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Saito Jorn

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Posts posted by Saito Jorn

  1. Also I think at the beginning of starting any topic there should be a list of your possessions at the start of the current topic.

    As we all know some threads take hours, some take weeks. A Disclaimer of equipment, stats and cash on hand should be announced for all to see.

    Rough Example:

    Weapons(total rounds): .44 colt(18)(6 stun)

    Cash upon starting or joining thread: $320

    Modifiers to include in Die roll:

    Combat Visor +1 accuracy

    x3 sight +1 accuracy

    1 Dexterity +1 accuracy

    1 Agility +1 Evasion

    I feel this is a good disclaimer that allows no argument over what a user has on them and what is coming into the thread, In the case of death how much money is lost is tracked, so if you built up $2000 in other topics since this thread started people don't assume and argue you are broke. This also keeps players from buying items mid fight and apply the correct calculations to see if they hit or miss and write accurately so there is no discrepancy if a player was hit.

    Player 1 "well it's four to hit and I got a four! I shot the player in the HEART!!"

    Player 2 "actually I have plus two evasion from my agility and vest...so you didn't hit me thanks... go edit your post now and describe the disastrous shot you just attempted.

    This also allows players not to pull weapons out of thin air, thus requiring a paper trail to be tracked and confirmed. Just some ideas I was thinking about, subject to change of course, it's not like I have any real say I just wanted to put my ideas out there to see what happens.

    I know this changes some surprising elements, maybe we can change a few things exposed, or maybe revealing information in a structured way as it's introduced may help as well.

  2. Freezing in place, Saito was hoping he was not going to have to attack this scout, not that he wanted to spare him, but the importance of remaining undetected was imminent. If his suspicions were correct, this was another test to be able to have a face to face with Theon Sebastian. There were no footsteps, maybe he was standing his post, or hopefully just taking a breather from a daily routine that he deemed useless. Finally the the steps were getting quieter as he circled around to the front of the draw gate. The fact guards are now walking around beyond the walls is a sign someone knew they were coming.

    "We are so close I can taste it." Saito muttered to himself as he came to a kneel, "follow me" he said as he turned to Demitry. Sneaking slowly he came within inches of the the sleeping guard. Clearing the first barricade he quickly hid behind the draw gate mechanisms as he observed his new surrounding. The interior of the fortress looked like a wooden castle there were little building set up with only door frames, no doors. That would make for an easier infiltration. There seemed to be about 14 Pkers patrolling and countless ones going in and out of the little cabins. This just got a lot more difficult.


    Saito Jorn HP 13/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15

  3. The miraculous wooden fortress stood before them. Two PKers could be seen on the top of the gate. This must have been a camp for PKers to turn too when the temptation of evil took over. Saito was crouched and began to move towards the left, planning to circle around back for an easier entry point.

    "Okay follow me." Saito whispered as they made their way around the camp. Judging from the texture and how refined it looked, the appearance gave off a vibe that it wasn't player created, but in the game itself. Upon reaching the back of the fort an orange player sat in a chair on the verge of nodding off.

    "We need to move around him quickly" Saito motioned with his pointer, and middle finger forward. "We don't have a single attack that can take a player from full health to dead in one attack, and once he is awake it's game over." Saito went first sneaking by the wide open draw gate as the only person who could spot him was fast asleep.


    Saito Jorn HP 11/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15

  4. He picked up his stiletto shoving it back in his sleeve. Brushing himself off, the sense of urgency was gone, Saito knew what he had just witnessed and was quite irritated. "Those two fools were merely puppets." Saito's upward motion with his head gestured where the two thieves had once been. "Theon actually tricked NPCs into working for him, he truly knows this game inside and out." The unsettling feeling in Saito's stomach had made itself know as he imagined what that could mean if he controlled an NPC arsenal.

    "The man who bowed was Theon...I am pretty sure that was a trial by combat. He is no longer running, if my calculations are correct we should just have to walk in that direction to reach his hideout." Saito moved branches out of the way as he began walking in that general direction. "If not, by all means we can put a blade in his mouth too." the crimson duelist's grin was a signature that he was quite proud of.

