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Susan Stark

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Posts posted by Susan Stark

  1. I make a little smile, hearing Mayonaka's words, and reply with < 'Kay. I can do this. I can do it. > while slowly backing, as the boar looks at me with a threatening stare. I inhale deeply, and cast my >> BATTLE HEALING <<, having my health going up of 1 HP. I look again to Mayonaka, as if looking at her makes me more confident.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 11/11

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 2/3

  2. I gently smile, and shake my head < No, I disagree. Maybe she doesn't think of you as important, but it's difficult to forget. Most of all, is difficult to forget about people that cherish you so much, as you do for her > I keep my smile, looking at you from up above, since my unusual height. But I'm not looking down on you, not in the proper sense of the term < If she brings you joy, you're bound to find her, Echo. >

  3. I inhale deeply, giving an unsure look to Mayonaka. All my weaknesses due to being a low level character, not used to combat, are clear as the day. I step back, but the boar decides to attack before I can ready my rapier. It pushes me down on the ground, with my dress dertied from the grass. I pant, a little in pain, and unsteadily get back on my feet, raising my Rapier and saying < I'll bring you down, Boar! > with a totally serious look, as if this is some kind of boss.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 2/3

  4. I nod, thoughtfully, at his words < How comes she wouldn't remember you? > I ask, a bit perplexed < I mean... She's from SAO, or from... Outside? > I smile, gently, when I talk about the real world < She shouldn't have forgotten you if she were from SAO... It's been not so long since we got trapped here... Right? > I smile, trying to look cheerful

  5. I yell, and get ready to attack, when she gets back. As if she calls a Switch, I dash to attack the Boar, but my rapier gets deflected. Quickly I jump back, saying < Damn! Take it, Mayonaka! If I continue like this, we'll stay here all night! > clearly frustrated with myself

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 2/3

  6. < Yes, yes! I'm ready! > I say, seeing how she kills her boar. I get up on the branch, a bit unsteady, and as I move over to look down... I immediately lose my balance, falling down, with a solid *THUD*. < Aw... For the gods...> I mutter, sighing, trying to roll away, and get back up, ready for combat.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3


    [+15 col] Susan

    [+15 col] Mayonaka

    [+15 col] Mayonaka

  7. I quickly nod, and follow you... But I am forced to a stop, as she starts climbing < I... Ehr, I never climbed a tree... > I blush, unease < I hadn't had free youth, since I've always went to Gakushin, and... Well, there or you behave, or you're out > I say, clearly disliking it. I sigh, and, for once, I get use of my tall height: I jump and grab a solid branch, pulling myself up with the sheer strenght of my arms. Or, better, with the sheer strenght of my avatar's arms. Once I'm up I pant slightly, and smile < At least being tall becomes useful, at times, right? >

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3


    [+15 col] Susan

    [+15 col] Mayonaka

  8. < Mayonaka! > I scream, and I get distracted seeing her hit... So much that the boar I missed before decides that it's time for payback. It bites me in the left leg, and I quickly retreat, as I see my healthbar go down. It's just a HP, but... It's a lot, for a low level like me. I don't want to die, for sure. < Let's catch our breath and attack them together! > I say, loudly, pointing the boars with my rapiers. My movements are kinda... pompous. My stance, too. It's fault of Gakushin's High School. But Mayonaka can't know that yet.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 1


    [+15 col] Susan

    [+15 col] Mayonaka

  9. < Yep, only a level four! > I grin, getting a little cocky, as I dash again forward, pointing the first boar hit by the girl... But failing horribly, as I trip on it. I quickly try to roll away, panting, saying < For the Gods... That was close > at a low tone of voice, now with my face reddened, embarassed by my poor attack.

    Mayonaka 21/21

    Susan Stark 11/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 1


    [+15 col] Susan

    [+15 col] Mayonaka

  10. I stood a few steps back, nodding at her words < Yep. These mobs won't see us coming > I smile, confidently, ready to roll. I quicky unsheate my rapier, putting myself in a combat stance, as she firstly attack the boar. At her yell I immediately dash forward, trying to stab the boar. But another boar, not knowing well what is >> Switch <<. Still, I grin seeing the boar immediately shatter, and I shout < Critical hit! Yes! > wth a grin, excited, feeling the rush of the adrenaline.

    Mayonaka 21/21

    Susan Stark 11/11

    Boar 1/3 [Mayonaka]

    Boar DEAD [susan]

    Boar 3/3

    Boar 3/3


    +15 col [susan]

    [OOC- Not sure if the first boar died or not :P I attacked another one for being sure xD ]

  11. I start to walk towards the exit arch that leads to the green fields in the outskirts of the city, saying, a little uneasy < I... I know. But fighting between us... Even if it is a safe zone duel, kinda scares me. It's not that I don't trust you! > I say, quickly, not wanting to be wrong understanded < But... We all are in this world together. We should never fight between us... Even if it is for a safe zone duel, that is... > i say, blushing. In a short period of time, as I talked, we got far enough to start see some mobs, lit under the moon.


