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Posts posted by Mortifer

  1. «Mortifer» The Death Dancer


    » Username: Mortifer

    » Real name: Ichiro Mataki

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5' 10"

    » About:

    Ichiro Mataki is the only child his parents ever had because his mother was in a car crash shortly after his birth that dealt irreversible damage to her uterus. As a result of this and his father's very successful computer business, Ichiro was heavily doted upon as a child. He always received whatever he wanted, though Ichiro did not ask for much. He was content with only their love; he didn't need anything else. That's why his world was completely shattered when a man wearing a dark suit and a solemn face came home instead of his parents when he was ten.

    Devastated as he was, his tears were quickly replaced by the bitter taste of being cheated. His chance of having a sibling was destroyed by an accident, and yet another claimed his parents' lives. Since death cheated him, Ichiro wanted to cheat death. He sneaked out of his orphanage one night and stood on the rail of a bridge, for surely death would hate it if he survived such a dangerous fall into the river. Just before he jumped, a boy the same age as him stopped Ichiro, and even when he explained his goal, the boy didn't back down. He told him that he could cheat death even more by living countless different lives in video games, and Ichiro accepted this idea.

    The boy's name was Yuzuru Kurugi, and the two of them became great friends over the years. In fact, the Kurugi family eventually adopted Ichiro, after some debating. Eight years later, when Sword Art Online came out, Ichiro and Yuzuru were among the first to obtain it because they had camped outside the store a few days beforehand. However, they only had the money for one of the games between them, so Yuzuru told Ichiro that he wanted him to have it, for he was far more excited about it than himself. After some protesting, Ichiro bought the game for himself. When he got home and logged in, he chose the username "Mortifer" because mort is Latin for death, making the name mean "Death Ifer." It was the username Ichiro had used for years, suggested to him by Yuzuru to reflect how they first met. Little did he know that his name's integrity was about to be put to the test...

    » Virtues:

    Bold. Mortifer has no fear of death; as stated above, he sees death as a physical entity and strives to thwart it. If he was cornered in an alleyway by knife-wielding hoodlums trying to steal his wallet. he would just pick up a broken bottle from the ground and prepare to defend himself.

    Easygoing. Mortifer is hard to anger; the only way to wipe his devil-may-care grin of his face is to insult his loved ones. You can punch him in the face and all he'll say is "Good swing, batter." But if you so much as insult his parents or adopted family, and he'll throw himself at the offender.

    Patient. Mortifer knows that timing is critical; sometimes you just have to wait for the opportune moment. Is someone with a bad temper owed him money, he would not just come out of the blue and ask for it. He would wait until the bad tempered one was in an especially good mood before engaging in a conversation. Some point in the conversation, he would casually remind him of the debt.

    » Flaws:

    Reckless. The downside to his boldness, Mortifer sometimes goes into dangerous situations without a second thought. This stems from him wanting to cheat death, and an example of his recklessness would be going through downtown Tokyo just because it's a faster route than going through safer regions of the city.

    Curious. Mortifer tends to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, mainly because he likes to know things. If he knows a secret is being kept from him, it will drive him nuts, like a burning itch that he just can't scratch. He'll try to preoccupy his mind with other tasks, but he'll eventually go back to trying to figure out what the secret is.

    Spiteful. Despite his likeable personality and all he's been through, deep inside Mortifer's heart he is still doing everything to spite death for taking his family away. He made sure to eat healthy food in the real world not so that he remains healthy, but so that he may make death wait longer to claim him, for example.









    Weapon skills :






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