  5. Picking up the Stiletto he concealed it up his right sleeve. He sheathed Mending Soul because it allowed him to run faster, Saito ran back assuming it could be a two on one and Demitry could be in great danger. Saito tripped barely catching himself as the darkness put blinders on his vision and kept him off his game. Saito made his way back as he saw Demitry at odds with the second thief. They criminal turned to strike as Saito reached the scene. He sprinted to his fullest potential to make it there it time. Sliding on his left foot, the side of his foot stopped against the back of the thief's. Wrapping his left arm around his torso he threw him over his hip to the ground.

    Now standing over him he drew back his fist to punch, he dropped the stiletto from his sleeve into his grip. "AHH!" Saito yelled as he stabbed towards his chest. The stiletto caused the thief's body to explode on impact and the usual delay that lead to final words, and looting was completely skipped. The force of the blow must have surpassed what a player his level could achieve.


    Saito Jorn HP 11/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15


    Theif HP 0/6

    Theif HP 0/6

  6. The blood was leaking from his body, no other time had Saito seen such graphic injuries while playing SAO. Realizing that this was still the man who stood in his way, Saito strode by him and knelt over to pick up his sword. The thief staggered to stand as he rested himself against the tree. Breathing heavily he taunted Saito while also begging for his life.

    "You won't find Theon once I'm dead." he spat blood on the ground. Saito tried to decipher the difference from real information, and a bluff that had been formulated while ease dropping. The man was in no state to read as his condition greatly impacted his results to find the truth.

    "Tell me coward...Why did Theon turn orange two weeks ago?" The test was going to determine if this fight was to continue.

    "There was another man like you and your friend, he also tracked him down, and when he didn't find the answers he was looking for, he attacked Theon. This lead to self preservation as he killed him to survive.

    Saito's grin grew even more evil as he closed the gap between them. Leaning over his shoulder he whispered in his ear. "Theon went orange three weeks ago..." The sword thrust through his heart as he locked gazes with the thief. He watched as the life left his eyes and his body shattered. All that was left was an old Stiletto that hit the ground causing his HUD to prompt for a confirmation.



    Saito Jorn HP 11/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15


    Theif HP 0/6

    Theif HP 3/6

  7. Saito picked himself up wiping his face with his sleeve, the sadistic smile growing by the second. "This is going to be a thrill." Saito ran towards the thief but he began running through the misty forest. Saito had not obtained night vision yet so sprinting into the dark, and tracking only by sound was risky, but this guy needed to be put down, this was a high stakes fight. Saito heard the man run into a tree, quickly he threw his sword to the left as he heard the footsteps shuffle in the same direction. The sword ran perpendicular to his path and struck him hard as the thud of his body hit the ground after the sword did. It was sent clear through his body. Blood as everywhere, the critical hit was devastating.


    Saito Jorn HP 11/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15


    Theif HP 2/6

    Theif HP 3/6

    Mysterious figure ???/???

  8. The spark disappeared leaving the two in darkness. Saito heard a figure hitting the ground. 'success' Saito wispered to himself, as he listened to Demitry handle himself.

    The questions were running through his mind about who exactly these figures were. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted, this was not the time to get caught up. There was a fight breaking out and it was time Saito dove in.

    Crouching down Saito hoped that an attack from an unexpected height would land successfully. His sword was brought to a halt at the thief stabbed his sword into the ground to stop the incoming attack, kicking Saito back his fall was broken by a tree.

    All of the air was knocked out of him as Saito arose to his feet again.


    Saito Jorn HP 11/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15


    Theif HP 6/6

    Theif HP 4/6

    Mysterious figure ???/???

  9. Saito was unaware of the third unwelcome visitor but had picked up on the other two as he was speaking. He continued believing they were out of ear shot, but now there may be no way to avoid this altercation. Saito looked at Demitry whispering a key word Demitry would surely remember from the other games they played. "Action" This phrase was a key word they used to initiate combat, Saito always going to the one on his right, or closest, and Demitry attack the one the left. Instating this allowed them to avoid confusion and always have a few strategies in place for times like these.

