Lose materials if crafting.
    » 5-7 (Bad) - 1 Experience; 50% chance to salvage materials in repeat quest.
    » 8-9 (Good) 2 Experience.
    » 10 (Uncommon) - 3 Experience; requires GM approval for enhancements.
    » 11 (Rare) - 5 Experience; requires GM approval for enhancements.
    » 12 (Perfect) - 8 Experience; requires GM approval for enhancements.



    History Log


    #xxx [ ID ] Date || Quality || Experience || Total || Post #


    #001 [20061] 6/16 || Fail || +1 EXP || 88/160 || 6

    #002 [20062] 6/16 || Epic Fail || +1 EXP || 89/160 || 6

    #003 [20063] 6/16 || Bad || +1 EXP || 90/160 || 6

    #004 [20064] 6/16 || Rare || +5 EXP || 95/160 || 6

  7. It had been a terribly long time since the store had been opened, not nearly as dusty as it once was when he was given the key, but it definitely looked like it hadn't been getting the care it deserved. Even some of the old merchandise he had for sale was still in the same position as it was, not having seen an ounce of light creeping through an open door. Going through the door, he could still see the metal glimmer when exposed to the sun peeking in. He closed it behind himself, flicking on the light switch, "It's good to be back." He grabbed a duster and began a thorough cleaning of everything; from the mannequins to the display cases, from the old signs to the forge in the back. There was a lot of work to do and he was more than willing to get it done, slightly hoping that those customers that he never finished a deal with would come back without harboring hard feelings. He cleaned up some of the mess that he had never cleaned up in the office and, upon stepping out, he was proud to say everything was good for the relaunch. However, there was one last task at hand, restocking. He didn't have much left to sell and, while the vast majority of his customer base was custom orders, he needed something to get people in the door or drop a quick buck in the spur of the moment. Gathering all of his old supplies and tools, he neatly aligned them on the table near the forge and anvil. He allowed the forge to slowly heat up, bringing back the sweltering temperature he was so familiar with, "The fury of the forge lives on."



    Armor Available for Purchase



    Custom Order Form
    Type of Item:
    Desired Effect:

    Custom Price Rates: (no materials required, easy way to obtain weapons with spare Col)
    » Good Quality: 200 Col
    » Uncommon Quality: 400 Col
    » Rare Quality: 800 Col
    » Perfect Quality: 1200 Col

    Custom Trade Rates: (no Col required, easy way to get early weapons)
    » Good Quality: x1 Material
    » Uncommon Quality: x2 Material
    » Rare Quality: x3 Material
    » Perfect Quality: x5 Material

  8. Type of Item: Armor

    Quality: Perfect

    Name: Rapture

    Shop: Fury's Forge

    Description: This iconic armor signifies everything notable about its user, their nobility, dignity, and prestige. Granted, it may not truly display the proper qualities in accordance to its user's actual ranking, but it certainly does make him look pretty important. While in fact, the armor itself actually makes him more of a thief...

    Desired Effect: +2 Life Steal (absorbs 2HP on a natural roll of 8-10) and +1 Damage Mitigation

    ID: [5496]

  9. Today was a new day and thus brought a new customer, causing his work to start piling up. It was certainly a surprise to know that his customers were becoming more and more frequent, but that meant he'd have to pick up on his workload and, even more importantly, his success rates. "You got it, anything in mind?" He'd spend the time discussing the details of the armor with the stranger and continue working on his crafts for the day. First and foremost, his goals were to finish the remaining two orders of the previous customers, then he'd move on to the next. All in due time, he'd eventually knock them out, but he wasn't too sure how long it would take as of now.


    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 3 (Roll of 2 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #22 [5459]
    Daily Craft: 1 of 4 [12/25]
    Gained Exp: +1
    Total Exp: 78/80
    Materials: -1


    It was a failure, much to his disappointment, but there was still plenty  of opportunities to succeed in the future. Especially today, considering he just started. With his hammer, he prepared to salvage that which still could be salvaged.


    [5493] 5 (Roll of 4 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)


    He failed trying to salvage the materials from the dreadful attempt, but he had a bit more time to work today. Lucky him. However, he likely wouldn't be as lucky as he was hoping. He tossed the next batch of material into the forge, cleaned off his workbench, and prepared for his next attempt at creating the armor.


    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 5 (Roll of 5 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #23 [5494]
    Daily Craft: 2 of 4 [12/25]
    Gained Exp: +1
    Total Exp: 79/80
    Materials: -1


    "Argh, you've got to be kidding me. I was at least doing halfway decent yesterday, but this is nothing more than crap." He tossed his hammer across the room and nearly hit one of the display cabinets, then swore under his breath at himself, "Relax... Take your time, you can still save the materials..."


