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Posts posted by RyouheiTakeshi

  1. Ryouhei jogged over to where this new player was standing and lent a hand to help him up, not really even noticing the player's interesting hair and eye color combination.

    Hey, we didn't mean to startle you. And I really didn't think you were eavesdropping. Need a hand?

  2. Ryouhei was taking a short stroll outside the starting city to take his mind off of the long road ahead of him. As he put his hands in his pockets and proceeded to wander about, he noticed a player out by himself, almost as if he was looking for someone, or something. Ryouhei approached him and said,

    Hey there, need a hand with something?

  3. Ryouhei stepped into Horunka and was immediately approached by <> himself. He cried out,

    It's you! You're the brave adventurer who helped defeat the <> How could we ever repay you, hero?

    It didn't take Ryouhei long to think of a response.

    I want you to teach me <> Is that at all possible?

    That's it? Well, I don't see why not!

    A light then engulfed Ryouhei and he saw a message box pop up.

    CONGRATULATIONS! Quest clear! You are now a Chef!

    Ryouhei smirked and rubbed his forehead with his right hand.

    Nothing's complete yet... We're just getting started here.

  4. RESULT: <>

    This time, the victory yielded even more new equipment for Ryouhei. He navigated to his <> tab and put on his new armor. The armor was a very long black coat made of cracked leather covered by what appeared to be a light metal breastplate to help protect Ryo. He noticed that his HP had also increased by a single point from this new armor. As players split up and went their separate ways, Ryouhei remembered what he came here for. He needed to find <> and get some <> skills so that he could begin making food. He sheathed his sword, took another look at his new armor and headed for the town.

  5. With a final shout to the heavens, Ryouhei brought his sword down into the Dire Wolf Alpha for a huge critical hit, one to finally finish it off. Ryo dropped his sword to the ground as the wolf began to dissipate into blue pixels in the sky. He fell to his knees and placed both of his hands on the ground. As players around him began to celebrate, he had to come to terms with the fact that he was somehow still alive. He looked over at <> and back down to the ground in front of him. After a moment of silence, he stood up and looked at the players marveling around him. He held up one hand and gave a thumbs-up to signal he was okay. Now... Would he get any sort of loot from this fight, or would Col be enough?

  6. The wolf was getting too anxious, allowing Ryouhei to easily predict the wolf's movements. Was he actually going to win...? Was this possible? Once the others had distracted it, Ryouhei prepared his "ultimate technique." He slowly gripped the hilt of <> and braced himself to try and finish off the wolf. His sword began to glow its bright orange tint as he shouted,

    Shatter! Taste my justice! Divine... VERDICT!

    and attemtped to finish the battle.

    Ryouhei: 3/13 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 4/20 HP

  7. Just barely grazing by him, Ryouhei had to pinch himself to make sure he was still alive. Thanks to the grace of his new blade's powers, he was able to scrape by the wolf's attack. With a newfound strength and confidence, he decided that if he was going to die, he'd go out swinging.

    Ryouhei: 1/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 7/20 HP

  8. Ryouhei was in trouble now. Unable to dodge another attack, his HP dropped to 1. Was this really it...? To an overgrown dog, he would lose the game...? No. He couldn't give up here. He was so close to leveling up, so he decided to keep fighting. He went for another guillotine slice, hoping to be able to avoid another attack.

    Ryouhei: 1/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 9/20 HP

  9. Ryouhei was not having the best of luck with dodging this wolf's attacks. He was foolish to try and fight it one-on-one, but he didn't want any other players to get seriously injured. Mustering what strength he had left, Ryouhei continued his assault on the wolf after it began focusing on other players.

    Ryouhei: 3/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 11/20 HP

  10. His efforts failed, and he left himself open for another attack from the wolf. About this time, other players began to run in to try and help Ryouhei, seeing that he was getting beaten in combat. The other players began attacking the wolf, and one called for a <> with Ryouhei so that he could stop taking so much damage.

    Ryouhei: 5/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 13/20 HP

  11. Once again, Ryo suffered a big hit. Now he was starting to feel the pain of all the attacks he was taking. He decided it was time to get serious. He still had a lot of damage to deal to this thing, and he wasn't doing so well on his own HP. He got angry and began another rapid string of stabs to try and land some kind of hit on the wolf.

    Ryouhei: 5/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 13/20 HP

  12. Unfortunately, Ryouhei was unable to avoid injury with the last attack. He took another blow, but he stayed pretty stable. He decided to go for another one of his signature guillotine slices that he discovered in the last fight, putting every ounce of strength in his body behind his blade.

    Ryouhei: 7/11 HP

    Dire Wolf Alpha: 16/20 HP

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