    Saito darted into the misty woods unaware of the of the location of the guy to their six so he went straight ahead hoping to dismantle this enemy before an unexpected attack. Drawing his sword back he gripped the hilt preparing for a thrusting motion. Player or Monster, it was not walking away from this camp.

    The branches parted revealing a thief scribing something. Saito had to make a choice, attack the thief or destroy the potential leak of Theon and the Boundless Immortals. Thrusting forward the sword took the parchment out of the thief's hands and with a quick downward slash it dissolved into tiny shards. The follow through with the sword hit a rock causing a quick illumination off the spark created. The Thief looked to be out for blood.


    Saito Jorn HP 13/13

    Demitry Matter HP 15/15


    Theif HP 6/6

    Theif HP 6/6

    Mysterious figure ???/???

  10. Those sarcastic remarks were spoken in Saito's native tongue. The smirk Saito once had, responding to the witty remarks, vanished as he realized why they were there in the first place. He stood in the middle of the camp, as he felt that this is where they had the most privacy. Walking into the dark misty forest to talk would just take away their senses and allow this crucial information to be leaked to the wrong ears.

    Walking next to Demitry, Saito stopped where both of their shoulders lined up perfectly, not making eye contact with his friend. "As you already know, our target is Theon Sebastian. After a month I have found a mile radius of where he is currently staying. I know his name doesn't ring any bells, but he is the ultimate information broker. His leads lead the front lines to the floor bosses and to secret quests. Not only was he a beta tester but he also worked with Kayaba before purchasing his own copy of doom.( referring to SAO) Now he is in hiding, making a living for him self sending out his spies to collect information and run messages to every guild in Aincrad." The overwhelming feeling of voicing out his convictions lead to him inhaling before diving into the topic.

    "Many rumors are floating around, and most of them are fake, but I heard something that was too specific and detailed to be from anyone else except Theon. A myth about a triad of swordsman who call themselves the Boundless Immortals." Saito's voice emphasized their name as if he believed the name itself had meaning. "I believe finding them could change things for us in Aincrad. Before you say no hear me out. Either this pans out, or we find the best information broker in Aincrad, find out it isn't real, and we can use the opportunity to ask about Zofia.."his sentence trailed off as he awaited the response from his friend. Although he didn't feel very 'friend like' using Demitry's love to get him to go on this endeavor.

  11. Finally the first mob was slain, having this under his belt would be a great place to start. Saito was now ready to part ways and pick up some quests to allow him to catch up to the front liners. Saito brought up the HUD and scrolled over Echo's name and c licked. ADD FRIEND.

    "This was an invaluable experience. I can't thank you enough and I owe you one. This is a gesture of trust, I don't add friends often but if you ever need someone to call on, PM me or ask me to party up. There is only one other person in Aincrad who has that ability to use it wisely." Saito send the friend request to Echo and turned around. He was never one to mingle and wanted to leave things as simple as possible. Sheathing Mending soul he strode away waving his right hand over his shoulder.

    "Remember only if it's important," Saito turned his head and smirked at Echo. The tiring battle was more than enough reason to head back to town to get some rest.

  12. Seeing the dim light in the distance Saito approached a camp on the outskirt of town. Sneaking through the forest the mist concealed him as he observed the lanterns and the figures they illuminated. Demitry showed up, he was going to need all the help he could get from a few he trusted. Another man stood beside Demitry, Saito would have to scare him off in order to speak privately, this quest is the most important one either of them have taken since there stay in Aincrad.

    Gliding through the brush, finally revealing himself to the camp, Saito postured up and walked towards Demitry.

    "I never thought that orange would go away. But hey, the guy had an amazing sword with enhancements." Saito unsheathed Mending Soul, his first uncommon drop. The mysterious man's mouth dropped to the floor. The terror present in his eyes meant that the scare tactic was working. "Hey you!" Saito pointed at the figure. "Find any rare loot lately?" He began to flee before Saito had a chance to finish he question. Saito surveyed the remainder of the camp ground to make sure they were alone.

