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Posts posted by Cabby

  1. -giggles skipping circles around Lucian before turning to the boar and drawing my dagger back sprinting towards the boar, she gets closer and leaps towards the boar yelling like a mad woman- "MY BACON!" - as she leaps she lands directly on the boars back stradling it and stabs it right in the back of the neck. Looks at Lucian- "Looky what I did." -she would giggle as she stands there fiddling with her skirt-

  2. -Shaking my head, i look up and snap back- "Sorry Lucian, I don't know what came over me." -sprinting towards the first boar, swinging like a mad woman- "I will huff and puff and stab your skull in." -laughing devilishly she lunges towards the boar aiming to strike it in the side. Only missing by inches.- " Guess this piggies house is made of bricks." -she would say sighing-

  3. -grinning devilishly at the fact he missed- "Aw, poor Lucian what's wrong cant hit the broad side of a barn today?" -plant my foot behind me and shoves off a trail of dust flowing behind me as i sprint towards the boar and lunges at it screaming- " this little piggy should of stayed home!" -as she lunges she see's a shiny object and stops to look at it forgetting about the boar-"Shiny!!!" -she squeals-

    Lucian 11/11

    Lily 5/5

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3

    Boar 3/3

  4. -Looks up and see's the boar running at him and runs to his side and pulling my Dagger from my boot ready for battle- "let's do this!" -sprints towards one of the boar aiming to stab it- "Come and get it you lil runt! -she screams as she swings for the boar-

    dmg 1+skill =2 dmg

    Lucian 11/11

    Lily 5/5

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 3/3

    Boar 3/3

  5. Name» Subtitle.


    » Username:Cabby

    » Real Name: Lily

    » Age: 18

    » Gender:Female

    » Height:5'2"

    » About: History/personality

    Lily, was from a broken home. Her mother was a drunk and her father was abusive. Day in and day out she would deal with physical and mental abuse. Which, lead her to runaway, to free her self from that hell hole. One day while looking for a way to eat she stumbled across a wealthy Family that couldn't help but want to help her. So they took her in and the family that took her in just so happened to be the head of a major gaming firm. Which sold the game Sword Art Online. Being a game lover she wanted to try for herself to escape the everyday hustle of the streets and home life.

    » Virtues:


    She cares for all, no matter their background. They could be a murder, or thief. She would still care and love them either way. When she was taken in by her new Family they showed her how to love and cherish the things she had. They taught her even though you had money its not happiness and they always spent it on others not themselves. they helped her even when they didn't know her and loved her like she was their own. Lily kept this to heart even in a Death game like SAO. But don't bring it up to Cabby.


    She, has always being full of energy no matter the day. She could be having the worst day of her life. Still managing to be happy and glowing. some would say that her hyperness is her downfall but in truth it keeps her active her mind moving and as the years go on this hyperness will change in to a high sense of Alertness and allow her to notice things quicker then most due to her mind always thinking. it always good to have some way to relive stress and the hyperness leads to great ideas of how to.


    From living on the streets most of her life. She learned the rules of the street. Being street wise gave her an upper hand in SAO allowing her to blend in to crowed and even Gain information around town. She was a a street rat even in this world but unlike the others she knew how to play the game and played it very well. life in Sao was hard but she knew the streets and how to play peoples hearts

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html


    Being Bi-polar was never a gift for her she could never keep herself emotionally controlled. but when she came to SAO the Bi-polar took a whole new turn her emotions came under control at the cost of gaining a new persona.thus Cabby was born.Lily was the sweet innocent little Girl that everyone loved yet Cabby was the wolf in sheep's clothing waiting for its next bite.


    Pain of others makes her laugh. So does the pain inflicted on her. Creating a all around psychotic teen. Her anger Leads to these tendencies. Causing mayhem and chaos. She is the one that when shes in a fight she seems to get to happy about the Bloodshed on both sides leading it to be harder for her to find friends and parties.Lily is a blood thirsty monster under that innocent girl appeal.

    Soft-hearted: .

    She cares for others and animals all the same. She may not like it but if fending for her life she will harm others. though she doesn't want to for she loves all life. this means even those monsters that wouldnt think twice she would feel bad and try to help them. yet when her darkerside is out this is more of a ploy to pull those shes after close. when they said sweet as suger they forgot the part about rotten to the core.









    Weapon skills :One Handed Dagger 3



    Weapons/Tools: 15Bread, 10water, Cloth Jacket, One Handed Dagger



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    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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