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Posts posted by Campo

  1. These next few questions are mostly for the GMs,but if you know the answer feel free to answer

    So the dice that you roll when you do a post the number next to it the amount of damage you do?

    and the crafting die number is the number of items it takes to use or the number to decide if you fail to make it or you do make it?

    and the looting die number is that the same thing for the crafting or is it the the amount of items you can get?

    and for the skill tree, can you get unique skills like dual welding? and how does it work all together in the first place?

  2. So I'm looking around on peoples profiles looking at what lvl they are at. all of the profiles i have looked at they have hard mode off and im wondering is hard mode that big of a deal it just locks your account so you can a new one its not going to do anything to the amount of damage you take.

    so should i turn hard mode off or keep it on?

  3. Profile

    » Username: Campo

    » Real Name: Tanner

    » Age: 13

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: '4"9

    » About: Campo is a young player in SAO, he's always looking for friends and doesnt like PKers

    »Virtues:likes to hang out with friends and just talk about random things



    »Flaws: doesnt really know when to stop talking

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Profession: Wants to be a smithy





    Weapon skills:




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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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