    "I know, it could have broke out into a fight. At least we both would have been orange, might actually help us where we are going." he glanced at Demitry. Observing his innocence, he realized that embarking on this quest could mean losing that forever.

  13. Ever since his SAO debut, and even before, Saito tried to build his information base to give him a tactical edge when it came to advance and leveling. An important part of this was creating connections with information brokers. The tricky part of this was not all of the information brokers were sharing their information. A lot of people who turned to this in the beginning were running scams to get supplies from the new, terrified players that just wanted to know why. Saito watched as these scam artist took beginning equipment from scared users and simply walked away.

    The perception of information brokers soon changed a bit for the better, as myths started being spread and investigations lead them to be true. That's all it took, two correct predictions and all of the brokers in Aincrad started charging Col for anything from directions or leads. Saito has visited all of the ones he could find, so far they are all a stitch from the same greedy cloth. This was not what he was searching for, the information he wanted could only be found by the information brokers who weren't advertising. Those who knew that their information was too valuable to see and could get them into trouble.

    Theon Sebastien, supposedly one of the first beta testers to come forward and reveal multiple locations of the floor bosses. He has a web of recruits running and gathering information all throughout Aincrad. It took Saito over a month to narrow his search down to one floor, between two cities. The search parameters would have been much worse if Theon hadn't turned into an orange player about three weeks ego exiting himself from Delilah Village. There was something that Saito needed to know and he was the only person who could answer his question.

  14. Saito's mind hasn't been calm since this fight started, his tactical prowess hasn't even had an impact this fight as he has been relying on instincts and impulses alone. It was time to slow down and understand what he needed to do to finish this fight. The conclusion was to throw it off with physical attacks using his body and that swiftly striking the wasp down. Saito sheathed he sword and threw a barrage of punches and kicks towards the wasp waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

    Finally a window presented itself, as if completely by instinct, he grabbed his hilt and screamed swinging the sword as fast as he could. It cut through the air, and it's projected course was right through his enemy. The attack was a failure but the wasp was at odds trying to survive, it's time is limited.


    Echo - 18/21

    Saito Jorn - 9/11


    Wind Wasp - 2/10

  15. After attacking Echo the wasp flew full speed towards Siato. This fight was going to end soon, either this attack or next, this would end. Twirling his sword in his right hand he began his pursuit finally gripping the hilt he crossed the sword over his left shoulder preparing a back handed swing. This was an unorthodox maneuver that he hoped would end the fight. The wasp evaded the attack and struggled to survive as it stung Saito.


    Echo - 18/21

    Saito Jorn - 9/11


    Wind Wasp - 2/10

  16. "Tell me about it!" Saito's voice sounded tired and battered. The mob was down to one, one final wasp that needed to be slain and he could put his first mob behind him. It seemed that it was getting easier the longer the fight drew on. The new sword was definitely a vast improvement from his starting sword. Saito tried not to get distracted by the excellent blue embroidery on the hilt of this sword.

    "Let's end this!" Saito's heart was racing as he dodged to the right aligning himself with the last wasp, raising his sword above his head he swung straight down hoping to replicate the first two wasps.


    Echo - 19/21

    Saito Jorn - 10/11


    Wind Wasp - 2/10

  17. A mysterious woman caught his eyes as she wielded her weapon. The leaves settled as he approached the clearing were the woman was standing. Had it not been just the two of them Saito might not have said anything, but now she was looking in his direction.

    At first glance she seemed as if she was a warrior. Even her mere stance, resting the axe on her shoulder, solidified this thought. That's when he realized that this was the first time he witness a user wielding an axe since entering SAO.

    "That was some maneuver." The comment escaped his lips before he had time to think. He was referencing the final blow on the wolf he witnessed before she turned to face him.

  18. The end of the battle was drawing near. Both of the opposing health bars are in the yellow. Saito's exhaustion was present, the attacks on the mob were mentally draining. Saito shifted his wrist, turning his blade 180 degrees. Taking a step forward, he realized he would focus on his technique.