  12. < Yeah... > I smile, sighing, letting the topic die.< Right, enough! > I laugh, gently < Well, we could do it... But I'm not much of an opponent. I'm just a level four, and... I've got the basic gear, still. If you want we could go outside and kill some mobs, it'd be more entertaining than a one sided match > I say, with a small laugh

  13. < I will try to make a Perfect Item for you then! > I smile, with a low chuckle < Well... I've been a solo too, right now. I didn't have a reason to get into a guild, but... Now I feel I should. I'd be happy to join you. > I smile, again, and look at the sky. I wait a sheer moment, and muttered, lowly < It's been such a long time, since I last saw the sky, the real sky... I really want to exit this game. But... At the same time, part of me doesn't want to. In here everything is so... Amazing, right? We can fight, we can create things... It's incredible how sad and brilliant it is, at the same time, right? >

  14. The young girl walked around the shop of the blacksmith, uncertain, not sure if she wanted to enter or not. She didn't have much Cols, yet, but she felt she needed a stronger Rapier. Hers was the starting one, surely not a strong one.

    She sighed, and pushed the door, looking for the smithy, as she said, gently < Hello... May I? > with a gentle smile, as she studied the man. She was quite tall, standing 6'1", and she had a beautiful body. Sadly, the starting armor didn't help in enhancing it in any way.

    < I wanted to ask you about prices... for crafting a Rapier, for me > she smiled, at the man.

  15. < Yes! > said Susan, with another bow < I will, Keiko-sensei. Thank you! > she smiled, again, happy.

    < Now, go rest > said the older woman < Tomorrow will be the day you set off to the world >.

    Susan smiled, and hugged the woman tightly, surprising her. She chuckled and hugged her back, letting her go, when she quickly exited the shop. Once alone, Keiko sighed, and muttered < Don't get killed... >

  16. < No, no > shook her head, Keiko < You don't have to bow to me, Susan. You have to stand up proud, and make your way up to the upper floors. > she looked at her, with a smile < You are like a daughter to me. I wish for you to win this game... An old woman like me should stay here, and outfit the adventurers. But you... You shouldn't become a crafter like me. You should craft your own equipment, and use it to become stronger! >

  17. Keiko took the dress and looked at it. She hit the preview button and looked at her with the dress putted on, and smiled < It feels great. You did it, Susan. You see? It's just a matter of decision. You just have to try, and try, and try. > she nodded, with a smile.

    Susan smiled and said < Thanks, Sensei! > and stood up, making a deep bow < I owe you a debt. > she said, quite cerimoniously.

  18. This time, finally, Susan succeded.

    The cloth in her hands transformed in a simple, pink dress. It didn't look like an armor, but more like a casual dress. She smiled, proud, saying < Look, Sensei! > handing her the newly crafted item < Feel it, it's so... Silky! >.

    She was mesmerized from how it felt having something made from her own hands.

  19. < Goddamnit! > she ranted, angry, with totally no patience in what she was doing. Keiko chuckled and caressed her hair to relax her < I know it's hard, the first times. But remember: keep trying. Keep trying, and you'll eventually succed. >

    Susan sighed and raised her head to watch her, muttering < Yes Sensei... > and once again grabbed a piece of cloth, ready to try, once again.

  20. Keiko once again crafted a dress, and gave Susan the needle. Without a word, Susan grabbed some cloth, and selected from the HUD a template of what she was trying to craft. A simple dress, with no particular stats. She initiated the movements, quickly, since these were computer-made movements, but once again she failed. The needle broke.

  21. Susan nodded, quite serious, as she looked again at Keiko. The woman was once again sewing a cloth with her needle, watching the crafting HUD roll, as she said < It's important that you keep trying, Susan... This is the only way you can level up your crafting profession > she said, smiling < And... Remember, you are good at drawing sketches of dresses. This is the right profession for you, I look forward to wear something crafted from you >

  22. I gently smile, nodding and saying < I'll text you for sure! I'm a Tailor, so... I don't know if it's the kind of armor you can use >.

    I gently blush, then, and widen my eyes hearing the guild you're part of < The-- The knights of blood? THESE Knights of Blood? Wow! > i bit my lower lip < It's amazing. I'd pay to have a chanche to enter that guild... I want to go to the front lines. To help. To get out of this damned game... >

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