    [5495] 2 (Roll of 1 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)


    He let out a sigh of disbelief as the material shattered beneath his hammer, "Oh well, I'll give it another few shots before I call it a day... Take it easy, Zak. You've got this." He felt a little calmed down by talking to himself, but felt a little bothered by that fact in itself. He pulled the material from the forge when it reached the right temperature and placed it on the workbench. Raising his hammer high, he started working hard on forging the masterpiece.


    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 12 (Roll of 12 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #24 [5496]
    Daily Craft: 3 of 4 [12/25]
    Gained Exp: +8
    Total Exp: 7/??
    Materials: -1



    Name: Rapture

    Quality: Perfect
    Type of Item: Armor

    Description: This iconic armor signifies everything notable about its user, their nobility, dignity, and prestige. Granted, it may not truly display the proper qualities in accordance to its user's actual ranking, but it certainly does make him look pretty important. While in fact, the armor itself actually makes him more of a thief...
    Desired Effect: +2 Life Steal (absorbs 2HP on a natural roll of 8-10) and +1 Damage Mitigation

    And a masterpiece it was, "There we go. That's the success I've been needing!" He laughed pretty pitifully at himself, but was still in a good mood nonetheless, "Just two more orders to fill out and everything will be good to go. I might even be able to purchase a few nice things from the nearby player shops myself." He could really use a new set of leather armor...

  10. Type of Item: 1H Straight Sword

    Quality: Perfect

    Name: Quietus

    Shop: Fury's Forge

    Description: A sword that looks holy, but couldn't be further from it. This sword's name seems rather innocent at first, but it actually is another name for Death. This fancy sword will happily cut through whatever stands in its way. If you have anything to say against it, just be quiet. It'll all be over soon.

    Desired Effect: +3 Damage

    ID: [5454]

  11. He threw the last material in the forge and took the sword to the lobby, opting to place it in one of the tabletop display cabinets rather than on the wall. The wall merchandise generally caught better attention due to the fact that it was visible from every area of the store, which meant he reserved it for the more notable items. Hopping back over the counter, he pulled out the material a bit too late and found that it was overheated. It shattered as it was cooling, signifying that he should probably hang his hat up for the day.



    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 4 (Roll of 3 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #21 [5458]
    Daily Craft: 4 of 4 [12/23]
    Gained Exp: +1
    Total Exp: 77/80
    Materials: -1

  12. Zak went back to work and began drafting up plans for the sword that he was originally working on prior to the customer's entry. Pulling out two more materials to finish up the day, he tossed the first on into the forge and took the Quietus sword into the backroom for safe keeping. Upon returning, he created a pretty basic sword that he would have on display for the shop. Nothing too special, but certainly a decent addition.



    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 10 (Roll of 9 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #21 [5455]
    Daily Craft: 3 of 4 [12/23]
    Gained Exp: +3
    Total Exp: 76/80
    Materials: -1


    Shop: Fury's Forge
  13. Zak picked back up where he left off, this time striving to create the order that was just requested, "Better now than later." He was hoping that the sword he had just attempted to create was just a warm up and that there was nothing to think of it. Of course, he was mentally crossing his fingers the whole time. Step by step, forge to table, he worked and worked until the sword began to take its place. "Glorious!" The sword came out perfect, there was literally nothing else that could have gone better. It was certainly going to be an easy paycheck this time around.



    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 12 (Roll of 12 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #20 [5454]
    Daily Craft: 2 of 4 [12/23]
    Gained Exp: +8
    Total Exp: 73/80
    Materials: -1


    Type of Item: 1H Straight Sword

    Quality: Perfect

    Name: Quietus

    Shop: Fury's Forge

    Description: A sword that looks holy, but couldn't be further from it. This sword's name seems rather innocent at first, but it actually is another name for Death. This fancy sword will happily cut through whatever stands in its way. If you have anything to say against it, just be quiet. It'll all be over soon.
    Desired Effect: +3 Damage


  14. [5426] 5 CD, scavenge failed


    Zak was disappointed to find that the material was poorly used, nothing but a terrible craft. He tried to bang out the imperfections, but the material ended up shattering as he tried to salvage the materials. Sighing in failure, he stood up from the table just as someone walked in, "Yeah, back here pal." He left his equipment on the workbench and made his way to the counter, "Huh, three items. Not too bad a deal, expect them done here soon." The guy left his name so that Zak could message him when it was all said and done.


    Order Taken

  15. ((OOC: Sorry that it's been a while, won't be filling out old orders so if you still want it, replace it.))


    He was glad that the customer had come to get the sword, more or less because he wanted more materials to continue work over the next few days. He took the materials and sent off the sword with its loverboy, then returned to the forge with materials in hand. He placed the first one in the forge, took it out, then began to start shaping the material into another sword.

    "For shame," it turned out that he made a pretty bad quality and would have to try and salvage the material.