    Honing in on his technique Saito thrust the tip of his blade toward the wasp. The second wasp shattered into oblivion


    Echo - 19/21

    Saito Jorn - 10/11


    Wind Wasp - 4/10

  19. Raising his right finger, Saito brought up his HUD grazing his finger over 'Mending Soul' and equipped it. 'I guess it's time to try this out' Saito had yet to use his new sword this battle. Running forward, the confidence of the first kill propelled him towards the other two wasps.

    "Ahhh!" Saito's battle cry expelled from his chest.

    This sword was lighter than the starting equipment. Making swift contact the wasp was sliced right through its stinger.


    Echo - 19/21

    Saito Jorn - 10/11


    Wind Wasp - 3/10

    Wind Wasp - 7/10

  20. The change in season was more noticeable than before, the once green leaves had lost their bright hue as autumn was among them. Saito could remember the smell of the dead leaves as a boy, mixed with the smell of fresh cut grass and Saito's senses would have rejoiced. Unfortunately for him Aincrad had no need for such a smell.

    The brief trip down memory lane came to an abrupt halt. After a long hard journey he traveled back down to the first floor, a short reprieve from grinding the fifth floor. His shirt displayed signs of being a battle hardened player. His black hair padded his eyes add he walked. In what felt like days, Saito grew from a weakling to a decent swordsman. What he lacked in now was contacts. His old information broker got out if the business and all who was left was Demitry Matters, an old friend he found here in Aincrad, but they couldn't be attached at the hip forever.

    He decided to follow his feet wherever they went, leading him to whatever opportunities were waiting for him.

  21. Rising to his feet Saito glared at Demitry until he turned his back to him. " Remember all the nice things i said back there...I take them back." Saito maintained a steady pace until he found the woman sitting in an ally holding her robe. He approached and knelt down hoping not to startle her.

    " I have retrieved your cargo from the desert, I now understand why you had to ask for others to go in your place." Saito spoke softly to the woman. Her hood rose up as she spoke.

    "The poison you appeared to have suffered is what I have. After burying my most important belongings in hiding I could not reach them. A giant scorpion roamed the necessary path I needed to take to get there. I tried fighting and evading it over and over to no avail. If you are poisoned three times in a row your health turns the color of mine even when it's full. It starts by not allowing you to heal all the way. At first you don't really miss the 1 HP but the deficit begins to grow, the blurry vision is less subtle but becomes a permanent resident in your mind."

    Her hand reached down and grabbed the blue vial to the right.

    "This is a cure to any sickness. A perfect drop off of a event boss that does not re-spawn. It was my only hope, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the risk, but I was afraid for my life."

    Saito gifted the Cargo to the mysterious woman and she held our a teleportation crystal in her left hand. As soon as it was squeezed she was gone.

    Saito was unaware of how he felt with how this quest resolved, but was relieved it was over. The reward of finding Demitry was well worth the fight. Saito brought up his HUD, hovered over Demitry Matters and clicked ADD FRIEND.

  22. Saito was finally feeling somewhat normal after having his senses impaired my the giant Scorpion. The area's mini-boss was quite a struggle, but this duo could get through anything. Finally Saito found a dune formation that the cloaked woman had discussed. Slowing his walk almost to a complete stop Satio's foot made contact with a hollow surface below. THUD as he stepped back he brought up his HUD and took out the shovel that was gifted to him by the woman in grey.

    "The sand must have dug it up for us." Saito was mildly relieved at finding this discovery so easily, that made him wonder, was this the cargo he was looking for. Crouching down Saito grabbed onto the chest and pulled it from the sand. Placing it down Saito looked up to Demitry. "Risking my life for a stranger, you better know that I am opening this crate to see what I could have died for. I don't care if it's money, a cure etc... I need to know why this is important and buried in the desert. "

    Unlatching the lock Saito peeled back the metal clasps and opened the chest up. The sun reflected off of three vials and all the Col that was beneath them. It doesn't matter if these are the cure, or she is using the currency to pay for it, at least it was something worth while.

    Placing the shovel back in his inventory, he placed the cargo into his inventory.

    "If you think we are carrying this all the way back. you have been in Aincrad here too long." Saito smirked as he turned to head back to the village.

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