    Craft Information
    Die Roll: 6 (Roll of 5 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)
    Craft Number: #19 [5425]
    Daily Craft: 1 of 4 [12/23]
    Gained Exp: +1
    Total Exp: 65/80
    Materials: -1

  16. The battle had been won by neither of the two sides, considering how sloppily they both performed, but the friendly war was still far from over, "Well, perhaps we could put a little wager on it at some point. Not today, certainly." He grinned, knowing what he was going to follow up with, "I'd want you to be fully prepared for that day, you'll need that weapon first. Plus, a little training wouldn't hurt you either." He'd wink and lead the way back to town.

  17. He watched as Kalthios slew the slacker boar that had obviously tried to be fashionably late to the corpse party, but would soon be joining in, "You know, if these boars were just a bit stronger, it wouldn't have been nearly as easy... for you." He grinned, knowing that the trick was to have a good weapon at ones disposal, "However, that won't be for long. I certainly do have a sword awaiting your presence, but I don't know if you're... skilled enough to handle it yet."

  18. The monsters were defeated, but it was a terribly flawed victory; at least Zak could still make fun of Kalthios still, "You know, what. I agree with you." He leaned on his sword, pointed tip burying itself into the ground, "You ought to be ashamed with yourself." Using his other hand, he gave the player a thumbs down, "Better luck next time."

  19. This was honestly getting pretty pathetic considering neither of them were very successful in their strikes, but by now, Zak had decided to get a little more serious about it, "Come on, then. Let's kill 'em." He leapt forwards, pulling his scimitar behind him before extending his sword out towards the boar.

    Hit... kill.






    >Boar (0/2)

    >Boar (0/2)

    >Boar (0/2) - 1 material obtained

    >Boar (2/2)

  20. Watching his friend trip up, he smirked and nearly laughed when he got damaged from the slip-up. At the time, a boar had begun running towards Kalthios and Zak figured he could give him some mercy so he ran towards the boar to cut it off. He'd slice upwards, but the boar would turn at the last minute catching Zak off guard. He didn't even have time to raise his shield.






    >Boar (0/2)

    >Boar (0/2)

    >Boar (2/2)

    >Boar (2/2)

  21. "Oh well, still got another shot." The forge still on, he tossed in the material, "I wonder if there are any sort of tricks to the trade to affect the way that one crafts items." There were obviously items that could increase the chance of success, but what if there were items that could alter the shape, weight, and many other things? He began running through some of those in his mind and before he knew it, the materials were ready to be pulled and crafted into what Zak wanted.




    Shop: Fury's Forge



    Craft Information

    Die Roll: 11 (Roll of 10 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)

    Craft Number: #17

    Daily Craft: 4 of 4 [8/6]

    Gained Exp: +5

    Total Exp: 64/80

    Materials: -1

  22. Perhaps what was bound to happen is he'd steadily increase in quality, rising from uncommon to rare to perfect, which meant brilliant things were about to happen. Plucking one of the materials from his ever dwindling supply, he tossed it into the oven and began planning where all these new weapons were going to go, but once it was ready, he ran back around the counter.

    Craft Information

    Die Roll: 4 (Roll of 3 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)

    Craft Number: #16

    Daily Craft: 3 of 4 [8/6]

    Gained Exp: +1

    Total Exp: 59/80

    Materials: -1

  23. Quite disappointed that the sword wasn't of the quality Zak was hoping for, he'd begun working on the next one. With each tedious looping task, he tossed the material in, stood around thinking about the color orange and how it didn't rhyme with anything, pulled the material out, placed it on the anvil, sat down, stared intensely at it for a few seconds as it shined the same shade of orange that he was thinking about earlier, then began working on hammering it into shape.




    Shop: Fury's Forge



    Craft Information

    Die Roll: 11 (Roll of 10 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)

    Craft Number: #15

    Daily Craft: 2 of 4 [8/6]

    Gained Exp: +5

    Total Exp: 58/80

    Materials: -1

  24. Yesterday was a pretty good day considering that he was easily able to complete the customer's order, but today was a new day. With no custom orders in place, Zak figured that he ought to do some work on expanding the store's available merchandise. Firing up the forge, gathering his equipment, and preparing the area; he would toss the material in, pull it back out, then begin crafting what he hoped was a perfect craft.

    Item: 1H Curved Sword

    Quality: Uncommon

    Name: Hushed Sword

    Shop: Fury's Forge

    Description: This scimitar has a rather unique curve to it, which causes the sword to give off a faint, hushed sound as it slices through the air.

    Effect: +1 Damage;

    Craft Information

    Die Roll: 10 (Roll of 9 + 1CD from Fury's Advocate)

    Craft Number: #14

    Daily Craft: 1 of 4 [8/6]

    Gained Exp: +3

    Total Exp: 53/80

    Materials: -1

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